Claudia Compagnucci has been an English teacher in bilingual schools of Buenos Aires, Argentina.Her interest in education led her to become a Licentiate in Management of Education commiting to help others to learn in a comfortable way, teaching her students to reach that inner part that enhances your understanding.Today she gives courses to adults based on discovering their own strength to transform their lives focusing on the messages brought by coincidences and how to recognize them. She is the author of the novel "Northern Hemisphere,Southern Hemisphere-The Mind Strength of Attraction- The Power of Love". A true love story that unites two lovers on both sides of the world, one in Sweden and one in Argentina.
"Listen with the heart to be able to talk with the soul" Claudia Compagnucci
We may sometimes find ourselves saying “What a coincidence!” when a friend calls us and we have just been thinking of him. Another possibility would be to meet by chance someone you haven´t seen for a log time when you did not expect it to happen. These are ways in which we connect to people and where we do not generally pay attention to the real meaning underlying the situation.
It is true that you can meet someone unexpectedly and there might be nothing relevant in the event. But, what I would like you to become aware of is that many coincidences can be called meaningful ones. And, when I say “meaningful”, far from being redundant I mean that “the situation in itself carries a special meaning, holds a particular message meant for us”. The question is: “How would I realize when there is a message meant for me?” Becoming aware of this kind of communication implies being open to learn something new and, letting a new idea get into our mind is, in some cases, hard to accept. Every change implies a process of adapting ourselves to the new situation.
The first thing to do would be to try to understand that when we are on our way to reach something and when our intention holds a benefit towards many people, the whole universe works for us and our objective to be reached. Can this be true? Is it possible that certain things are meant to be and we are able to find our road in a clearer and more open way with the guidance of coincidences? Let me tell you that it is. It certainly is possible. And it happens to all of us. It is only that we must know to recognize them to use them to grow not only in a physical but in a spiritual way as well. This kind of manifestation also tends to appear to us in the form of written messages that can be seen in a magazine, a board, a book or even a sign on a road. Some are subtle and others are quite shocking.
Nothing is impossible if you really want it Life keeps on showing us ways that sometimes surprise us in unexpected moments. And coincidences play a main role in learning to recognize them as well as to use them as signs to improve. Events acquire shape, they materialize into facts and the energy we are and we expand transforms that path into a road easier to be walked on if we rely, believe and act with determination to achieve what we desire. My objective is to help you improve all areas of your life by guiding you to recognize coincidences that will enhance your future and turn your inner strength into action. They happen to all of us, every day or from time to time. But they are there and you should not let them go. Whether it might seem impossible to you now, they are taking place around all of us at this very moment. You can learn to recognize them and use them to clearly help you understand what you have come here for. Open your mind and give yourself the opportunity of believing. They will certainly guide you!
Today I would like to invite you to read how coincidences united two lovers in both sides of the world after 17 years of being separated. To read more about it you can have a look at this amazing -based on actual events story- in the following web page or in my blog (no dot after the www for the blog)
Want to learn more about coincidences? See you in my next post!
Thank every coincidence on your way!
Claudia Compagnucci Author of the novel
“Northern Hemisphere-Southern Hemisphere,
The Mind Strength of Attraction, The Power of Love”
Lic. In Management of Education
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