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When it comes to whether someone does or doesn’t do something, it could typically depend on if it is right for them. In others words, they won’t have the inclination to do along with what other people are doing.
What this is likely to show is that they have a good connection with their needs ... Views: 580
Earlier on I was waiting in line for something and the person in front of me asked the cashier a question. They didn’t receive an answer, though, and this made them turn to me and say that they were being ignored.
A few seconds later, this person asked the cashier the same question and once ... Views: 704
If someone is given a gift, it might be hard for them to accept what has been given to them. Instead of feeling happy about what they have received, they could end up feeling guilty.
Consequently, they may tell the other person that they can’t accept what has been given to them and offer it ... Views: 583
Whilst I was reading a book about psychic protection, someone basically turned their nose up when they saw the cover. It was clear that this person believed that what I wasn’t reading anything worthwhile.
I didn’t think much of what they said and carried on reading the book. After a while, ... Views: 592
A surgery - whether minor or major - can affect the condition of one’s mind and body. If you have a surgery on schedule, you would want to be prepared for it. Surgery preparations, including physical preparation and having a positive attitude and mindset, will greatly help you overcome any fear ... Views: 1453
Over the years I have heard a number of people say that the only reason someone would be depressed is because their life lacks meaning. I even heard a yoga teacher come out with the same view.
But before I go into what my thoughts are on this, I will go along with what these people ... Views: 713
If someone has spent a lot of time and effort building up their own life, it can be hard for them to understand why they would feel uncomfortable now that their life is going in the right direction. Yet, even if only one area of their life is going as they would like it to go, they could still ... Views: 611
One thing that social media has given people is somewhere where they can share their thoughts on just about anything. For some people, this is somewhere where they can tear other people down.
Someone like this can pull another person down and they won’t need to worry about getting into ... Views: 683
When I was out the other day I saw a paper bag that said something like, ‘the world needs more love.’ This is something that is hard to deny, considering how much suffering and destruction there is.
One only needs to watch the news or to pick up a paper to hear about something negative that ... Views: 888
It could be said that it is not possible for someone to always agree with another person or to go along with the ideas that they put forward, for instance. With this in mind, it is going to be essential for them to be able to speak up when they disagree with something and to stand their ground ... Views: 709
인터넷의 출현 직후, 온라인 도박의 적법성에 대한 질문이 이어졌습니다. 세이프 포트 법 (Safe Port Act)에 첨부되어 2006 년 10 월 법에 서명 된 불법적 인 인터넷 도박 집행법이 있기 전까지 정부는이를 막을 수 없었습니다. 그러나 UIGEA는 그 어느 때보 다 널리 받아 들여지고 대중화 된 기관을 박멸하는 것과는 거리가 멀고 많은 사람들이 즐기는 기관입니다.
우리는 도박에 대한 인식이 슬롯 팔러와 카지노를 허용하는 법률을 가진 점점 많은 수의 국가를 통해 관용으로 이동하고 있다는 증거를 모두 볼 수 ... Views: 517
What someone may find is that they have the inclination to keep their challenges to themselves, and perhaps they have been this way for as long as they can remember. They may believe that sharing what is going on for them would make them look weak or incapable, for instance.
Therefore, even ... Views: 776
If someone wanted to find out how well they are doing in life, they could end up looking around them. One is then going to compare themselves with the people they are close to, along with the people who they know.
Alternatively, one could think about the people in their life who are around ... Views: 817
Practically from the moment that someone is born, they can end pushing their emotions out of their awareness. After a little while, they can have very little, if any, connection with this part of their being.
However, even though they will have lost touch with a big part of who they are, it ... Views: 595
We make hundreds if not thousands of decisions each day. And we all do the best we can.
We make our decisions by going through a thought process that has largely become habit.
