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Lynda Stucky is The Official Guide to "Executive Coach and Executive Coaching". You can find complete information on Lynda Stucky and her products by visiting Clearly Speaking.
Setting up an office isn’t as hard as it is made out to be! Or is it? On the face of it, you think it couldn’t be much of a trouble because all you need to do is get hold of decent space, set up some furniture and workstations and get your guys in.
But when you actually get around organizing ... Views: 1740
What is The Way of the Business Warrior? If business is your game, get ready for the ride of your life.
First, let us begin with the obvious. In your business, you either make the sale, or you don’t. You do or you don’t, there is no try. You get the customer or you don’t, there is no try. ... Views: 1162
The Creative Process
Most creative processes involve setting goals, deciding what actions need to be taken in order to succeed, and finding the motivation to do what must be done. Success requires willpower. Getting the goal, or the perks associated with the goal, is the purpose of creating ... Views: 1630
A request was made that I incorporate some management and leadership tips into the tone of it, so here it is.
We each interact with the world in different ways; we create our situations just as much as they create us. This “circle of life” can be summed up with the following six ... Views: 6114
You’re looking for a new job. Either you have your eyes on a promotion with your current employer or you’re looking for a new job in a new place. You’ve read the “how to write a killer résumé” books, and you can talk at length about all of your functional responsibilities.
It doesn’t ... Views: 1567
Last week, I was listening to one of our pop culture icons/movie stars being interviewed on a talk show. The questioner reviewed the star’s laundry list of very successful films, paused and added, “and then there was __________ (the star’s only bomb).” The star winced a bit, agreed that it was a ... Views: 1265
Our thoughts about the future frequently cause emotions that get in the way of enjoying, appreciating, or participating in the present. Start listening to what people are already saying about the holidays. You hear things like “I am so stressed out about the holidays. I have so much to do.” “I ... Views: 1550
"What should I wear when I present?" One of my coaching clients asked me this question recently. While it might sound more like a question for a style consultant, it's also an appropriate question for a presentation skills coach like me.
In addition to your presentation content and delivery, ... Views: 2039
To survive and sustain in the midst of sky-rocketed competition, the biggest capital is human resources. This is the tool for long lasting performance and a business can’t run without it. According to experts, developing and motivating employees is money well-spent. By developing your human ... Views: 1217
Picture this: A light plane goes down in the Arizona desert. A team from the NTSB descends on the scene to investigate what happened. After three months of rigorous study and analysis, they're ready to report. They call a news conference. The NTSB administrator approaches the podium. You've seen ... Views: 1324
Take a six-quart pan. Fill it with water. Put it on the oven. Turn the heat on high. While waiting for the water to reach a rolling boil, catch one mid-sized frog. When the water achieves that boil, toss the frog in. Don't worry; the frog won't get hurt. The shock of the temperature change will ... Views: 1930
In order to distinguish yourself from the masses it is essential to commit to the never ending process of personal enhancement. This spans far beyond mere physical appearance, exhibiting the essence of your innermost being and every aspect of social interacting. It is imperative to be ... Views: 1869
Management by walking around (MBWA) is a common management practice that can be very helpful in managing and engaging employees, setting a good example, and staying in touch with what's really happening with employees.
It means that the manager leaves his or her office to go out "onto the ... Views: 2200
By understanding the different needs, approaches, strengths and weaknesses of each of the Striving Styles, the organization can maximize a team’s effectiveness by harnessing the natural energy that is engaged when individuals can meet their own needs through teamwork.
A team is an integral ... Views: 1838
In Chinese philosophy, there is the concept we know as yin and yang. Very simply put, it’s the idea that opposites only exist in relation to each other. The outer circle represents “everything”, while the black and white shapes within the circle represent the interaction of two energies. Notice, ... Views: 1144
If You’re Grounded, Your Left & Right Brains Are in Alignment For Winning
• 1. Get This: everything else depends on it! Human folk are living in the PAST or the Future (in-their-head) about half-their-waking-hours (46.5%) of the time. “Not-grounded” is triggered by Daydreaming, & ... Views: 1341
Neglected muscles , unbalanced bodies ! Part I
If you are asked which are the most neglected muscles of your body what would you reply ? Try listing three of most neglected muscles of your bodies before reading further , you may be surprised at what you find later on .
