We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Employee Motivation". If you have expertise in Employee Motivation and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Don’t Assume It’s About Money
Keeping employees engaged is important in this economy, but I believe employee engagement matters, regardless of the economy. Most companies are not changing the way they hire or engage current employees, although they should. Most want to, but don’t think they ... Views: 1497
When starting a new business, there are two major challenges people often face. They are: finding a network that can be trusted and finding sound advice and guidance. A network you can trust is crucial. If you aren’t able to use a marketing system that will make you money you’ll just continue ... Views: 1034
If you are considering starting your own online business, you will definitely want to take a look at what mentoring can do for you. After you have found your online marketing system and decided to use it, it’s time to consider your mentor.
The mentor will be someone who is familiar with the ... Views: 1041
In every arena of life, a leader is required. Leadership is best defined as the capacity to influence and inspire. Successful and effective leaders share traits that we can use to lead those around us, whether in the boardroom, on the battlefield, on the gymnasium floor, or on the football ... Views: 1189
I am a real advocate of looking up the ladder to role models, for cues and guidelines, so I was truly exasperated to hear the following story:
A young colleague of mine, let’s call her Mandy, returned from a recent meeting so agitated, not even an iced cappuccino (with whipped cream!) would ... Views: 1386
Everyone wants to improve their results, especially when it involves their income. Sales associates, business owners, managers, and leaders, attempt to structure their day to experience growth. I meet with people each day who are committed, dedicated, and passionate about building their ... Views: 1376
Work life and Facebook – it seems like a never-ending discussion topic nowadays. There are many things to consider in regards to your personal and career brand. Yet so many people are either unaware of them or do not fully understand the ramifications of the content they might share online. For ... Views: 7839
What's the effect on the rest of the team?
A couple of years ago I heard from a colleague that he had been fired in voice mail. After asking him about this he told me that neither his immediate supervisor nor his second level supervisor had spoken with him about his productivity and yet this is ... Views: 1540
Although unforeseen opportunities may appear as you succeed, a goal is not accomplished unless given forethought and targeted as follows:
1. You decided to do it (answered the question why?)
Unless the why has logic and emotion intertwined it will fall flat. The logic resembles gears in a ... Views: 1380
Fighting Discrimination in the Work Force
Even in 2010, both women and minorities face discrimination in the work force. This article gives some examples as to what still goes on.
Although I help to run a New York executive sales and marketing recruiters, it has happened to me more times than ... Views: 1324
Want to change the jobs your employees have into the jobs they want? Try a new concept called job crafting – an easy way for your employees to create the jobs they want from the jobs they already have. The best part is that your organization can reap the rewards of a happier, motivated, and more ... Views: 1000
I play tennis about four times a week. One of the guys I play with, always starts the day by tossing the ball to make his serve and announcing, “Enjoy, gentlemen!” I usually reply with, “Thanks Jon. I’m rooting for you to come in second.” (Unless, of course, Jon is my doubles partner.) Our ... Views: 1498
Challenging Economic Times Call for Managing Productive Tension
by Steven Shagrin, JD, CFP®, CCP & Thornton Prayer, CCP
June 2010
In these difficult economic times, businesses have shared with us several major challenges they have faced regarding their competiveness – and even their ... Views: 1298
When a friend asked me to write about workplace bullying, I remembered the first time I was bullied by a senior manager. She told me I was doing a great job but needed to learn how to “kiss her a#$” (her words) for a promotion. Her boldness took me off guard and I blurted, “that aint NEVER going ... Views: 1342
Addressing Workplace Relationships
Where do we get to choose our relationships and where do we have no choice? We get to choose our friends, but not our family or co-workers. Figure that the workplace is one area where a group of random people are plunked down in some sort of space and told ... Views: 1579
What motivates people? No question about human behavior is more frequently asked or more perplexing to answer.
As an employer can you actually influence employee behavior? Or do employees find their own motivations in the workplace?
Beneath all the argument and rhetoric around leadership ... Views: 3817
It was time for my yearly eye exam and I decided to change my Ophthalmologist. I needed to find an optical shop closer to home.
