My name is Alan and I hope I can help you to be as happy and grateful as I have become. I wasn’t always this way as I spent many years being depressed and miserable. I believe that most anyone can be happy, if they have the desire and willingness necessary to change. I have wished that I could share my experiences with others, so that they may find the same type of peace, happiness and contentment that I have attained. Hence…
I am not a doctor or mental health professional. My views and insights are a result of almost twenty years of intensive spiritual, religious and psychological training and practice. Becoming happy is not necessarily an overnight matter, so be diligent and patient. Some will experience results more quickly than others. I personally experienced a gradual progression towards happiness. This may take some time so stick with it! You may be the last to notice how much you’ve changed. Don’t quit before the miracle happens.
I wish you peace and happiness.
I cannot take credit for the following quote but I heard it said many years ago and find it extremely helpful.
• "If you want to feel good, don't do things that make you feel bad"
I think these are mine :-)
• If you want to change, you have to change.
• I have come to learn that peace and happiness come from accepting life the way it is.
I believe that peace and happiness are achieved through certain spiritual and psychological principles and that these principles must be practiced in our lives. Please do not mistake spirituality for religion although they can be related.
We cannot expect to read one book or attend one seminar and expect our lives to change much. We need to practice such principles regularly in order to maintain our spiritual and psychological conditions. From my personal experience and from witnessing many others transform their lives, the rewards are more than worth the effort.
My weblog,, contains articles written by me that express the principles in which I believe and have practiced with proven success.
Please feel free to contact me through my website located at
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