Lynda Stucky is The Official Guide to "Executive Coach and Executive Coaching". You can find complete information on Lynda Stucky and her products by visiting Clearly Speaking.
We are already two weeks into the new year and most peoples’ new year’s resolutions are history. It’s a common and interesting phenomena.
Goals often don't last - sometimes we don't even get started on them or fall back into old habits creating the same old results.
I know your year can ... Views: 1446
I used to have a bad habit of creating new ways to generate money every month. None of my new offerings had earth-shattering results, but that didn't stop me from trying to reinvent the wheel. Apparently, I didn't notice my pattern of working hard for little ROI.
If you think you may be in a ... Views: 1482
I've often written in the past about decision-making biases. ALL OF US rely to some degree on decision-making approaches that yield suboptimum results. Most of those are unconscious. An example is the human tendency to use past experiences, even if statistically insufficient, to make critical ... Views: 1372
The end of the year can either be one of the most relaxing times or it can be hectic. Sometimes it’s a little of both. Preparation for the holidays and travel are only a part of the year-end priorities.
The end of the year is a good time for reflection on what has been and what you’d like to ... Views: 1486
It's a daily occurrence and yet you may not even know it's happening.
Hesitation is a pause. A doubt. A question.
Is it fear or your Inner Guidance speaking? If you pay attention to that gut feeling of hesitancy, you'll gain clarity on which action steps to take to be a ... Views: 1406
Do you ever catch yourself whining like a five-year-old about your business rather than shining like a rockstar CEO?
We all whine, and it usually feels justified. After all, we're simply stating the truth about the reality of our finances, overwhelm and how so-and-so ticked us ... Views: 1301
Many entrepreneurs dream of doing what they love and getting highly paid for it. Not me. I was so off-my-rocker excited about the process of coaching that I left my first coaches training session and went directly to educating people on the power of coaching. I probably seemed like a newbie ... Views: 1405
Business owners have three modes they gravitate toward:
A. Creative maniac
B. Implementing the cool new strategy
C. Overwhelm (which can manifest as stress, denial, checking out, boredom)
Sure, there are some other modes, but these are where you’ll tend to play the most.
No mode is ... Views: 1376
I knew that it might unfold this way, but I prayed it wouldn’t. A sixteen year old at my gym was arrested for allegedly murdering his family. I knew all the details long before they were released to the press, even though I didn’t know him personally.
I struggled with all the negative ... Views: 1369
I had mastered a bad habit in my relationship. This particular practice was born out of the desire to keep peace in my house.
It finally occurred to me that the thing I was doing to keep peace, actually kept me away from it. WHOA!
In my quest to create flow in my relationship I would often ... Views: 1235
We all are leaders and followers in our personal and professional lives. Most importantly, we must lead ourselves because leadership starts with us. Our attitude, actions, and ability to grow and learn set us apart from ineffective leaders.
Exceptional leaders are led from within – they ... Views: 1322
For more than a few years, I’ve been a slave to email. I was very aware of it and sought help. I got some relief, but email still felt like it was cracking its whip on me.
By the way, if you’ve got the email thing down, I don’t want to hear about all the different strategies I can use to ... Views: 1393
People in the real estate business talk a lot about the power of leverage. Essentially, it means investing a limited amount of personal cash to geometrically increase net worth through appreciation. Let’s say you buy a piece of rental property for $300,000 with a down payment of 20%. You laid ... Views: 1091
Managers are generally authoritative, daring leaders. On the other hand, shy people are likely to hold back, be reserved in conversations, and even avoid social interactions. A very interesting question now is whether or not shy people can be effective leaders.
If you are a shy type and you ... Views: 1422
I missed a huge opportunity for learning back in 1999, because I was so busy trying to "get it right". And that missed opportunity taught me how to turn my fears about business and leadership into courage and powerful actions.
I signed up for a leadership course that was a year-long process ... Views: 1187
I love a good game of “Truth or Dare.” It’s scary and yet thrilling. Daring my clients to do something they want, but are scared to do is a common practice. Sometimes, all you need is someone to ask you to step up to the plate, and you will. You need a little nudge … somebody to care enough ... Views: 1219
Any idea that pops into your head and makes you excited is a good one. How do you know that you should follow through on that idea? Trust yourself, take action and you’ll get your evidence.
