Andre Zizi is Neuro-Philosopher, qualified teacher, and a writer.
An independent neuroscience/ neuropsychology of achievement researcher, a mentor counsellor with Neuro-Linguistic-Programming Diploma and certified personal performance coach.
Director and founder of ZiziWorld High Performance coaching
ZiziWorld MindGym is a dream place giving mankind access to social power. On-line, and, offline in every corner of the UK
We foster Dreams, innovation, and Empowerment
What we sell is The Experience of Quantum Mind Power, a new Model of Life-style educational socialisation.
Our vision is to empower people to overcome barriers to optimum health, lasting happiness, and achievable financial goals. We want to be the #1 MindGym training providers in every corner of the UK
The purpose of this new MindGym technology is to empower the collective consciousness to co-create a new world order toward evolution and practical creation for the world. It all starts in the mind.
ZiziWorld MindGym delivers not only MindGym training, but also, brain food remedial raw vegetable sandwiches, and remedial nutritive drinks. We passionately know that we can create the state of the art leading edge of brain mind technology for inspiration, stimulation, and elevation
ZiziWorld MindGym is focal place for social and business network opening its doors to mankind to meet like minded souls who are passionate about new world order lifestyle that is holistic, spiritual in nature, and highly productive that foster innovation, creativity and empowerment.
ZiziWorld product and services, such as guided coaching, mentoring, and Do-It-Yourself MindGym web based technology creates passion, solidify belief in the infinite possibilities of success, and drive them to take action, excel and get results.
ZiziWorld informs, educates, and empowers kids, young adults, and middle age and senior members of the community.
Investment Opportunity
Neuro Visual & Linguistic Syntax Encoding, (N.V.LS.E) is the culmination of the latest success coaching system, entitled The Rapid Dream Goal Achievement System combined with audio CDs for high impact cognitive encoding. N.V.L.S.E is the leading edge of brainpower technology combined also with RX17 Holophonic sounds.
Similar program but not advance as this one, generated £250 Million Dollars from the Wall street Investors back in the 1990’s. The N.V.L.S.E is an advance system that sites at the forefront of modern science.
N.V.L.S.E goes beyond visualization of the esoteric teaching.
It is about mental preparation,
Oxygenation development
Getting the brain into EEG coherence,
Activation of the sub modalities (five senses)
subconscious programming
Physiological state,
Clarity of vision
Linguistic Syntax relevance,
Ignite burning desire
Solidify belief systems
Focussed attention
Vividness, and
ZiziWorld MindGym attracts millions of people who are ready to
ZiziWorld MindGym attract the world leading scientists, technologists, cognitive therapist including the best success and motivational speakers in the world to make the vision into reality.
The audios system on the screen of each PC, and the mini IMAX cinema, and CDs, must all be embedded with sound engineering systems by Hollywood Music & Hollywood Sound effect for high impact inspiration, and empowerment.
We are vision-in-action by focusing on health and wellness, and MindGym fitness to heal mankind from poisonous mental and emotional intoxication
We passionately believe in the psychology of win-win relationships with our suppliers and clients.
We burn with desires; we believe faithfully that by opening the doorway of lights to mankind, we expand our consciousness to the infinite possibilities of our innate self-creation; the power to advance our evolution by mind power education, in the Self-Help Empowerment Industry.
We are coming our of the elements, we are the leading edge of MindGym technology
To Learn more about this investment opportunities and how to make profit from Self-Help Industry of 64 billion dollars , you can call us on 00 44 (0) 7999 579 135
"if one's life is worth living, it is worth recording"
Socrates says " The unexamined life is not worth living"
How about 'the unplanned life is not worth examining' Aristotle
Imagine for a moment, what it feels like, if you decided last year, or five years ago to use the instrument N.V.L.S.E The only Three power Tools of The Over Achiever Model. Everything you dreamt about, that honors degree. ... That business idea you gave up. . . . That project you loved. . . . The partner you could have attract with the intention of the instrument N.V.L.S.E . . . abundance of wealth. . . that sexy physique. . . . that Optimum health . . . . that recovering process from illness. . . . or the things you could have done to help loved ones to recover from pain and sorrow . . thus allowing them the gift to live a gratifying and blessed life.
Well, the good news is... today with latest science revelation, an instrument is re-discovered, N.V.L.S.E is at your finger tips now to start new success software mind programming to achieve your dream goals.N.V.LS.E isThe Rapid Dream Goal Achievement System
This is not going to be one of those success programs with 500 pages, 20 CDs, a manual text book, and or spending grueling years in exhaustive therapy, or going from one counselor to another, spending quarter of one's life on a therapy to work out how to overcome whatever obstacles perceived.
Whatever you may have heard in those success seminars, making changes in life to be your full potential doesn't have to be a strenuous process and hugely expensive to activate the giant genius within you.
With N.V.L.S.E, which stand for Neuro-Visual-Linguistic Syntax Encoding. This program is still in its develpment process, and will hopefully be published and converted into farious format. ebooks, booklets, audio CDs, Podcasts, and syllabus.
If you have any interest in our products as an onvestor or partner, you are most than welcome to join us on
Thank You