Lynda Stucky is The Official Guide to "Executive Coach and Executive Coaching". You can find complete information on Lynda Stucky and her products by visiting Clearly Speaking.
Oftentimes a great looking promotion comes along only because it satisfies a temporary need. Maybe they had to fire someone, for example, or the company is in the middle of reorganization. Once the position is filled and your company feels stable again they may start a more in-depth search for ... Views: 1285
Sense and non-sense of exorbitant financial incentives.
The annual performance reviews are behind us and many C-level executives, salespersons, accountants and senior managers have claimed their yearly bonus. What a waste of money! Research shows that there are at least three reasons why ... Views: 1725
In the domain of management training and consultation, national education development for executives is accomplished by keeping strategic planning in the mind. Several agencies across the domains are engaged in planning and managing the development of education systems for executives more and ... Views: 941
If you enlist a 1200-pound coaching partner for your next session, it’s likely you’ll achieve a remarkable change in the dynamic of the coaching relationship. No, it’s not through intimidation; the method is equine-assisted coaching, working with horses to help clarify and resolve issues, ... Views: 1148
The Importance Of Accountability ~ Building Your Support System For Success
By Jodi Nicholson, CPC MCSC
Establishing a strong support system is a vital part of anyone’s success and as a coach, consultant and mentor I encourage you to embrace the quality of accountability. It's wise to ... Views: 2992
Now that you have returned from your holiday season and have begun your New Year… the question is how much of your work and life is actually going to be “new” for 2012?
Are your business expectations and self expectations genuinely optimistic, guarded or rather uncertain? Your answer to this ... Views: 1068
When we think about conflict in the workplace, we often think of an obvious personality clash between two people which everyone is aware of and they try to avoid like the plague. In effect, it is an overt conflict and, if we think about it, this type of conflict is quite extreme and, relatively ... Views: 1748
I once worked as a partner in an international consulting firm. As a part of that assignment, I helped executives learn to think strategically. Strategic thinking and strategic planning are distinct but equally important disciplines. While strategic plans are frequently and inappropriately ... Views: 1131
The Zen sword masters say, “If you have to draw your sword, you’ve already lost the battle.” If a situation that we’re responsible for has gone so far that the only way forward is by violent destruction, then we have made some blunder along the way. Once we have destroyed something it is more ... Views: 1039
Effective leaders are able to devise a strategy which will lead to organizational success and then motivate the organization to follow that strategy. The ability to think strategically comes easier for some people than others, but Beeson believes that following certain guidelines can build a ... Views: 3596
Maybe you've had an experience with an executive recruiter, maybe not. Just like any other industry, there are good apples and bad apples...and some may say "rotten" apples. If you've had a bad experience or no experience, here are some common myths you may have heard.
•recruiters don't ... Views: 1283
If you've been involved in a job search, you know there is always that point in the interview process, usually toward the end of an interview, where the interviewer asks, "Do you have any questions for me?" If you're not prepared, it could take you by surprise and you'll find yourself stuttering ... Views: 2710
In the business world, it’s only a matter of time before you start finding ideas being thrown at you like ‘change your mindset’, Think big’, ‘Rid yourself of limiting thoughts’ and other such mantras. So probably for the first time in your life, you are entering the wonderful world of ‘personal ... Views: 1426
As a human resources department manager your plate may already be full. Depending on the size of your organization, HR roles can include a variety of duties such as: recruiting and hiring, training, team building, employee relations, policy management, payroll and benefits, and other ... Views: 1261
Maybe you're thinking of looking for a new job opportunity, or maybe you've been on a job search for an extended period of time. In either case, you may want to think about using an executive recruiter to help you. There are advantages to using a recruiter that add value to your job search ... Views: 1138
When you think about using the services of an executive recruiter, do you think of it as a "here today, gone tomorrow" transaction? If so, perhaps it may be in your best interest to view it instead as building a long-term relationship with a professional that has the resources to help you step ... Views: 1141
Maybe you've been trying to get noticed by hiring managers in the interview process, or maybe you have your eye on a company that you'd like to work for, but you just don't know how to go about getting their attention. Getting noticed by potential employers in a sea of candidates takes a bit ... Views: 1141
2019 Learn to Cope With Stress
By Dr Cita Maloon-Gibson, EmpowermentDOC™
Stress is a part of life and it can be categorized as good or bad. It is neither positive nor negative and can be internal or external. The Stressors of life may be beyond our control as stressors are a part of life. ... Views: 1096
In today's management environment, new forms of and tools for corporate leadership development programs have emerged. One of the most popular development tools is executive coaching. The number of executive coaches has more than doubled in the past decade and corporate leadership development ... Views: 1135
Born in 1928 was a fine thoroughbred who’s career of six season’s brought him to a total 51 starts of which he won 29, finished second in 10 and third in 4; Equipoise, called the Chocolate Soldier for his impressively symmetrical physique in a chocolate chestnut skin, carved a niche for himself ... Views: 946
Assuming you’ll be working for 30 or 40 years, you’ll be making more career changes in lifetime than you’ll realize. That’s why you should consider working with an executive coach.