I spent a lot of time finding this particular optical shop and was happy that the shop was conveniently located, had plenty of parking available, and was open ... Views: 1674
The Awesome Party Squad is not a band, or a gang, or a silly hardcore crew or something like that…it is a social order, if you will, that works for the common good by making everything around it more radical. Having existed since the dawn of time and space, Squad members have been responsible in ... Views: 1253
At the risk of appearing really off the wall, I'd like to express some considerations that you may share as well. It has been several decades since I first started inquiring deeper within the constructs of reality, seeking congruence of belief systems and daily living. I’ve shucked the belief ... Views: 2100
A preponderance of managers and supervisors are overly familiar with long sighs and disheartened groans from their employees when they introduce yet another organizational change or a new initiative. And in the aftershock of a devastating recession, the sighs and groans are turning into fear. ... Views: 2051
Coming from the perspective of positive psychology, I am admittedly biased towards the inherent power of emotion. Emotions are among the top reasons for failed attempts to improve corporate productivity and culture.
Fear: Fear and anxiety paralyze change initiatives.
Anger: Culture ... Views: 4540
Mahadevan had a diploma in Hotel Management from a renowned institute in Delhi. This 24-year-old native of Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, had completed two years as a receptionist in the front office department of a mid-range Delhi hotel catering to overnight business travelers.
The young man was ... Views: 1753
You must give birth to your images.
They are the future waiting to be born.
Fear not the strangeness that you feel.
The future must enter you long before it
happens. Just wait for the birth, for the hour of new clarity.
(Ranier Maria Rilke)
The real work of leaders—the single most ... Views: 1484
In today's business climate, we are experiencing more interest in professionalism. The past five years provided many successes; however, most have been overshadowed by the nonethical behavior of a few. Some people lost most of their retirement savings, and the US population is demanding a ... Views: 2733
Corporations are a vital part of an economy. So are foundations, government, and faith based initiatives. In corporations employees are starving for a new direction to create a new economy and adapt. Corporations are largely responsible for more business transparency because of the push for ... Views: 1287
By John Grubbs
…as a supervisor and there is nothing I can really do about it. I accepted this promotion to supervisor because I need to improve things for my family. I can’t stand confrontation and don’t like dealing with other people’s problems. I don’t really know what I ... Views: 1531
We encounter feedback in a number of ways in the workplace. When working with another person or group of people to deliver goods or services, feedback is a key component to being able to continually correct toward the goal. Feedback is also institutionalized in the annual or semiannual ... Views: 3767
When working with my career coaching clients about how to know when it's time to look for a new job, I always tell them that whatever they do they should not remain miserable.
We all have our ups and downs at work. Some weeks we're super-productive. Other weeks, not so much. But how do you ... Views: 1370
William E. Miller
Hiring and developing new people are the first steps in building a winning organization and avoiding expensive employee turnover. To develop new people, especially during their initial training, managers must have ... Views: 1871
We all face difficult conversations in the workplace: criticism from our boss, a conflict with a client, a co-worker we find irritating, a subordinate who submits incomplete work -- all might entail a conversation we do not look forward to having. When we anticipate that an interaction might be ... Views: 1642
The world is strangely concerned about generation “Y” these days. I don’t understand it! Generation “Y” is just the current crop of kids that will eventually rule the world. They are the children of Boomers and Generation “X” parents and they were born between 1980 and 1994. ... Views: 2232
Some jobseekers see job loss an avenue for new opportunities while others may take it quite negatively. This is important to note that it is quite natural to be filled with negative emotions after a job loss. A job loss affects individuals in a number of ways. Some common feelings that it may ... Views: 1175
One thing that you have to understand is that personal motivation is internal. Motivation is the willingness of someone or employees working as a team to expand their energy in order to achieve a goal. Of course, you can say that it is a psychological phenomenon.
