Lynda Stucky is The Official Guide to "Executive Coach and Executive Coaching". You can find complete information on Lynda Stucky and her products by visiting Clearly Speaking.
Maybe you’re at the top of your team, and wondering why you aren’t getting promoted. Or maybe you’re a young manager who wants to win respect and gain trust. Or perhaps you’re a budding entrepreneur who wants to win attention for your hot new business.
No matter where you are, you are ... Views: 1201
Polite Telemarketing- Can it be done?
Loretta Collins
The phone rings, you’re nowhere near it, but do a remarkable impression of Flo Jo, reaching it just in time only to be greeted with “Hello, Francine, how are you ... Views: 1313
Change Agents or Gate Keepers?
The challenges facing employees in today’s economy and times of uncertainty presents new opportunities for Human Resources. As organizations are looking for new ways to grow the business, increase productivity, reduce costs and navigate the rapidly changing ... Views: 1789
I’ve blogged about setting the stage for attracting and engaging the best employees – primarily understanding the company’s culture and business, designing the role and creating the flow and process. So who is the perfect employee?
First off, what is meant by employee? When I use the word ... Views: 1381
In this economy, the pressure is on for you to be productive. To do more with less. And to do it in less time. Be more efficient. Usually under rapidly changing, almost chaotic, conditions. This adds to the stress you are already feeling at work of just trying to get on with your career. ... Views: 1545
I’m an introvert. And so are many other reasonably bright, well-rounded, effective individuals. So it’s not a bad thing. But I do believe that to be most effective, the introverted leader should examine what this personality style can mean in the context of leadership – and know how to leverage ... Views: 1195
Are you in a position to influence others – at work, at home, in your community? Is having influence important to your position or cause (as a manager, parent, or someone with a vision who’s trying to create something better)? Do the ways in which you exert your influence tend to work well; and ... Views: 1125
Research has shown that people perform at higher levels when they are coached as opposed to “managed”. So, you might be asking, what is coaching, in a nutshell? What are some of the tools I can use as a leader? How, specifically, do I have a “coaching” conversation?
Coaching is about ... Views: 1231
Executive education is a launch pad to new opportunities and out of the boy ideas. It takes you to the subsequent level of performance of your company and open doors to new and more proficient opportunities and privileges. Executive education provides executives for new challenges as well as for ... Views: 827
What do your colleagues and competition do or have that allows them to achieve and accomplish so much more than some of you? In my opinion after mentoring and coaching thousands in my mindset, responsibility and accountability programs, I believe that these entrepreneurs are highly successful as ... Views: 946
What do your colleagues and competition do or have that allows them to achieve and accomplish so much more than some of you? In my opinion after mentoring and coaching thousands in my mindset, responsibility and accountability programs, I believe that these entrepreneurs are highly successful as ... Views: 957
When working with managers and executives in a coaching relationship, I’m often struck as to how naïve some are to the realities of the day-to-day operating on the job and the politics of the workplace.
All too often people tell me how many hours they work and about all the effort they ... Views: 1583
A well-rounded selection of business attire is essential for any professional. Yet I would add that the right set of business accessories is equally as important in developing a polished image for the workplace. Professional accoutrements combine form and function to give the impression of a ... Views: 1435
I hear the complaint that good help is hard to find. That has not been my experience. I find that good help is easy to select, Finding good employeesbecause once you identify who you are as a company and the type of environment your company offers, it becomes very easy to determine whether a ... Views: 1073
Like all educators in the planet, private tuitions have tasks. Hiring a private teachers for the kid must be while using ability of the tutor to meet these responsibilities. The first responsibility is optimizing the time spent with the boy during tutorial hours. Further, it is the ... Views: 1433
How much autonomy is appropriate to give? Empowering our children, employees, or anyone we’re leading is, we know, the best way to improve satisfaction, motivation, and commitment – but it also takes the right style to pull it off successfully.
Do you tend to micromanage others: monitoring ... Views: 1064
It’s tough managing a team who is expected to do more with less. They’re stressed out and running fast. How can you be a great consulting manager—and be prepared for the onslaught of demands?