Coaches have the expertise, techniques, and tools to assist you in achieving what you most want in half the ... Views: 1021
The hottest topic in the Human Capital arena is Engagement. Employee engagement spells the difference between profitability and failure.
Research has shown that highly engaged teams:
• Produce 32% higher Earnings Per Share
• Produce 263% higher compound growth
• Are twice as ... Views: 825
The learning of organizational leadership includes values of management pertinent in a diversity of settings. Whether it is the business you are running or you are working with large groups in an international company, these values will assist you appreciate how your association can work most ... Views: 829
When I help senior leaders with their strategy creation efforts, I’ll review past strategies and then the results, financial and otherwise, that those strategies produced. I’m frequently amazed when I see that smart, capable executives have developed and implemented strategies that should have ... Views: 1100
Values is a much referenced idea but what exactly are values and what difference does understanding them make to someone's life? While there are many definitions of values, I use the following: Personal values are an internal set of standards that each of us expects ourselves, and others, to ... Views: 6373
Human beings are meaning makers. We love to attribute meaning and label everything that we see, touch, taste, feel, or smell. This is useful, could you imagine how tedious it would be to navigate the world if we had to relearn how to open a door every time we approached one? No, instead we learn ... Views: 4306
Its always better to know in advance what you can expect from a career in SEO.The demand for SEO experts has been on a steady rise in recent years and this is partly due to the increase in the number of online businesses. Once SEO was not a separate profession – Web masters performed some basic ... Views: 1071
We all have patterns, habits, and beliefs that limit us. The challenge is that we generally can't see how those thought-patterns and beliefs hold us back and what we can't see tends to sabotage our efforts.
Blind spots can severely impact an executive's strategic vision, their course of ... Views: 1344
It takes a while for an expatriate to adjust to another culture, and it can be incredibly frustrating when your assumptions about the similarities between western cultures are proven untrue. Executive and Expat coaching eases international relocation.
Four years ago, after preparing for ... Views: 1785
Danielle was an account executive with Forman and Company, a professional services firm that conducted high-end research, primarily for Fortune 500 companies. During her career, she had sold products and services ranging from time-shares to computer software and consulting – all with outstanding ... Views: 1177
When last did you look forward to getting up for work in the morning? Better still, when last did you not experience that knot in your stomach on a Sunday evening as you began to dread the Monday grindstone?
Is it just me or do you get the feeling that something is wrong with this ... Views: 1461
One significant problem with the inner elephant is that it hinders people's ability to see reality. Most individuals perceive the world based on their needs and biases, rather than on external events.
The inner executive must deal with the inner elephant's tendency to judge others and the ... Views: 2400
C.O.R.E. Leadership Workshops
—building leaders from the inside out
Boiled down, leadership is about getting things done through people. This
requires a delicate balance between inspiring people while at the same time
holding them accountable to performance expectations.
