We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Employee Motivation". If you have expertise in Employee Motivation and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
A lot of clients tell me that they do not feel like experts…
They feel a little like frauds actually!
And maybe you feel that way too so can I help you out a little?
ONE – You do know more than most about your subject…
because you have studied it more than most.
Most entrepreneurs ... Views: 1070
While the health of your employees has nothing to do with how much they are actually paid, it does directly affect how much they cost the company. An employee with a poor diet, and unhealthy lifestyle can cost a company money by: being more expensive to insure, taking sick days more often, being ... Views: 1237
Glucose levels in the body affect the productivity of your employees more than you might believe. A steady glucose level throughout the workday, ensures that workers will be able to achieve a more astute focus while completing their work and have higher levels of attention to detail. Accuracy in ... Views: 1655
Various organizations and government associations conduct job training programs so that you can manage and provide individuals with training to develop their business and personal abilities, making them qualified to get a particular occupation. Today, if you are at a workplace, you must connect ... Views: 1038
Stress is a choice; you can either welcome it in your life and live with it or do a little extra effort to keep it away from your personal and work life. In this article, I am going to share certain tips for beating stress while being at home or in office.
Stress Beating Efforts At Office: Views: 1092
The Easiest Management Trap to Fall Into & The Hardest One to Avoid
Bill Cottringer
“The first rule of business: Control the few controllables and manage the rest the best you can.” ~The author.
This number one rule actually applies to both the public and private sectors equally ... Views: 1356
You would do well to know the following, when you happen to be looking for a job. Recruiters and hiring teams try to get a feel of the kind of the candidate during the job interview. Based on the candidate type they try and slot the applicant and accordingly portray and pitch ... Views: 1009
Being a leader is essential if you want to build a solid team that supports other people in being their best self and that is what network marketing is all about - Supporting others and growing your business.
In order to be a leader, you must be an example. Sometimes, people get caught up in ... Views: 1214
An intriguing discussion popped up on social media. It all started with a question: “Is crying in the workplace okay? Does it show you are genuinely human or weak or overly sensitive or ______________(fill in the blank)?” Underneath a question like that is the proverbial value assessment: ‘Is ... Views: 1400
An intriguing discussion popped up on social media. It all started with a question: “Is crying in the workplace okay? Does it show you are genuinely human or weak or overly sensitive or ______________(fill in the blank)?” Underneath a question like that is the proverbial value assessment: ‘Is ... Views: 1296
Bosses, Managers, Supervisors: Don’t Manage – Mentor!
Managers and supervisors have a very difficult job in today’s world of work. Everyone’s belt is tightened about as far as it can be, yet companies, educational establishments, even non-profits, want you to do more with less. No wonder ... Views: 1238
Over the past years, various social media websites like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter have emerged as increasingly popular and effective job search options. They are great to build your network share information and build new connections.
The job search scene is witnessing sea change as ... Views: 813
According to Pew research, for the first time, the millennial generation, those aged 18- 34, are now the largest segment of the workforce.
If you worked with millennials, you might not be surprised to learn that millennials have a reputation for being married to their phone, using them to ... Views: 1229
Dreamers and Doers
April, 13, 2015
Recently, it has been pointed out to me that there are “Dreamers” and there are “Doers”.
I think this implies that people who dream don’t achieve results. It implies that being a “Doers” is the more valid choice of the two. I think this whole premise is ... Views: 2012
Dreamers and Doers
April, 13, 2015
Recently, it has been pointed out to me that there are “Dreamers” and there are “Doers”.
I think this implies that people who dream don’t achieve results. It implies that being a “Doers” is the more valid choice of the two. I think this whole premise is ... Views: 2076
By MaryEllen Tribby
The other day I was tired. Not just yawn tried, but so tired my head hurt, my feet hurt and everything in between hurt.
To make matters worse, I had a zillion and one things that needed to get done that day, important things. Including hosting a bi-monthly Q & A ... Views: 1689
Work Sucks.