Your inner guidance only gives you ideas that you have the resources and ability to create. To help you ... Views: 1137
What happens in Greece is not staying in Greece.
I’m back in the States after a week-long vacation with some of my dearest friends who also happen to be mastermind and joint venture partners.
In between touring Athens and Delphi we sat around a huge villa overlooking the sea while we ... Views: 1234
Sometimes what you know may be more dangerous than what you don’t know. You may mistake knowledge or experience as “truth”. There is only one truth about your business; what you believe will come true.
Let me show you how this works. Tika became distraught when her creativity seemed to ... Views: 1279
In the last week alone, I’ve heard these statements from business owners:
* I feel like a 1/2 ton of rocks are piled on my head by day's end. I need an intervention.
* My customers act like their hair is on fire and it’s my job to put it out.
* I have a million excuses for why I’m ... Views: 1634
I make my living in large measure helping executives understand how others see them, and then deciding what to do about that. The truth is that while most of us have a fairly complete knowledge of how other people's behavior affects us, we are generally clueless as to how our behavior affects ... Views: 1139
I believe anything is possible in business. I believe that you can create gargantuan results without a whole lot of knowledge about the area in which you wish to experience success. I believe that you can turn a struggling business into a very profitable business in less than a year.
I ... Views: 1233
I used to think follow-up was something you were “supposed to do” after you got a lead at a networking group. (Cut me some slack, okay? When I first started my coaching business in 1996 I’d never been on the internet and had to learn about email!)
Follow-up felt like a chore. Not anymore! I ... Views: 1198
The Power of Influence
Unfortunately, to often in life we are persuaded by the power of position. The power of position is simply someone else making demands or requirements on you by the standing of their position in relationship to you. There are several serious drawbacks with this type of ... Views: 1526
Over the years, I’ve had many clients who said, “I always get what I want, but it never seems easy.”
All struggle is birthed in your mind. You may think you just had bad luck or random acts of technical glitches, but it all comes down to what you believe. There is nothing that can’t be traced ... Views: 1288
I often trick myself into thinking that I have a certain end result in mind but upon further examination, I notice that what I’m really committed to is something else.
Commited or TryingFor instance, in the past I’d tell myself that I wanted to create a certain amount of income per month. ... Views: 1302
I disdain bureaucracy. When I use that word, however, I do not mean that I disdain procedures or rules.
My definition of bureaucracy: "Policies and/or procedures that create no value for stakeholders." For example, I don't consider procedures governing the conduct and frequency of ... Views: 1210
No matter how much money you have in your possession, decisions involving money can be exhausting. Some decisions you make might feel good in the moment, but feel bad later. Sometimes you may say "no" to a purchase or investment thinking that you’ll wait until a later date, and then arrive at ... Views: 1201
When you have a goal or desire that is important to you, do you ever go into mental overdrive before you see the results? I know I have. I watch my clients do it, too.
You can go into overdrive in several ways:
*Think about every scenario possible that could go wrong
*Think about ... Views: 1388
Our views and habits have developed over time and we typically underestimate the power of our ingrained beliefs, the ones deeply rooted in our subconscious mind. They affect how we think, act and ultimately, affect our results. It’s not necessarily all negative. Actually our programming can ... Views: 1225
As a business owner and leader, you may think you’re always focused on attracting new income. But often, you’re more focused on putting out fires, figuring out what went wrong with your latest biz building technique and searching for clarity on what’s next.
What if each of your questions about ... Views: 1161
Being a coach and loving the art of effective communication would seem to give me supernatural powers in my relationships. At least that’s what I thought! It turns out that sometimes it takes more than communication to get a team or a relationship synergistically aligned.
Let’s say that Bob ... Views: 1230
If you want to grow your business and reach your ideal clients and customers you’re going to have to let go of a lot of assumptions about what it takes to fill your pipeline.
Let’s start off with a few common myths that may be stunting your growth …
1) I can’t make money until my website ... Views: 1329
Every day gives us a new start and the opportunity of a New You.