The three ... Views: 1982
Small businesses often fail because of their inability to take into account the actual competition. The competition is usually tougher in fields where a number of small businesses are jostling for space and have more or less similar products or services on offer.
To survive in that ... Views: 1356
I was shopping for a new tennis racquet in a store in northern Montgomery County, Maryland. It had recently changed hands after the prior owner had declared bankruptcy. The new proprietor greeted me with a hearty “good morning.” I inquired as to the details of the transfer of ownership. He ... Views: 1297
MahaManan: The excellent –incomparable system of
essential education for true & universal
Human Development
Welcome to our ‘MahaManan Kendra’ ( MahaManan education center). We think, customary (formal) academic (school – college etc.) education is not sufficient for true development of ... Views: 1828
Business meetings, tight schedules, business development activities, conferences, product launches and a heap of other responsibilities leave the CEO and associated management team exhausted, stressed and wanting for some relief out of physical and mental stress.
Here we discuss some ways and ... Views: 1567
This is essential as the world market; particularlyo the business industries are becoming more competitive so the comparison of educations is being used to determine the capability of a person, instead of experiences. With the offer of executive master Program, people can now further advance ... Views: 906
Chief learning officers (CLOs) are also known as Chief Knowledge Officers at various documents. These are the professionals who ensure the full-fledge availability of the critical knowledge firms in order to avail comprehensive business goals. A CLO measures various ways to earn huge revenue ... Views: 1115
There are many parents who believe that children should be taught about the importance of money starting at a small age. If you are among this category, this article will be really helpful for you. Most of the experts believe that as soon as a child starts demanding things, parents should make ... Views: 1394
Business authority is crucial as companies rely on capable leadership to information them through unmatched changes. Hence, companies are spending more focus to authority growth and attaining out for Professional Teaching and Smooth Abilities Training for the top authority. However, there is ... Views: 1017
A Doctorate leadership degree is specializing in the discipline of business leadership. This level of courses is about to boost their leadership qualities in the field of business. With such type of degrees, these people can hold the opportunity into greater state of business leadership. More ... Views: 946
There are many courses and widening space between what your staffs require and what is offered in the current market for executive leadership education. The solution is to connect learning environment with strategic business creation, with greater perseverance on the theme, so that skillful ... Views: 1045
"I'm happy for the players; I didn't do this," he said. "All I did was create an atmosphere of accountability. When you see something done the wrong way, you say, 'Hey, that ain't good enough.' And after a while you get the players to do that for each other. It's about helping them take ... Views: 2303
Imagine my shock and surprise when I was asked to write an article about our “Social Responsibilities” and how we can embrace our responsibilities to each other and our environment. I am the least “politically correct” person on the face of the planet! Yet, because I am an avid fisherman, ... Views: 947
While more and more people dream of running or owning a business, they don’t dream of the problems they may face along the way. These problems often come in the form of employee challenges, conflicts, in management training and how to be a successful executive. Taking the time to learn about the ... Views: 888
Adducology, the career and student consultancy, offers a number of career services which can help people achieve more. The aim of the career services area has always been to help people reach their potential. This is achieved via education on how to persuade employers, interviewers and ... Views: 1165
Every business has its ups and downs. This article talks about how you can do your business continuity planning (BCP) in a better way as it is the BCP that allows you to continuously deliver your products or services even under adverse conditions.
Business Continuity Planning prepares an ... Views: 1808
Campaign Trail Lessons for CEOs, Owners and Investors
By Raz Silberman
“To hell with facts! We need stories!”
