's award winning Midlife Dating coach to single women and men after 40 and over 50. Online Dating Coach and Dating Expert, April Braswell, as seen in Dating for Dummies, 3rd Edition, has been sought after and advising men and women about dating and relationships since 2002 after walking alongside her late husband through his battle with cancer. Having lived out marital commitment and inspiring singles and couples alike with their intimacy and courage, she knew her calling once widowed was to foster truly intimate relationships and encourage and strengthen marriages.
April is noted for her warmth, her compassion, and great sense of audacity and humor. She brings that to her coaching and products. Indeed, she believes there is someone for each of us and as a dating coach helps clients to dramatically increase the number of high quality dates and move to a satisfying, fulfilling, and committed life partner relationship expressed in marriage.
Men feel her understanding and appreciation of them as men. Women feel she is like a close girl friend, caring about them, building up their self-esteem and helping them to attract and create the wonderful romantic relationship they desire.
April is a graduate of the largest all-women's college, Smith College, for whom she has served as the San Francisco College Club's President, bringing many of its activities and alumnae networking to Social Media like LinkedIn, Facebook, Plaxo, Yahoo! Groups, and Evite. Additionally, she is active with the Web 2.0/Social Networking community in Silicon Valley. She has trained with internationally best-selling author and world-knowned Body Language expert, Kevin Hogan, Emeritus Professor of Psychology, University of Arkansas and author, Dr. Eric Knowles, Cognative Behavioral Therapist, Maxy Maulsby and best-selling Persuasion author, Dave Lakhani. Additionally, she has studied with gurus Mark Victor Hanson, Joel Bauer, and The Obvious Expert - Elsom Eldridge, Jr. Having been widowed at a young age, April sought out the best grief and bereavement modality available, vetted many herself personally, and became certified in The Grief Recovery approach by the internationally renowned,Grief Recovery Institute. Embracing an attitude of Life-Long Learning, she continues to stay current in essential matters to love, intimacy, sexuality, dating, relationships and communication including uniquely incorporating the latest scientific research to benefit her clients with ever-fresh material including being a Certified Hypnotist.
In response to the tremendous request for her to conduct more workshops and seminars, she shares her time between Las Vegas, NV, and Orange County, CA, so more people could benefit from her life's passion and work - to enable men and women to attract their soul mate and live out long lasting intimacy.