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It is often believed that self-esteem is the defining factor when it comes to how someone experiences life. So, if someone has a good amount of it there life will be fulfilling; whereas if they don’t their life won’t be.
On one side will be someone who is living a life that is deeply ... Views: 1140
Earlier on, whilst I was out in a populated area, I overheard someone say to another person that they “stressed them out”. I had no idea why they said this to them, but there must have been a reason for it.
It would be easy to conclude that the other person was behaving in a way that was ... Views: 1051
One of the things that the mainstream likes to is to do portray all women as victims and all men as perpetrators. There are men and women who are happy to go along with this and there are men and women who are not.
And regardless of whether someone is happy to go along with how the ... Views: 818
When I was speaking to Ben Ralston a number of weeks ago, he mentioned something that really made me think. Ben is a therapist and trainer of therapists, healer, advanced Sivananda Yoga teacher, and writer.
We were talking about the self-image and he ended up touching upon a book that he had ... Views: 710
White boards are popular among presenters, especially for corporate presentations.
Here’s why I prefer to avoid them and use a flip-chart instead (also read here why I avoid PowerPoint: ... Views: 1525
Having a sense of personal power will be the only thing that some people have ever known; while there will be others who will only know what it feels like to feel totally powerless. Therefore, even though both types of people will live on the same planet, it will be as if they live on separate ... Views: 767
Not a day goes by where hundreds, if not thousands, of people are not offended about something. This is something that can happen after they have watched a video or read something, for instance.
And in addition to being offended themselves, they can also end up being offended on behalf of ... Views: 896
People may be taking advantage of your good nature
But perhaps you are letting them do it! Maybe you are too ready to say ‘yes’ when people ask you to do something even when it isn’t what you want. Or even when it is really inconvenient.
You may begin to feel very resentful after a ... Views: 958
In the same way that a light will usually appear on the dashboard of a car when something isn’t right, someone will usually experience pain when something is not right. Through paying attention to this pain, they will be able to do something about it.
On the one hand, there will be physical ... Views: 842
It has been said that a big part of success is simply turning up, and this shows how important it is to take the first step. If the first step is not taken, it won’t be possible for someone to get the ball rolling, so to speak.
What typically stops someone from taking the first step is fear, ... Views: 846
On the last round of Open Your Heart a participant asked:
“So if I don’t trust these anxious thoughts then what can I trust? If my truth was really that we are not right for each other then how would I know if I am teaching myself not to listen when doubts arise?”
And then she wisely ... Views: 849
“I’m always comparing my relationship to other people’s relationships. Why does everyone else look like they’re so in love?”
“I have such a hard time making decisions. Sometimes I can’t even decide what to order at a restaurant!”
“I worry about whether or not my family likes my partner. I ... Views: 820
When my boys were learning how to write, they would freeze in their tracks for fear of making a spelling mistake. Their perfectionist tendencies were not a surprise to my husband and I – after all, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree – and it was both fascinating and painful to see how ... Views: 719
It is often said that there is the being and then there is the doing, and that both of these aspects are important. Therefore, if someone can only embrace one of these aspects, they are going to be out of balance.
Another way to look at this dynamic would be to be to say that there is the ... Views: 1047
Numerous books have been written about the importance of being present and how to be present. These kinds of books can go into how the body is always in the moment but the mind, on the other hand, is always trying to be somewhere else.
When someone is in the present moment, there is nothing ... Views: 828
When a man and a woman are together, and they are both in touch with their power, there will be no need for one of them to try to rescue the other. They will both have boundaries and they won’t be carrying too much baggage.
So, instead of seeing each other as competitors; they will be able ... Views: 1406
Nowadays, it is not uncommon for someone to act as though it is their purpose to save the world. The world is then going to be in a mess and it will be up to them to do something about it.
This could be something that will consume their whole life, meaning that it will be hard for them to ... Views: 884
When you’re neck-deep and soul-soaked in anxiety, when you’re having trouble eating, sleeping, and basically functioning, when the love you formally felt for your partner has been eclipsed by indifference, doubt, or numbness, when intrusive thoughts invade your brain day and night, you will ... Views: 885
From a very young age most of us were taught to respect authority; it started with our parents, then went onto include our teachers, and continued with the people we worked for. There will also have been the government, the media, and there might have even been different religious leaders.
... Views: 997
Before I went on a Hoffman process introduction day, there was a moment when I had this sense that we would all be told not to try to rescue or save anyone during the day. I ended up putting this insight to one side.
After I had been at this introduction day for about an hour or so, one of ... Views: 1012
Since I did the Hoffman process introduction day, I have been thinking about the roles that I used to play as a child. The reason for this is that this one was one of the things that we looked into.
I came to see that I was often the peacemaker, the helper, the responsible one, and the ... Views: 986
A little while ago, I ended up hearing about the Hoffman process and I was told that this was a powerful process. This was put forward as something that would allow someone to let go of the patterns in their life that are holding them back.
I wanted to find out more about this process, and ... Views: 930
Due to Trump’s visit to England, he has received more media coverage than usual, and this has also meant that certain people have spent more time talking about him than they usually would. It is as though some people can’t stop thinking about Trump; their whole life appears to revolve around ... Views: 941
About a month ago, I had a call from a publisher that was trying to sell me some kind of publishing package. This was a publisher that had contacted me a number of times in the past and, each time this took place, I made it clear that I was not willing to go down this route.
After I spoke ... Views: 920
We all see reality through a personal lens shaped by our beliefs, culture, religion, and experiences. The movie Roshomon was a brilliant example of this, where three witnesses to a crime recount different versions of what happened. When couples argue, they usually can’t agree on the facts of ... Views: 1000
When I used to play football at school, I used to see other people wear expensive football boots - the ones that the professionals wore - and think about how good I would be if I had them. I thought that wearing these boots would instantly make me a better player.
