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(This article assumes the reader is familiar with EFT. It was originally published in Gary Craig's newsletter in 2009.)
I have come up with an approach for using EFT to resolve deep-seated problems rooted in our family history. (I call it Family Energetics). I am getting outstanding results ... Views: 1946
The nice thing about it is that it doesn’t have to go into some landfill and pollute the planet. This is actually a guilt-free process, although it doesn’t always feel like it.
Why not? Because so much of our mental trash has these labels on it like “Mom gave this to me, do not throw away.” ... Views: 3607
Listen in as seasoned EFT'er Baerbel Froehlin uses EFT and hypnosis to dramatically reduce a young boy's severe twitching problem. Note her use of rapport and creative approaches.
Bob (not his real name) is a 13-year old boy who couldn't tie his shoes anymore or hold the utensils when eating ... Views: 2766
Diamond Consciousness in the Age of Aquarius
The Age of Aquarius, once sung by the popular 80’s group, the Fifth Dimension, is now upon us, ringing an inner bell that our own consciousness must answer. All of YOU -Lightworkers, Energy Healers, Starseeds and Indigos - whose task it is to ... Views: 5517
People usually mean well. Although sometimes they’re just tired of putting up with someone else’s problem. And it’s not as if you’re not trying. You’d love to just get over it, after all. It’s no fun holding on to all this negative emotion.
The good news is that it’s not because you have a ... Views: 5214
These sessions took place in 1993.
Joe's problems were Anorexia - having gone from 13 stone (182 pounds) to 8 stone (112 pounds) over a 9-month period, extreme anxiety, panic attacks and self-harming behaviour.
Other issues that became apparent were an addiction to Aspartame, ADD and ... Views: 3234
Newcomers to EFT soon realise, as more experienced practitioners have before them, the wonderful results available when using The Movie Technique. As you watch Gary Craig work with clients throughout the DVD sets, we rarely witness a session that does not contain a wonderful example of its ... Views: 3717
This is not an article about how to have the happy childhood you missed out on by bonding with your children and experiencing a new childhood along with them, although that’s a great thing to do. If you have children, I recommend it.
Nor is it an article about getting in touch with your inner ... Views: 4782
Exercise to Creating
A New Reality
By: Dr. Corey Sondrup, D.C.
Below is an exercise I use in my office, at seminars and for myself. Exercise to Creating A New Reality is a step by step process that involves communicating with your ... Views: 1931
Strength can come in many forms. Physical strength, where, even the weakest of us can lift cars off of children in moments of crisis. Spiritual strength, where your faith keeps you strong, wraps you in a blanket of understanding. Intelligent strength, where you use the talents of your brain to ... Views: 1772
What comes to mind when you think about your immune system? Do you think about an army of special cells, proteins, tissues, and organs ready to go to battle to defend you from organisms and substances that invade your system and cause disease? Do you visualize little Pac-Men like creatures ... Views: 1769
What beliefs and thoughts do you nurture daily? Do your beliefs and thoughts support or sabotage you? Are you aware of any conflict within?
Our beliefs (conscious & subconscious) are reflected by the emotions (energy in motion) we experience in our lives. When we experience a life that is ... Views: 1632
Have you ever experienced a gathering (church, conference, workshops, etc.) where the synergy of the group was so uplifting & powerful you just knew this would last forever? Then you return back to your everyday routine & environment (work, home, etc.) & some part of this energy or experience ... Views: 2671
The efficacy of energy-based psychotherapy is slowly increasing with the advent of new technology that can measure brain waves and other forms of subtle energy. As with any field of study there are several branches, all of which focus on change within some aspect of the human energy field, or ... Views: 1784
In today's business world, one of the most important skills we can posses is the ability to present our ideas in a clear, concise manner in order to inspire, educate and persuade others. Even if you think that your job doesn't require you to make speeches, just stop to think...how often do you ... Views: 1165
We all possess an amazing power to create the world we live in. The simple act of how we interpret what happens to us is usually subconscious. When you face a challenge you cannot control (like a chronic illness, losing your job or the decision of another person); you can always control the way ... Views: 1311
Chronic pain is the body's way of informing us that it is not at peace; it is diseased. It is also a guaranteed way of getting our attention. An enormously effective, safe and non-intrusive way we can respond to pain is by applying Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). In fact, one of the ... Views: 3825
Long before I was seriously ill, I often had a sense that I felt emotions more deeply and painfully than many of my friends and colleagues. Things seemed to roll off their backs, while I became greatly affected in some way by what I'd seen or heard.