What makes a great consulting manager? In interviewing my clients about this, I found several ... Views: 1194
I met Frankie the day I walked into his sixth-grade classroom as a fledgling student teacher full of fear and trepidation. I had just spent two years assisting at a day care center and had decided to go to teacher’s college to become a kindergarten teacher. What was I doing in a sixth-grade ... Views: 1382
You’ve heard this old adage: Never call “Help” in a crowded street while trying to explain a problem to passersby. People will simply ignore you, mistaking you for a crank, a crackpot, or a crook. Instead, the police advise you to yell, “Fire.” A short shout that appeals to self-interest gets ... Views: 899
In times like these I often have to gently nudge my clients who become too fatalistic, reminding them that they still hold the cards in terms of their ability to change their internal perspective. To see your greater potential you have to first adopt a more panoramic and long-range view of the ... Views: 1151
by: Geoff Ficke
In a Jobless Economic Recovery Why Not Create Your Own Job?
These are troubling economic times in the United States and in Europe. Even the least informed citizen instinctively understands this fact. Government debt is piling up, countries are bankrupt, companies are ... Views: 1565
You are your business and your business is you. But, the real question is - Is that a good thing? Trust me; you need to know the answer to this question – now.
Let’s look at some indicators that will help you answer the question. If you answer “yes” to at least two of these questions, then ... Views: 1092
If you’re like me, you recognize that becoming an effective leader demands hard work and commitment. It requires more than just reading but actual “doing” and learning from your experiences. Sometimes when we are in the “doing” mode we forget some of what we have read and then realize after the ... Views: 1137
From my own business experiences, I have learned that one of the most important tools a leader has at their disposal is trust. Without it, you’re not leading; you’re just going for a walk in the park. Think about it, if your team doesn’t trust you, why would they follow you or even listen to ... Views: 1241
The problem of bed bugs is increasing day b day, either because of untidy situation or the weather conditions. Well, the night with bed bugs is seriously an itchy experience that leaves you with red marks. Its most common species is noticeable to the naked eye. A grown-up bed bug is brown to ... Views: 1001
Are you the hero when you present in front of people? Are you consistently chosen as the person to open minds and close deals? If you want to be the hero in your business, these 5 tips show you how.
In presentation skills training, experts explain exactly the difference between being the best ... Views: 972
Looking to capture and develop ideas with your team, partners and creative people around the world? Visual communication is key. Get the low-down here with 5 powerful tips for powerful collaboration.
Since early cave paintings, visual communication and visual storytelling have been central ... Views: 912
Are you getting ready for a critical presentation? Are you struggling to calm down, while your heart races and your face gets hot? Learn 5 top tips to answer these persistent problems.
If you’ve ever faced a presentation with increasing nervousness and stage fright, there is hope. ... Views: 1057
Dreaming of escaping the summer heat for a cool shady spot? If you’re ready to work less, and make more money, use these 7 presentation secrets of top executive coaches.
No, this is not a ‘get rich overnight scheme.’ Interviewing several leading executive coaches, I noticed a pattern of ... Views: 945
Working in global organizations, one thing is certain. You will get evaluated on your performance. Are your presentation skills putting you at risk for getting poor scores?
A few weeks ago, giving a presentation skills training for a new team in a world-class company, I noticed a few ... Views: 903
We are now living in a world where environmental consciousness is a growing concern. ‘Going green’ is a top priority for savvy consumers and entrepreneurs. Find out how to choose green when choosing professional presentation skills training.
With more focus on environmental safety, it’s ... Views: 1697
More and more teams are working remotely. With new tools and technology, this is now easier than ever before. Yet one thing can derail highly effective teams. Find out how to guarantee success of your remote teams.
With the evolution of tools and technology, distributed teams are becoming ... Views: 900
Searching for affordable ways to connect with clients and prospects? Look no further. You’re about to learn the fastest way to stay in touch is right at your fingertips.
First, let’s face the big obstacle that keeps people away from video. Many people hate how they look on camera. Sure, you ... Views: 981
You’ve seen the whiteboard advantage—complex problems are made simple. Difficult decisions are made easier. Boring presentations are transformed. Get 6 easy and quick tips to gain this almost unfair advantage.
