Spiritual Growth author motivated from a spiritual awakening.
Active member at an Eastern Orthodox House Of Hospitality, Cleveland, Ohio, working with seminarians and learning.
Blogs have been published at Ezine Articles and at www.ohiocitypower.net and the website is listed on the Technorati directory. Also authored the standard procedures for an Orthodox Monastery.
Please visit my website about finding more meaning in life at http://www.addmeaningtolife.com and add any comments.
As Wayne Dyer said."When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
Spiritual Growth, as put by Wayne Dyer:
When you change the way you look at things the things you look at change.
As humans we go through the motions of daily life for survival. However, deep down part of us wonders if there is more to our existence. These thoughts don't slways come out, even though they are in the backs of our minds. When we try to add meaning to our lives it can inspire us and motivate us to be more than we thought we could be and see the world from a unique perspective.