I easily picked up on how others were ... Views: 3470
Many people think that spirituality has to do with putting other people's needs before their own and, as a result, are afraid to say "no." Many of us were taught that putting our needs before the needs of others is an act of selfishness, and selfishness is believed to be a negative trait. ... Views: 1597
Why do you tap? To get rid of something? To tap away something? Because you are sick to death of feeling the way you do? Because you want it gone? Because you are ready to scream?
Just imagine that a pain or dis-ease is the only way your body can get your attention. It is your body's way of ... Views: 1498
Wanting to get rid of something is a stuck and resistant energy. It is also the most common thing I hear when someone comes to me for an EFT session. If, for example, you have had neck pain for two years and it's not going away, more often than not, you'll feel frustrated, angry and helpless ... Views: 2916
Healing opens us to our spirituality.
Spirituality is an awareness that has atrophied in our society. Western culture is something of an aberration when compared to the majority of other cultures, where the spiritual dimensions are experienced and conceptualized as normal parts of existence ... Views: 2027
The experience of integrating spiritual healing with conventional medicine in England is instructive.
In the mid 1970s British healers formed a healing organization that lobbied the government to allow healers to treat patients in National Health Service hospitals. With one governmental ... Views: 1571
Clearing, Grounding & Opening the Heart, probably the three most important skills to master as a being on Earth for these three make everything else possible.
Clearing, keeping your energy fields free of the influence of other energies that can confuse and distract us. Grounding, the ability ... Views: 2007
How can we understand healing, which seems to occur through intention and subtle energies?
Albert Einstein pointed out, earlier in this century, that matter and energy are interchangeable. Quantum physics has amply confirmed his theory. Conventional, Newtonian medicine continues to address ... Views: 1935
In our reductionistic Western world we are taught that reality is "objective." We are led to believe that there is a constancy to the world and that it is consistently measurable by reliable scientific instruments. I will address these beliefs from the perspective of more than a dozen years of ... Views: 1764
Many people with acute pain simply want to be rid of it, without giving it much of a second thought. A pain pill does the trick and they move on with their lives. They see no reason to poke about and ask whether there are any deeper understandings to be had about the pain.
Most of the time, ... Views: 1453
Earth is gracious in her bounty and has given us all the tools we could ever need to live a happy, productive life filled with beauty and service to others and ourselves. Whatever we have around us in our immediate environment can be used to help us evolve; the plants in our gardens, the trees ... Views: 1081
A recent study revealed that positive affirmations may actually make some people feel worse instead of better. Psychologists Joanne V. Wood and John W. Lee from the University of Waterloo, and W.Q. Elaine Perunovic from the University of New Brunswick found that people with low self esteem who ... Views: 2428
There are fears around the planet about the financial crises now threatening every country in the world. The hasty governmental responses of throwing paper money at the problems that were created by irresponsible investments of banks is not going to solve these problems. Printing more money ... Views: 1494
We are often taught to ignore and bury our problems and upsets and to 'be strong.' This is a temporary solution for distress that has serious drawbacks. Learning to identify and release our feelings are much better ways of handling them. Varieties of self-treatment methods enable us to do this, ... Views: 2509
Happiness is a choice one makes for herself or himself. Well most people think that they will become happy if they get all their desires. But what happens is, when we get some of our desires, we become temporarily happy and then we add more desires to the list. So now we have some of our desires ... Views: 966
The Truth is that you are a vast, limitless being who chose to come to earth and be in a body. During the process of trying to squish this vastness into a small body you needed to choose some limitations in order to fit into a human form. It is all a grand game and you decided which limitations ... Views: 1626
Just what is Emotional Energy Mastery? Simply put, energy
management is feeling management. It's the system of building new beliefs that
are so powerful and empowering that, no matter what happens to you,
you have the power to be, do and have whatever it is you want!