What makes work suck?
It’s boring and unfun.
Which is the widespread cause of turnover, lack of morale, and general uneasiness throughout the work place.
Next question.
How do you make it suck less?
Well it turns out, a great management technique to use is Gamifying. ... Views: 1361
Private tuition professionals are in business with the intention of motivating their students to do better in school. However, this can be difficult to do if the student continues to struggle or does not wish to put in the effort necessary to see success with the sessions. These issues can be ... Views: 1336
For those who have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD, keeping themselves focused and efficient in their jobs can be very difficult. The distractibility, restlessness, and limited attention span can have severe effects on how a person performs at work. If you have this condition, ... Views: 1506
Having the right attitude at work can do many incredible things to your life and your career – it helps you meet goals, get some sort of career advancement, and just enjoy your job more! Unfortunately, not all of us are lucky enough to have a job that we love. So how are you supposed to keep a ... Views: 1603
Are you among the 80 million Americans born between approximately 1982 and 2001? Look around. Have you noticed that you make up about a third of your workplace? The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has noticed and they say that what’s more, in just five more years, you presence will jump to 46% ... Views: 1358
The characteristic of any successful sales or marketing manager is leadership. Managers have to understand things correctly and make quick decisions, they have to co-ordinate each and every one under them and to constantly report it to higher-officials, they are the most prominent person ... Views: 3770
In our businesses and work, we have the opportunity every day to take action and move towards our ideal future. The question is, How many of us will move towards our ideal future (or vision) while maintaining a connection to a higher purpose in what we do, versus simply taking action and going ... Views: 1711
Listening is essential to running a successful business and creating a phenomenal team.
Employees are inevitably going to have upsets. The real opportunity is to create an environment where they can share their upsets and create new significant breakthroughs and insights.
To create a ... Views: 1761
I have received many questions from business owners and leaders about how to hold others accountable so they can lead their team to achieve extraordinary results.
This is lesson #6 out of six lessons I’ve learned about being a leader who powerfully holds others accountable.
I am willing to ... Views: 1483
Managing Better Work Performance
By Bill Cottringer
“Compelling trust is the highest form of human motivation” ~Stephen Covey.
We have always known that excellent work performance has to be driven by strong motivation. But in the beginning, motivational experts were only scratching ... Views: 1334
Most Supervisors tend to subscribe to one of two thoughts on employee motivation. Intuitive Supervisors can "Prime" their employees for success by simply setting positive expectations. Supervisors that are short-fused can and often do, set negative expectations that become self-fulfilling ... Views: 1328
The saying “no man is an island” becomes especially true on a project. Working on a project usually means working within a team. Whenever two or more people are put together, the potential for issues and conflict ... Views: 1246
An Ever-Growing Gap Between Managers And Employees In The Information Age
William Cottringer
When we first started on the path of the Information Age in the early eighties, we had no earthly idea where it was going to take us. Ironically, here in 2014, we still don’t know the answer ... Views: 1563
At the core of every successful company is a high-effective team. As a business leader, one of your main responsibilities is working with your employees and getting them motivated and able to accomplish the goals that you’ve set out for them. This isn’t a process that’s set in stone, and as such ... Views: 1549
I have received many questions from business owners and leaders about how to hold others accountable so they can lead their team to achieve extraordinary results.
This is lesson #5 out of six lessons I’ve learned about being a leader who powerfully holds others accountable.
I am powerful ... Views: 1523
Lesson 4: Inspire Others With a Future That Creates Their Desired Results
getyourfuturestartedI have received many questions from business owners and leaders about how to hold others accountable so they can lead their team to achieve extraordinary results.
This is lesson #4 out of six ... Views: 1617
Lesson 3: Recognizing That People Want to Avoid Accountability
I have received many questions from business owners and leaders about how to hold others accountable so they can lead their team to achieve extraordinary results.