If we do not consciously make the effort to change the way we think, we will continue to do the same things we ... Views: 527
What you may find is that although it is relatively easy for you to be compassionate towards others, it is not as easy for you to be compassionate towards yourself. So if another person makes a mistake, you could offer words of support; but if you were to make a mistake, it could be a very ... Views: 676
If someone was to hear that their friend is going through a tough time, they could give them a call or go to see them. No matter what they do, this could still be a time when they will listen to what they have to say and offer their support.
Conversely, if they are in a relationship and ... Views: 631
According to the law of attraction, positive thoughts attract positive things and negative thoughts attract negative things. There are those that believe this and there are those that believe that this is load of rubbish.
This doesn’t mean that there are only two type of people, though, as ... Views: 699
What someone may find is that it is hard for them to take action, with this being something that they need to work on. At the same time, they may find that they are able to take action when it comes to certain areas, yet struggle in others.
Either way, it will be vital for them to do what ... Views: 678
On one side, there are people that are happy to receive but have trouble when it comes to giving, and, on the other side, there are people who are happy to give but have trouble when it comes to receiving. Nonetheless, although both of these types of people are going to experience difficulties, ... Views: 770
Although some people feel safe in their body and as though they deserve to exist, there are others that don’t experience life in this way. However, regardless of whether someone fits into the first category or the second, it doesn’t mean that they will be consciously aware of it.
Yet, even ... Views: 726
If one is in a relationship, it could show that they are with someone who they share every part of their being with. What this means is that they will talk about what is taking place in their mind, reveal what is taking place in their heart and share their body.
As a result of this, every ... Views: 771
If one sees themselves as someone who is capable, it is naturally going to have a positive effect on their life. Through having this view, it will allow them to take the steps that they need to take to fulfil their goals.
Thanks to how they feel about themselves, they will believe that they ... Views: 651
After someone has experienced loss, they could end up experiencing emotional pain. When it comes to how severe this pain is, it can all depend on who has passed on.
So, if a family member has passed on, the amount of pain that they are in could be unbearable. Through being in so much pain, ... Views: 736
In the same way that someone can be good at something but not realise it; they can also be intelligent but not realise it. As a result of this, the view that they have of themselves is not going to match up with reality.
One of the ways that this can affect their life is that they might not ... Views: 604
Formal education hardly ever teaches us the vital life skills that we need to have a good personal life or launch a successful career or business. Therefore, we often have to work hard to create the best versions of ourselves to make the most out of life. That is the essence of personal ... Views: 871
As someone who has always enjoyed listening to lyricists and conscious rappers rather than mainstream hip hop artists, I was enthralled to discover Billy Carson and his “Pantheon of Musical Gods”, Pantheon Elite Records, has been reaching more listeners. It turns out that their song “False ... Views: 621
If someone who had a painful childhood was to talk about what took place to another person, they may end up being told that they need to forgive their parents. This could be something that they come out with more or less straight away or it may have taken a while.
Furthermore, one could be ... Views: 755
“We’re not the cause, we’re the effect.” - Nipsey Hussle
I am always in awe of the divine design of life. A true believer in the philosophy that “there are no coincidences,” I am always fascinated by the people who cross my path. Whether it be someone I am standing next to in a long line or ... Views: 884
Lack of self-confidence is one of the biggest blocks to pursuing your passions and purpose. It’s certainly something that I’ve struggled with. Each time you put yourself out to the world, it feels like a risk. But unless you do take that risk, you don’t allow yourself to make your dreams a ... Views: 913
When I recently attended a bootcamp class at my gym, I noticed this adorable twenty-something standing next to me. Although I have seen her before, I have never talked to her. Truth is, she generally works out every morning at 6 AM, whereas I stumble in at 7 AM. I have in the past overheard some ... Views: 933
One thing that is often said by people in the self-development world is that it is important not to care about what other people think. This is not the only area where this is said, though, as there are plenty of pages on social media where quotes are shared that have the same message.