Like many people, ... Views: 2095
The Art of Being Present
The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, nor to worry about the future, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly. –Buddha
What moment do we have other than this?
The past is an illusion long gone. The future is not yet ... Views: 1751
Whenever a client presents to me with an active case of post traumatic stress disorder, I start with a certain protocol which is based on my experience using both Neuro Emotional Technique and Emotional Freedom Technique - both energy psychology modalities. If you or someone you know might ... Views: 4979
“The 3 types of people and the role they play in our future”
When times get tough we tend to forget what makes the world go around. Financial collapse, big government control and collectivism, bailouts and an overall mood of apathy towards life is the recipe for disaster if we don’t wake up ... Views: 1709
EFT and Spiritual Growth
Some things I've noticed over the last few years that others may find of use:
I'm not an expert in this [ still in kindergarten] and there are probably many other ways to achieve the same result.
These methods may save you some time by supplying a certain ... Views: 1423
The vibrational qualities of plants can assist in balancing, relaxing, and energizing your aura and chakras. Each member of the plant kingdom has a unique gift to offer and can support you on your journey of manifesting your highest path on earth. Allowing herbal energies to assist your personal ... Views: 12053
Massive Breakthroughs with Theta Healing
By Kamila Harkavy
How would you like a massive breakthrough in your life? Theta Healing and NLP can facilitate one for you.
As you may know, I’m an Advanced Theta Healing Practitioner, and use Theta in my work as a Money Coach and Life Purpose ... Views: 2038
Just like the main character in the 1960s Broadway production of Stop the World – I Want to Get Off, we may long for something better in our lives, but never realize that what we really wanted was right in front of us all along. Too often, it is not until someone or something we cherish is gone ... Views: 2104
I want to reflect today on something I heard on my Ipod during a run yesterday. I often download books to listen to while I exercise and train. I enjoy listening far more than reading. I was listening to a clip from the book, “The Science Of Getting Rich” by Wallace Wattles. It was on the ... Views: 1464
“I have come to realize more and more that the greatest disease and the greatest suffering is to be unwanted, unloved, uncared for, to be shunned by everybody, to be just nobody [to no one].” Mother Teresa
According to the Oxford English dictionary disease is defined as “a disorder of ... Views: 1493
We all have dreams, particularly when we are young and vulnerable. Have you had the experience of telling someone about dreams that you have in your heart, only to have them shoot them down in flames?
They tell you all the reasons why you will fail, or that it can’t be done and will never ... Views: 2055
Everyone’s life is a series of ups and downs, of valleys and mountain tops. We often think that if we do all the right things that all will go well for us, but the truth is that bad things do happen to good people. The world doesn’t owe us a living and even when we feel that we deserve a good ... Views: 3118
I saw a technique on UK TV recently that I thought would be worth passing on to you. It is a technique for feeling better about yourself, your self esteem and your success. Whatever area of your life that you would like to bring up to a better emotional state can be done successfully by using ... Views: 1572
Thinking about the people in your life, who are the leeches and who are the supporters? Thinking right back to your early years who can you remember being the friends and family that have put you down, told you “you can't do it”, or “you are hopeless”? How did they make you feel? What did you do ... Views: 1842
You probably experience more stress than you need to, because your life is too complex. Today, we are bombarded with information from many sources, directly and indirectly. This makes your life very complicated, as you struggle with emails, papers, bills and people, worried in case you miss ... Views: 1788
What’s more important to you, a new expensive gadget or an interesting holiday somewhere exotic? Are you materialistic or do you prefer to fill your life with interesting experiences?
Did you know that people who constantly buy the latest new ‘thing’ are often less happy and satisfied with ... Views: 1688
Congratulations, Fellow Child of God. You’ve just taken the first step to entering the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. This Kingdom ("The New Heaven and New Earth")is available through the union of your heart, mind, and soul. This journey begins with the understanding beyond the common limits of ... Views: 2185