This showed that I had ... Views: 1014
When I first got into self-development, I shared a lot of what I had learnt with my parents. This was partly because I wanted to share what I had learnt and partly because I thought it could help them.
I soon came to see that I was wasting my time, and that it was far better for me to keep ... Views: 1034
Over the years I have heard people say that they want to be with someone who will make them look good. Additionally, there have been people who have wanted to take their partner out to “show them off”.
There have even been moments in my own life when I have thought that being with woman ... Views: 903
When I was out earlier I saw someone who reminded me of someone I spoke to a number of years ago. We spoke about a number of things, and one of the things I remember clearly is how they wanted to make a difference in the world.
But, this was not something that they hadn’t really thought ... Views: 885
Confidence is the assuredness you have in your abilities to perform a task successfully. Confidence helps you win competitions, master new skills or become a company big shot. Confidence is a great ability to develop or to have but it is one dimensional and not too versatile. Confidence can lead ... Views: 992
Earlier on I was listening to a conversation where one person was having a go at someone else. These were not just two strangers, though; they were two people who knew each other.
One of them said something and the other person didn’t hear what was said, so they ended up saying “what?” a ... Views: 828
About a week ago, I was looking through a book called ‘The Heart of the Soul: Emotional Awareness’ by Gary Zukav and Linda Francis. What first caught my attention was the book’s subtitle, and this was because I had used this term for the main title on a number of articles.
It soon became ... Views: 1250
This sentence rings the bell with me and with many women I’ve worked with: “I don’t know who I am anymore!” The question is: “Have you ever known who you really are?”
We live in a society that puts high pressure on young girls and women to fit certain standards of intelligence and beauty. ... Views: 1245
I was talking to someone the other day who was finding it hard to get through to another person in their life. They could see that this person was unable to make progress in an area of their life and this caused them to offer their advice.
But while it was their intention to assist them, ... Views: 893
We’re all capable of abuse when we’re frustrated or hurt. We may be guilty of criticizing, judging, withholding, and controlling, but some abusers, including narcissists, take abuse to a different level. Narcissistic Abuse can be physical, mental, emotional, sexual, financial, and/or spiritual. ... Views: 1560
A number of years ago I developed a close friendship with someone, and while they had been with members of the opposite sex, they were now attracted to members of the same sex. This was something that became perfectly clear when they spoke about this area of their life, after we had been friends ... Views: 1238
In the article titled ‘I Am The Centre Of The Universe!’, I primarily went into what can happen to someone if they were violated and made to feel insignificant as a child. Towards the end, I briefly touched upon another consequence of being treated in this way.
To summarise; when someone was ... Views: 1008
When I was out walking the other day, I was thinking about what can happen in someone’s adult years if they were violated and made to feel insignificant during their early years. What came to mind first was the kind of person who acts as though they are the centre of the universe.
Through ... Views: 1009
Recently, an English professional footballer opened up about his battle with depression, and this ended up being big news in England. This was partly because he is a well-known footballer and partly because of what he spoke about.
He said that there were three main reasons why he ended up in ... Views: 960
A number of years ago I had the chance to meet a DJ and producer, and I ended up seeing them perform afterwards. This was an incredible night and a time in my life that I will never forget.
At the time it was surreal, I couldn’t quite get my head around how this was taking place; I didn’t ... Views: 804
A few days ago I watched a short video about someone who lived a very lonely existence even though they were extremely popular. On the outside, they looked happy and as though they were connected to life, but when they were by themselves, they felt unhappy and disconnected.
The image that ... Views: 932
What I have thought about recently is why some people only pay attention to their health when they are in a really bad way. It’s a bit like only taking a car for a service when the engine is close to exploding.
When something like this takes place, it is going to be clear that they have been ... Views: 981
At the beginning of last year, I shared a quote about how someone can overlook what another person has overcome if they only focus on what they have achieved. The main reason I had created this quote was due to how people had responded to me, when I went into what I did in the past.
After I ... Views: 1009
A little while ago, I was thinking about the role that pain plays when it comes to developing self-awareness and self-knowledge. I thought that if someone experiences pain and ends up reaching out for something to take their pain away, it is going to stop them from looking into why they feel the ... Views: 1020
I mediated a few weeks ago and this was something that I hadn’t done for a little while. But even though I hadn’t done this for a little while, I soon remembered how beneficial it was to mediate.
I felt more at peace afterwards and it brought to my attention how different the mind is ... Views: 876
Yesterday a friend of mine called Ian Baillie gave a talk nearby, and this was about “Surviving and Thriving on Post-2012 Earth”. Along with this, he also went into a number of people who he knew and the lives that they had had in the past.
I already knew a lot about what he said as we ... Views: 991
When I was at a bar the other night there was a scuffle; fortunately, no one was injured. I thought that this is what can happen when some people get drunk, they lose all self-control.
Instead of being able to think about what they are doing and the consequences that may arise, they end ... Views: 917
When I was speaking to Errol Campbell a while back, he ended up talking about how one of his family member used to read tea leaves. When they did this, he said that they would say more or less say the same thing to everyone who had a reading.
There was then nothing personal about the ... Views: 890
Just under a month ago I was looking through a book called ‘Strengths Finder 2.0’ by Tom Rath. This is a book that gives someone the chance to find what their hidden talents are and to go over the ones they are already aware of.
So, when I opened the book and looked at the contents page, I ... Views: 1265
As a boy I went to a Church of England school and this meant that there were occasions when I would have to go to church. Additionally, my father was a Christian and he was part of the church choir as a boy.
However, I wasn’t forced to read the bible and to go to church every Sunday. This ... Views: 1291