We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Elder Care". If you have expertise in Elder Care and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Early diagnosis of dementia is crucial in ensuring that people are able to get the specialist dementia care and support they need to maintain independence and enjoy the highest quality of life possible. Being aware of the early signs and symptoms of dementia is particularly important at ... Views: 1901
You’ve probably heard the saying that says you can’t take care of someone else if you aren’t taken care of first. When you go through the safety check on an airplane, the flight attendant will encourage you to give yourself oxygen before helping anyone else in the case of an emergency. This is ... Views: 1341
At an old age, taking care of yourself or having a loved one take care of you can be tiring and make you feel weak. However, a home care aid can actually be a very helpful way of getting yourself to your best state by being relaxed and comfortable. Are you questioning if you need or know one who ... Views: 1376
The home is the nicest place there is. For a vast majority of seniors, the home serves as the foundation of their identity, autonomy and independence. Staying in the warmth and comfort of home, and close to family members can have significant benefits. Home care is the ideal choice for ... Views: 1305
Finding the right home care provider for aging parents can be a hard task for both the patient and their family members. Stress can be multiplied when the patient is suffering from immobility, dementia, and chronic illness. According to current research, patients allowed to recover at home ... Views: 1330
Contemplating on future living arrangements can be quite daunting for you and your family. It can also be confusing and overwhelming because of the different types of senior housing options available today. But in general, the earlier you evaluate your current situation and how your needs will ... Views: 1236
Blood Pressure
Blood pressure bullets
• Eating less sugar leads to steadier blood sugar levels and that turns off the high blood pressure gene. Limit sugary drinks and opt for whole grain high fiber carbs.
• Omega 3 will moderately improve high blood pressure.
• Folic acid and calcium can ... Views: 3631
Bladder health /Cancer
Try the berry cure for great health
· Berries and lemon juice contains as many caner-preventing flavonoids as five cups of broccoli.
Your health
· Men who drink plenty of low-sugar fluids have a lower risk of developing bladder cancer.
· ... Views: 2690
Making the decision to get your loved one into a nursing home can be difficult but for the sake of their wellbeing, it might be necessary to look into assisted living or a nursing home. Seniors often need a level of autonomy to make the transition easy so that has to be considered when making ... Views: 1309
The phrase “Home Care” encompasses a wide range of health care services provided by both skilled caregivers and professional health workers alike at the homes of patients. The service is available on either a short-term or a long-term basis. People who stand to benefit the most from this type of ... Views: 1234
A recent report by the Women’s Royal Voluntary Service charity (“WRVS”) has highlighted the extent to which elderly people are suffering from falls and the psychological impact this has on them.
According to the findings, more than 35% of people over 65 have fallen in the last two years and ... Views: 2064
The home care assistance industry is growing as more seniors prefer to stay in their own homes rather than moving to an assisted living home or rest home. In the course of life we find that we need help in doing tasks that at one time seemed menial and expended little energy. Home care ... Views: 1980
Aged persons need more nutrients to aid the repair process of body. Their body needs more vitamins and proteins as it experiences continuous degenerative process. Elders‘ diet should be simple, nutritious and easily digestible. Here is a recipe which help to supply good amount of vitamins, ... Views: 1735
Skin is prized asset and a vital protective organ of our body. It is the largest organ of the body and has an important role to play in protecting the body from external forces, regulating the temperature and removing excess body toxins and wastes
Skin constantly produces new cells and shed ... Views: 1450
To fully appreciate the efficiency of a medical alert system in the context of complementing the work of caregivers, let us consider an actual real-world case. Madelyn is a subscriber to one of the leading medical alert system companies. She is 60, with narcolepsy, and lives alone at her own ... Views: 1655
As the home health care services undergo rapid consolidation, many people depend on the services it offered. And it is important to know what home health care services you need so that you will have a criteria and guide on what to look for.
