Without apology, Spiritual Ass Kicker Amy Scott Grant will call you on your stuff. Her dedication to her own pursuit of freedom from self-imposed limits carries her commitment to helping anyone else who wants the same. Amy’s raw boldness, unbridled enthusiasm, wicked sense of humor, kick-ass style and huge heart make her an amazingly effective facilitator of transformation.
You can find Amy’s writings all over the internet, as well as in a number of printed bestseller books, including Zero Limits by Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Ihaleakela Hew Len, Inspired Marketing by Dr. Joe Vitale and Craig Perrine, and Chicken Soup for the Soul: Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction.
"Get inspired or get out of the way."
"This is Personal Development with Attitude"
"Get clear. Get results."
After watching my videos either on my YouTube Channel or at SpiritualAssKicker.com, if you wish to connect please feel free to email me directly at amy [at] newsuccess [dot] org or call me at 303.736.9269