Ken Kesey, author, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Reporters, bloggers, pundits and other election “fact checkers” are tallying up what seems like record numbers of lies, ... Views: 1024
In case you’re wondering, leaders make mistakes too. Leaders can veer off-course just like anyone, sometimes creating havoc in their wake. They’re human just like you and I, but the difference is, they chose to put themselves front and center. Whether leading a large company or institution, a ... Views: 1305
Executive programs are corporate education programs that enable top level business executives to contribute to the growth and development of their organization. These programs are especially designed for working professionals, hence the course structure and curriculum is strictly in accordance ... Views: 910
If you go by the statistics, then you can find that Executive MBA programs are highly popular among the professionals and students alike who wish to study about the executive MBA programs. Executive MBA programs are designed especially for the working people.
There are several institutions in ... Views: 1016
As an executive coach, I’m sometimes called on when a leader, manager or company has too much going no – people, projects, development, deadlines, decisions – and they’ve passed the tipping point of working to full effectiveness. It’s not a weakness to have said ‘yes’ to so many things (or, more ... Views: 1418
Executive education has become a pre-requisite for organizational success. Executive education helps to hone individual skills and meet workplace challenges successfully. Many reputed universities offer regular and online executive education programs which allow working executives to learn the ... Views: 1182
When Carly Fiorina became the CEO of Hewlett-Packard years ago, she lamented that the culture had become one in which “anyone can say ‘no,’ but nobody can say ‘yes.’” How decisions are made is a significant part of any company’s culture. Like Ms. Fiorina, most executives wrestle with the ... Views: 1076
To have a competitive edge today, companies are taking on a different strategy,and turning to different models rather than the traditional ones. Many old models of leadership, doing business and multiplying wealth are no longer effective.
We have to turn elsewhere not just to stay afloat, ... Views: 2024
Working professionals should be made aware of the increasing needs of master education and its value related in fulfilling their several professional journeys. In fact, there’re a lots of options in the career that needed master degree and a person can’t even think of getting job in best ... Views: 907
Presenteeism is the act of an employee showing up at work without fully engaging their energy, hearts and minds. In many organizations, it is actually the norm. Employees gather around the water cooler talking about what they’re manager is doing wrong, what the company should be doing for them, ... Views: 2292
Previously I wrote about "Forgetting my Purpose". July is about remembering where to find My Power. Acting from a place of power allows me to speak from my authentic self and accomplish what serves me as well as those around me. It takes courage to do this, but what I discovered last week is ... Views: 1893
Sometimes the answer we desire is in what we are forgetting. I was at a conference recently where we found our coach in nature. You know, you sit in front of whatever and you ask a question and wait to see what comes. The first time I talked with my coach, she very wisely guided me with an ... Views: 1906
Last month we discussed the various ways that energy is flowing within you and how the energy of one person affects the energy of another. In this issue we will discuss how the flow of energy within us allows for certain emotions to be felt... or not. The flow of energy supports us living ... Views: 1729
“Surround yourself with the best people you can find, delegate authority, and don't interfere as long as the policy you've decided upon is being carried out.”
Ronald Reagan
An entrepreneurial CEO is responsible for ensuring smooth progress of everything from the marketing to finance, along ... Views: 1958
But it takes motivation, determination and discipline to change your brain over time. Most people believe that once you learn something your behaviour should reflect what you know. The brain doesn’t work like that. We have more information than ever before on nutrition and the benefits of a ... Views: 1692
Organizations have their mission, vision, systems, mandates, values, policies and procedures that ensure they function effectively. They also have their own unique systems and patterns of behaviour and human interaction. This is the dynamic aspect of organizational life, which influences how ... Views: 3385
Collectively, we love to learn about how to improve and develop ourselves. We watch shows, read books, and take courses because we want to learn how to change our behavior. There has never been a time in society when we have had more information about what it takes to maintain a healthy body, ... Views: 1581
The Striving Styles Personality System is based on the premise that if we want to know what we are born for, we must know what we are born as. Too often we are trying to figure out what we are meant to be or do without really knowing who we are. This disconnect causes us to look outside of ... Views: 1395