One thing I have learned is ... Views: 2257
Yin and Yang are the key concepts originated in Taoism in the 3rd or 4th century BC in China. Yin is usually associated with feminine energy, representing the reflective and introvert facets of activities or personality; whereas Yang, related to masculine energy, is referred to strength and ... Views: 1346
How to Ace The 2010 Interview
Common sense would tell us that a job interview whether for your first
employment out of school or for CEO of a NYSE company, requires planning
and research.
This same famous - common sense - tells us that holding a seashell to our ear retains the sound of ... Views: 1498
Vision Attracts Resources and people
Circumstances that we go through in life are but a reflection of our own selves. We think in secret but all we think and secretly cherish or fear in our hearts comes to pass and the whole world is made aware as circumstance upon circumstance unfolds. Our ... Views: 2169
I have worked as an actor in movies and TV for over 25 years and there's one thing that people always say to me. "That looks easy, I bet I could do that." Well, I say, maybe you could but it's not as easy at it looks. It takes a lot of work to make it look so easy.
Watching a finished film ... Views: 1071
When you take a look at a simple business model or a business plan, there is no reason why anyone in business should not succeed at what they are doing!! It is, after all quite simple.
However the list of why businesses fail is quite a long list, but if you analyse this list, you will find ... Views: 2687
That depends on whether you feel "fluffy" is important in business. NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) is fluffy, only in the sense that it deals with the human factor. If making your staff feel motivated, appreciated and valued is something that you are not interested in, then yes NLP is too ... Views: 966
Most nonprofit organizations use volunteers to perform tasks that regular staff members lack the time to do. Also, with an unstable economy, resulting in budget cuts for many organizations, developing and maintaining a volunteer pool is critical to nonprofits. An organized and well executed ... Views: 1795
I was golfing with Tiger Woods the other day…..no I wasn’t…I was golfing on my daughters Wii. It doesn’t matter; my score was just as bad. How many men (and women) wish they could play GOLF like Tiger? No matter how we feel about his newly revealed personal “flaws”, he is still perhaps the ... Views: 4038
We all crave to be seen, heard and acknowledged. Whether I say that to individuals, groups or large audiences, heads nod in the affirmative. When I first began working in a counseling agency, I was thrilled with the supervision. My manager smiled, nodded and listened as I worked out my problems ... Views: 5107
Negativity is the number one productivity problem in the workplace. Signs of negativity include backstabbing, gossiping, power struggles and lack of teamwork. The end result is absenteeism, low morale and turnover. Here are seven tips for improving workplace relationships and reducing ... Views: 4563
"Life is a succession of moments. To live each one is to succeed." - Corita Kent
Is today's business environment wearing you out, making you wish you had never risked so much to start up or remain in your business? While going to work for someone else in an undemanding, unchallenging, yet ... Views: 1564
Do you need a job because you've been let go from your company or fear you may be let go soon? Here are six strategies you can implement to ensure you land that all-important job -- even when the odds are against you. If you want to stand out from the crowd, read on!
There are currently more ... Views: 2698
Meetings can be a big waste of time or the biggest time saver. It all depends on your skills of keeping the meeting on track and engaging your staff. The challenges that keep your meetings from being productive include going on way past the allotted time, getting off track, and meetings that ... Views: 2385
Feng Shui for Your Office
Your office is the place where you get your work done, where you do your business and where you need to be productive. But when your Feng Shui isn’t balanced, then you might be setting yourself up for disaster – or at least inefficiency. If you find that your ... Views: 1996
Work life balance is an issue for many people, as indeed is stress, unless you are part of a tiny group of the population that have a pretty easy going life with little stress. Many have jobs that are meant to be 9 to 5 though in reality are more like 7 to 8, and I mean 13 hours rather than just ... Views: 1778
After the launching of my site, I had some great success with new viewers and followers. I received a lot of email indicating our price was so low, that this could not be true. As you see most job seeking sites for telecommuting or work at home is pretty much scams. You should never have to ... Views: 884
Could You Make One Positive Change?
Do you have a seer, mentor or commentator you automatically believe based
on past experience? It is called the Law of Association – meaning there is a
LINK, joining and union with their ideas or beliefs. Association (from Latin)
means soci(us) – partner ... Views: 1369