Want to attract business and engage new clients in a whole new way?
Most people ... Views: 1340
Are you a natural at public speaking? Not every professional starts out with innate talent. But instead of denying yourself the benefits of charismatic speaking…it pays to shatter the 5 most dangerous myths about presenting.
Anybody can learn effective presentation skills. The very first ... Views: 1392
The volatility in the stock market during the past few weeks—along with the pundits on TV—reminds me of the Chicken Little fable. Just in case you’ve forgotten this classic, let me refresh you: One day, Chicken Little is walking in the woods when an acorn falls on her head. “Oh, my goodness!” ... Views: 981
Priceless tips to get your business on the right track
Marketing your business can be both an exciting and scary endeavor, even for those of us that have been doing it for a while. A few wrong moves can hinder your best efforts. Consider the most common mistakes speakers and independent ... Views: 1141
Everyone wishes to stay a lavish lifestyle and wants to own a home that looks magnificently good. So, without doubt, it is the Port Washington homes for sale that comes to the mind. The reason behind its popularity is the exotic location, creative interiors and mind blowing structure of the ... Views: 903
Are you planning a subject matter conference …but want subject matter experts to steer clear of boring PowerPoints? Many professionals do not take kindly to peer feedback. Use these top 5 tips to keep the lines of communication open.
In some organizations, subject matter experts react to ... Views: 3006
How can you guarantee you get top results in your next high-stakes presentation? Learn the 5 lethal mistakes that will send your clients and prospects running from the room.
For years, professionals and subject matter experts have relied on their organizations for presentation skills ... Views: 1258
How do leaders prepare for big presentations? Do they read books, watch videos or jump into a last minute seminar? Top executives choose better ways to get ready…find out their top 10 tips here.
Big day coming up? No time to plan, prepare, and get up to speed? No problem. More and more senior ... Views: 1437
Presenting ideas, products and solutions are a critical part of every business professional’s workday. Yet, many subject matter experts never receive formal presentation skills training. If you are long on expertise but short on confidence…discover how to up your game right here.
In the past, ... Views: 1095
What’s the toughest part of business presenting to important clients and prospects? How to handle difficult questions with poise. Curious how the pros make it look so easy and natural? Find out how to handle questions under fire with complete ease.
With more and more subject matter experts ... Views: 1057
You know & feel it… you have a wisdom that is in the special gifts that only you can give to others. These gifts are what I call “The Wisdom of You”. I believe that you and I may offer almost the same words or actions to others, but only your way will speak to some people. Some people can only ... Views: 1283
In today’s highly competitive economic times and melting conditions, leaders and executive with focused visions determines the profit for the overall organization. There are leaders in any organizational set up in every industry, implementing appropriate measure to step up and get the ... Views: 879
If there is one thing I’ve learned in management over the years, it is that the word “Team” is highly overused and misused. The word “team” in organizations has been used to describe any group of people who report in a hierarchy to one single person. It is limiting our ability to see other types ... Views: 801
Complimentary International Trade Tips:
Did you know that according to US Customs regulations CFR 111.91(d), a person who is not a broker who intentionally transacts Customs Business can be imposed a monetary penalty of $10,000 for each transaction or violation.
1. Non-Commercial ... Views: 1153
Over the course of my corporate career, as well as my career as a leadership keynote speaker, I have had the opportunity to observe, work for and learn from some great business leaders.
From my experiences with the “best leaders” I have known, I have compiled what I believe is a list of some ... Views: 1061
Executive development is small word with massive meaning attached to it and is very important so that the people associated with you are that worth and caliber is well known as they can outweigh the risk factor empowering the company path on development.
There are many probable people and ... Views: 3001
What Color is your Parachute has been a favorite "how to" for job seekers for many years with many reprints. It is written in an entertaining and kind of wise-ass manner that is really fun to read. That said, one of its continuing
dialogues focuses on the Hidden Job Market. "All ya do" is to ... Views: 937