As we grow older, things become more difficult. ... Views: 1253
What Helps Determine the Length of Time You May Need a Home Care Aid
One of the most stressful and potentially painful times in a person’s life can be that of the occurrence of a serious illness or event, such as stroke, accident or heart attack. When events such as these take place, a number ... Views: 1117
If you are looking for a caregiver for your loved one, there can be certain risks if you search on your own. Not knowing just what to look for in a caregiver or just what your loved one needs can present risks of injury or missed medication right away.
That said, finding the right Palo Alto ... Views: 1094
Absolutely! Requirements for home care assistance are documented by both state and federal agencies. Other requirements for Home Care Assistance are more implied; understood better by participants within the health care community.
Orange County Home Care assistance is a collection of health ... Views: 1211
Further advances in medical alert technology have enabled society to provide better, more efficient care for the elderly. While in the old days, the only viable option was to have the senior members of our family live in specialized homes to monitor their health and to ensure all their needs are ... Views: 1280
According to the AARP, over 90% of seniors would prefer to stay home rather than living in a facility. This is not always possible since varying levels of assistance may be needed to keep your loved one healthy and safe. One way to meet the needs of a senior and allow them to remain in their ... Views: 1214
The longer seniors can stay in their own home, the better they feel. Keeping them in familiar surroundings is reassuring. Some may need to downsize, but having treasured furnishings and accessories around will help ease the transition. Many seniors are capable of providing much of their own care ... Views: 1171
Caring Solutions offers a wide variety of in home health care services. One of our dedicated, highly trained staff members will meet with you to discuss your various options and determine which of our plans will provide you with the necessary assistance to ensure your optimum wellness. We offer ... Views: 1088
Getting older is not easy. You wake up in the morning, gaze at your reflection in the mirror, and discover a person who seems older than the last time you looked. But if you’re thinking about going to the plastic surgeon to magically remove the years from your face, then don’t. Seniors resorting ... Views: 1423
Years ago people lived closer to their grown children. Many of them lived right in the same neighbourhood. They often got to see them several times a week. They kept in touch and would always be available to help. The grand kids could cut the lawn. Mom could run by with some fresh fruit and chat ... Views: 1073
There's one thing that you do not have to worry about with cancer - it's not contagious. Cancer is the abnormal division of cells. Healthy cells perform functions that contribute to normal growth and survival. Disruption of this process comes in many forms. Toxins (free radicals) are notorious ... Views: 1081
Home care assistance is a way to allow an elderly patient to continue living at home while being cared for by a professional caregiver. Most elderly people would prefer not to live in a designated senior care facility. In fact, a large majority cringe at the idea. Care facilities are crowded and ... Views: 1275
More and more research is linking healthy aging to food and diet. In the very simplest sense, food is medicine. Food provides the vitamins and nutrients to help your body function efficiently, delays the onset of chronic diseases, and helps the body to heal itself. Conversely, a poor diet, over ... Views: 1063
There is an on-going project called the “Vial of Life.” It does not include an actual vial as it is more a metaphor, but the project does aim to preserve life, specifically that of of seniors or anyone with a chronic medical condition and who may need emergency medical assistance anytime soon. ... Views: 1360
89% of Americans do not want to leave their homes when they age. Most of these people will live alone and receive support from a variety of health and community-based providers, family caregivers.
How will the long-term care system provide care to a growing number of seniors living in ... Views: 1651
Aging can be insidious—it does not announce itself in a loud call or with a sign bearing big, bold letters. It creeps up on everyone’s lives, largely undetected. Often, the medical issues associated with aging become obvious only when the condition has become sufficiently serious to warrant a ... Views: 1219
Dealing with Alzheimer’s disease can be difficult especially when it comes to someone you love. We all know one day that we will have to look after our parents similar to the way they cared for us as children, however realizing that we may have to care for a parent with Alzheimer’s disease can ... Views: 1063
Staying healthy into your golden years is the standard everyone strives to achieve. And, we all know that a healthy diet is central to achieving that goal. With all the conflicting information out there, it may be difficult to know which foods are best to include in our diet.