... Views: 676
The most important thing for a human being to have is self-esteem. Without it, none of your endeavors in life would be as successful as they should, and you’ll always feel like something is missing. This is even more so for men because society demands a certain standard and imposes specific ... Views: 1139
Although attention is something that everyone needs, there are some people who need more attention than others. As a result of this, the amount of attention that will be enough for one person won’t be enough for another.
And what has made it easier for someone to receive attention is social ... Views: 768
The great Lao Tzu once said, “Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.” This was something that was said many, many years ago, but it is just as relevant today.
However, while someone could read this quote and see how true it is, it doesn’t mean that it will ... Views: 760
Whenever I have the privilege of leading transformational workshops, I am always in awe of what an honor it is to be invited into people’s lives and have them share so openly about their past as well as the honest and raw feelings they have about themselves and their lives. I expect to feel the ... Views: 865
Getting more follower does not mean that your Instagram followers are increasing. What I am trying to say is that if you see the number of followers is increasing but you are not getting the result you want then those followers are nothing at all.
That is why when you increase your Instagram ... Views: 788
The key to happiness is meeting our needs. Although codependents are very good at meeting the needs of other people, many are clueless about their own needs. They have problems identifying, expressing, and fulfilling their needs and wants. They're usually very attuned other people and may even ... Views: 1179
When Errol Campbell and I were doing live videos about a year ago, he said that it wasn’t just about us giving advice. While this was part of it, he also said that we were there to hold the space so that the people on the call could find their own answers.
At the time, I found it hard to get ... Views: 758
In recent years, a lot has been said about the amount of people who are ending their life as well as those who have thought about doing so. As a result of what has been going on, there is a strong chance that some people are ending their life right now and there are others who are thinking about ... Views: 743
Just as there are no rules for life, there are no rules for relationships. That statement can be triggering for the ego, the part of us that insatiably demands definite answers and craves formulas. “Tell me how to live and how to love and then I’ll know that I’ll be okay!” the ego thinks, then ... Views: 1026
Our culture entrains us not to know who we are. From the time we’re born and continuing into our early years, we’re conditioned to externalize our sense of self through being told when and how to eat, sleep, play, socialize, learn. Although this may be changing, the dominant child-raising ... Views: 1335
Take two or three minutes and record your reactions to the request underneath. The more through and through your answer, the better you'll understand yourself and your autonomous business. Your answers will guarantee you this is what you have to do.
Take out a diary or open a substance ... Views: 527
A number of weeks ago I was talking to someone who was used to having people talk to them about their problems. It was easy to see why this was as they were a good listener, had a lot of empathy, and there was a gentleness to them.
Due to this, it would have been strange if this person ... Views: 779
If one is in a relationship that is abusive, they can find that it is hard for them to feel good about themselves. So, through spending so much time around someone who undermines them, the good feelings that they had will have just about disappeared.
Before this took place, they may have ... Views: 668
When I was reading ‘The Integrity Of Personality’ by Anthony Storr, there were a lot of things that stood out. This is a book that came out a few decades ago, but it is full of great information.
And one of the things that stood out was when he basically said that a therapist can’t make a ... Views: 728
The iconic movie, “Karate Kid” which first came out in 1984, highlighted martial arts as a way of life rather than just a sport. Remember “wax on, wax off”? Well, you know the lessons don’t just stop there if you have watched the movie. But to sum it up, this movie ... Views: 596
Although a man may accept that some men are more masculine than others, there is also the chance that this is something that he is not willing to accept. This is something that can define how he responds to men who are not very masculine.
If a man can accept this, he may just see men as ... Views: 773
For a little while now, a lot has said about people who are suffering from depression and now, a lot is also being said about people who are suffering from suicidal feelings. There are even people who have taken their own life.
One then has to wonder if more people are feeling suicidal than ... Views: 751
If one doesn’t know someone who is going through a tough time emotionally, they may have heard about someone in the media whose inner world is not in a good place. One could even reflect on what they have witnessed over the years and see that this is a common occurrence.
Thus, if they were ... Views: 766