When you look back at yesterday, last month and last year, you might realize you did not accomplish all your goals, and you might make the decision to try harder. But wait, before you try harder and do more of the same, let me ... Views: 1314
Do you want to increase your wealth and improve your relationship with money? Are you willing to ALLOW a constant flow of prosperity into your life?
All it takes is a decision and belief. Simple, huh?!
Sure, you’ll have to let go of a great many negative beliefs that you currently hold on ... Views: 1550
“Build it and they will come.”
What a crock! Total lie.
I built a lot of things in my business that didn’t result in customers running to buy, readers commenting on my blog or even fans “liking” my Facebook page.
Finally it dawned on me that I needed help getting the word out to my ... Views: 1252
Whenever you want to experience a huge breakthrough in your business, you have to start where you are.
You may be disappointed that you’re not making more money at this point in your biz. If you’re just starting out you might be on pins and needles because you need to make money ASAP. ... Views: 1341
A number of years ago, I documented my values and beliefs regarding how I want to live my life. It was a valuable exercise. Documenting these things, however, is not nearly as important as comparing them to my actual behavior and actions. That exercise has created many “Holy sh**” moments for ... Views: 1077
Making a decision is regarded as one of the most difficult things all of us have to do every single day of our lives. It is also one act that defines an individual who has a role of a leader. Although it is given that managers and company leaders are the ones who should make huge decisions, not ... Views: 1524
Have you ever noticed that some of your friends who complain that money is tight, often seem to find money to buy a new car or some other toy that a broke person can’t afford?
Or maybe you’ve experienced this phenomenon yourself. You’re stressed about expenses but you find a way to get the ... Views: 1203
Over a decade ago, my professional organizer asked me why I kept my office supplies in the particular place they were sitting. I had no idea why I put them there. I never thought much about how my office was organized. The only things I cared about in my office were having the best equipment ... Views: 1365
You just closed a huge deal; time to celebrate. Another buyer has decided that you da man. Time to cash the check and move on to the next opportunity.
Not so fast, Mr./Ms. Wonderful! You've neglected Rule #1 in marketing: Customer expectations begin just as your attentiveness begins to ... Views: 1721
What's the best way to attract massive prosperity? If you knew, you'd already be doing it right?
You have the formula right under your nose and may not know it.
The answer is similar to this riddle …
Q: How do you eat an elephant?
A. One bite at a time.
The same is true for ... Views: 1390
How To Regain Your Focus
How To Regain Your Focus – A message from God to you… If what you’re in the midst of right now has anything to do with God ordering your steps, there’s one thing you can be certain of, you will lose your focus. Be it due to the constant struggle, be it due to the fact ... Views: 1514
Have you ever thought …
“I’m not sure what action to take first? And I’m not sure the action I take will get the results I want.”
Here’s a question to remedy that issue:
What do I feel most inspired to do?
If you can let go of what you’re “supposed” to do, you’ll usually have a very ... Views: 1469
I am a proponent of finding numerous ways to turn teleseminar content in multiple streams of revenue. When I first began offering teleseminars seven or eight years ago I didn't realize the revenue potential. Because of this I likely left hundreds of thousands of dollars on the table. You don't ... Views: 1385
Creating a topic for a teleseminar is one thing. Developing great content is something completely different. The content has to provide solutions to whatever your listeners are interested in. The following is a very simple formula for creating a hot topic AND great content.
1. Determine topic ... Views: 2216
It feels like I’ve spent much of my career trying to persuade business leaders they need to focus as much attention on their human assets (their employees) as they do their physical and financial assets (infrastructure, equipment, facilities, capital, etc.). Said differently, they should focus ... Views: 984
Have you ever put off doing something that you knew would benefit your business because you felt the investment was too big?
If you want a profit breakthrough here’s a surefire way …
Invest time in learning, brainstorming, planning, and executing. Invest money in those things, ... Views: 1270
Most entrepreneurs think that laying out a plan of attack is what turns a business dream into a reality.
You could be highly productive on a daily basis to put that plan in motion and may still not increase your profits. I’ve lived that scenario several years in a row. It’s very ... Views: 1288