Astrologers Haunani is a mother daughter team, the second and third generations of a family of astrologers starting with Granny Else. The family has practiced traditional astrology helping clients and writing daily horoscopes. Furthering their dedication to their purpose, they created a truly unique astrological read. Many hours of historical research and study led to the creation of Signs Of Passion. One can only describe this read as totally out of this world, an adventure of the ages. Astrologers Haunani simply desire to continue being true alchemists in the laboratory of human nature, and are overwhelmed by the amazing support of our readers. Happy adventurous reading!
About Signs of Passion:
Get ready for exciting adventures about you and your love interests! These stories may be read in order or as the spirit moves you. However, within is an unique set of “experiences” to help you comprehend what is on offer in love, what you seek for fulfillment and how to get it.
Astrology can appear to be lists of seemingly unconnected attributes applied to each zodiacal sign. This book contains amazing adventures, illuminating the reader with a new way to view love. This compilation can impress with the essence each sign holds, much like a picture being worth 1000 words.
Regardless of our physical body type or sexual orientation, we all have a masculine and feminine side. Mars represents your masculine, aggressive approach and Venus your magnetic alluring feminine energy. Signs of Passion provides a deep understanding of how these two planets work for you. You will be well on your way to knowing what you need in a relationship and how various personalities will or will not work for you.
Most astrological reads are structured around one’s Sun Sign. This book provides its readers with a deeper understanding of ones romantic personality like never before through planets Mars and Venous. Understand these two planets and how they work for you within the structure of your sun sign personality “shell”.
For example: someone with Mars in Virgo and Venus in Cancer is a very different package from Mars in Capricorn and Venus in Leo, even if they both have the same Sun sign.
Love manifests in so many glorious and wonderful ways. However, remember what you think you see may not always be the case. Happy adventurous reading,
About our Service:
Astrologers Haunani has practiced traditional astrology helping clients and writing daily horoscopes. However, requests became overwhelming regarding relationship inquiries. Traditional astrological methods could not keep up and failed, in our eyes, to provide the in-depth information we fell clients want and deserve. We, therefore, spent years on the daunting task of writing our own original astrological aspect database directed exclusively toward relationships. Our unique approach pinpoints areas of challenge, teamwork, opportunity, communications and the spiritual path the couple’s combined higher energy is meant to work toward. Our innovative system presents the relationship’s potential in a way that is enlightening and empowering, leading through self-growth to higher self-worth.
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