This is lesson #3 out of six lessons I’ve learned about being a ... Views: 1569
I have received many questions from business owners and leaders about how to hold others accountable so that you can lead your team to achieve extraordinary results. In the upcoming weeks I will be sharing six lessons I’ve learned about being a leader who powerfully holds others ... Views: 1558
As a manager or a business owner, you have the burden of making sure that there is effective communication within your business or company. But this is no easy task at all. Can you actually sleep at night feeling so sure that your staff understood the critical information you shared with them? ... Views: 1678
Motivational Marketing Weapon #1: Commit to Persevere
All of the motivational marketing weapons that I’m going to reveal to you are based on affirmations from my best-selling book, 365 Affirmations to Absolutely Guarantee a Record-Breaking Year. The first weapon comes from Affirmation ... Views: 1407
Patience is something that many of us find very hard to acquire or develop, perhaps because it is way too easy to just be impatient. But do you know that when you lose control of your patience, you hurt not only the people around you, but yourself as well? Impatience can cause your stress levels ... Views: 1511
When talking about a ‘perfect leader’, we easily think of someone who seems to be always in control. This person never allows his temper to overcome him no matter how difficult the situation is. You may also imagine a perfect leader in a person who is trusted by his staff because she is someone ... Views: 1277
It is very common to hear from career experts that you should define your values first before you could set your career path. This may sound easy, but you actually cannot define your values without knowing what they are actually.
Well, your values are comprised of the things you think and ... Views: 1436
As I read about the global war for talent I wonder about the employees who are not considered talent. While we are in great need of talent to drive leadership and fill pipelines for succession planning, we most often look outside of the organization to find these employees.
Baby boomers are ... Views: 1313
I have an extraordinary friend I often secretly call “Superwoman.” That’s because at 65 years old, she has most active lifestyle of anyone I know. She ziplines, kayaks, bikes, hikes and canoes, rain or shine, sleet or snow, 52 weeks of the year. She heads several fitness groups in her area and ... Views: 1416
Even the job that you have long wanted can turn into a nightmare if you find yourself having more tasks and responsibilities than you expected. And when you start missing deadlines and getting assigned additional projects, things can get so much worse. These could even result in you having a ... Views: 1030
Strategic planning is a process not an event. A key element in the process is the engagement of all levels of staff throughout the organization. Staff engagement generates additional input and helps build their commitment to the end plan. It is essential to involve employees in the planning of ... Views: 1532
Living by Likes
It’s funny how sometimes life sneaks up on you and catches you by surprise. I had some occasion of inspiration recently to examine the way I have been thinking, the way I have been living and the general direction of my life. It was not something I planned on doing, it just ... Views: 1377
At first glance this story might seem like it has nothing to do with building a thriving business.
However, as you read this, I invite you to consider where you haven't been willing to "get off it" with someone or something in your business.
Getting off it is a willingness to take ... Views: 1598
I've come to realize that the situations that challenge me the most as a leader and business owner are the ones that bring up a lot of emotions for me.
Immediately my internal dialogue kicks in. In the moment it seems like my internal dialogue is simply reporting the truth about my situation ... Views: 1636
There is a fabulous hot tub retail and service business in southwest Montana, pleasantly named Mountain Hot Tub. It was during one of our monthly team meetings that they officially declared their vision...they would be known as "The Hot Tub Capital of the World".
As soon as the vision was ... Views: 1931
As a leader, have you ever experienced times in your business where things were unfolding with ease; life seemed to be humming along just great¦when suddenly and without warning, your good fortune came to a screeching halt and you found yourself feeling stuck and stagnant?
So what do you do ... Views: 1519
I was facilitating an on-site training for a business recently. Several times during the training the request was made by the employees, “for managers and leaders to acknowledge the positive.”
I have found this to be a common theme in most every business. Employees often feel like the only ... Views: 1493
An extraordinary group achieves outstanding results while members experience a profound shift in how they see their world.
These amazing groups show up in all sectors… Our stories of these extraordinary groups came from organization leaders, information technology professionals, soldiers, ... Views: 1801