Generally ... Views: 1183
Ideally, we would all love to allow our senior loved ones to continue living in their beloved home, the repository of all their most treasured memories, instead of forcing them to live in a nursing facility. However, letting seniors live independently does have its own challenges. The most ... Views: 2609
A healthy mind is desired by everyone. Some people realize this requires a balancing act between internal and external conditions. At the same time, the mind is everywhere in the body. The brain is the organ that controls motor skills, thought, memory, emotion, touch, and other processes that ... Views: 1053
Suffering from a fall can prove to be fatal for seniors, as there are many medical issues that can arise from a fall. Preventing your aging parents from falling is challenging, as you are not always around to prevent falls. One way to protect your aging parents from falling is by purchasing them ... Views: 1064
Helping your senior loved one prepare for the change in seasons is important because they could not easily do any of these preparative measures by themselves. You should also check out in advance if the senior has outdated equipment or busted gears that could later put the senior’s health at ... Views: 1646
Understanding your limits is a key to living a more fulfilling and happy life. Careful consideration about what you are able to do and what you can't as you live out your golden years can be crucial to understanding necessary steps for assistance along the way. However, many people fail to ... Views: 1088
There are three basic health tips that are important for everyone, but especially for our beloved senior citizens. By incorporating nutritious foods, water consumption and exercise into ones daily routine, an elderly adult can enjoy a healthier lifestyle.
If looking to prevent degeneration ... Views: 1630
Sometimes an adult child will be faced with the need to convince their parent that they need help at home. The elderly are used to doing things their way and sometimes will give the children a hard time. The thought of having strangers in their house is an issue. The thought of having someone ... Views: 1142
A simple rule to remember when thinking about the actions to follow in order to avoid cognitive deterioration is: Use it or lose it. One important activity that everyone is encouraged to continue, no matter what the age of the person is, is learning.
There are simple ways to keep a mind ... Views: 1700
Caring for a parent with dementia is not an easy task whatsoever. In the world today, there are at least 10 million caregivers who are caring for individuals with dementia. A loved can suffer from various stages of dementia, and it can be very hard to cope with the dementia day to day. As the ... Views: 1333
If you haven’t noticed it yet, members of the baby boomer generation are enjoying longer, more fulfilling lives. And as things stand, seniors—or those who are 60 years old and above—can still get more out of life. Whether you need or can afford to get a policy with a large premium and benefits ... Views: 1458
Do you suddenly wake up gasping for breath in the middle of the night? Do you snore? Do you feel tired in the morning or during the day, even if as far as you know it you’ve had a good night’s rest? Then you probably have sleep apnea.
But what, exactly, is sleep apnea?
Sleep apnea ... Views: 1320
Seniors who exhibit “difficult” behaviors often do not get the mental health care they need. Dementia and the difficult behaviors that come with it, often render the patient unable to fully utilize mental health services and can leave clinicians feeling frustrated about how to help. Behavioral ... Views: 1603
As of the most recent count, members of Facebook worldwide have exceeded the 500 million mark and are well on their way to hit 600 million. And if current First World statistics are to be relied on, it is safe to assume that a great chunk of those people belong to the demographic group whose age ... Views: 20207
If our pets could talk, they would most probably say that the leading benefit of having an owner is chow and shelter. On the other hand, if you’d ask elderly pet owners about the benefits of having pet animals, the answer that you might get would come in a gush of emotion—indeed, the health ... Views: 1147
Alzheimer’s Disease International has marked September 2012 as the first global World Alzheimer’s Month - an international campaign to raise awareness and challenge the stigma of dementia. The theme of this year’s Alzheimer’s Month is Dementia: Living Together, when Alzheimer’s associations ... Views: 2125
Staying healthy is something each one of us, looks forward to, but only a few of us achieves that goal. Day in and day out, our jobs and the home-to-work-and-back travel are quite enough to get us exhausted. Food becomes a neglected factor for our bodies, then; ordering snacks and fast food ... Views: 1039
Aging is an ongoing process and no one can avoid it, one has to bear the consequences of it at a certain age but thanks to the medical services that are offering elder care and provide excellent services that have proved to be a bliss for the older generation. It is really important to find a ... Views: 1082