Since ... Views: 1463
The Learning Leadership Executive Program s helps in setting goals and visions. Accommodating an executive position makes you the manager. Becoming the leader is much difficult. It includes setting right goals, converse ideas, and conveying results. The leader must be capable to carefully weight ... Views: 906
Whatever happened at home should stay at home, July 2, 2009 By Robert Morris (Dallas, Texas)
In this book, Sylvia Lafair explains how to break certain family patterns that limit career success by “claiming and taming the world of interpersonal relationships.” All people have problems at ... Views: 1872
Congratulations! You stepped out there to fulfill your dreams. You clearly understand that having lasting, meaningful success means setting priorities and being focused on achieving your goals. You are not just a wish upon a star dreamer, your sleeves are rolled way up and the elbow grease is ... Views: 1663
By Kathryn McKinnon, Time Management Expert, Best Selling Amazon Author of Triple Your Time Today!
These days, not having enough time has become commonplace. Everywhere you go, people find themselves constantly in a rush, over-booked and over-scheduled with no time off. Life is accompanied by ... Views: 2046
“I disliked working with those people so much that I don’t even know if I hate doing this for a living or it was just those people at THAT place.” - Anonymous
Unfortunately this quote or versions of this quote are not unique to any specific individual. Isn’t that sad? I have heard it on more ... Views: 1287
Some people just don’t get it. You watch them and internally you roll your eyes, throw up your hands and get exasperated. Unfortunately, some of those people are your current customers.
There is only one way to whip them into shape…okay, I’m kidding. Put down the whip. You have to educate ... Views: 1218
Loaded with lots of math assignments those are not just complicated but also difficult to solve then here comes good news for all the students facing the same situation. These days, there are many websites providing math assignment help at very nominal amount to lighten up the huge assignment ... Views: 1021
Worried about making mistakes in front of important clients? If presenting and selling with a whiteboard is in your future, it helps to know what to watch out for…and how to recover instantly.
Many subject matter experts worry about appearing professional and poised in front of decision ... Views: 1501
Do you get respect when giving a business presentation? Or do people pass over what you have to say…so your ideas never see the light of day?
Many young managers struggle with how to get respect. More experienced professionals have a tendency to judge younger managers—assuming they lack life ... Views: 1766
Standing out in business presenting is a sure-fire way to get to the top. But it won’t happen if you’re relying on slick slides that don’t tell a powerful visual story.
More presenters these days are realizing the truth: poorly designed slides are not working. The slides that worked last ... Views: 1471
Looking to stand out with poise and presence in your company? Whether you’re the CEO or an aspiring leader, presenting at the whiteboard is a winning decision. If…you know how to present with skill, executive presence and authenticity.
Many leaders shy away from whiteboard presenting. At ... Views: 1497
Whether you’re a CEO or a full-time entrepreneur of a small business, you’ve got a story to tell. A new product. A powerful invention. A transformation. But how can you get other people to listen?
It’s tough to win attention, isn’t it? Most professionals agree that changing the way people ... Views: 1665
How do you process information? By taking notes. In traditional classes, we learned to write down everything. But for powerful selling, visual note taking at a whiteboard is much more powerful.
Curious how to pump up your whiteboard note taking? In talking with graphic facilitators, ... Views: 1553
Ever wonder how your sales team is really doing using a whiteboard in sales with customers and prospects? If your staff is dispersed in regions or working remotely, worrying about performance standards could be keeping you up at night.
Sleepless nights? If nightmares about performance are ... Views: 1858
On the very first day of the Jewish New Year, my divorce became final. I consider that symbolic. And a major accomplishment, considering it’s been 3 years since I’d started the legal process toward this new beginning.
On the Saturday night two days later, my dear friend and I celebrated all ... Views: 1023
Do you wish you had exceptional presentation skills? Are you are fed up with not getting noticed, not getting ahead, and being a wallflower? If so, it’s time to take a step forward.
Giving phenomenal presentations is a lot simpler than it looks. Imagine you are cooking a wonderful meal. ... Views: 1884
Money is a vehicle, not a measurement of value. Today’s culture is plush with unprecedented comforts and luxuries. Yet, it seems the more material things we have the more we want. And it takes more and more money to get the good stuff, what we think is the good life. We need more to measure up. ... Views: 1530