We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Eating Disorders". If you have expertise in Eating Disorders and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
You are a divine being.
There is a theory that we are not humans
here on this earth who must go through trials and
tribulations to seek and attain spiritual awareness.
Rather that we are already spiritual beings who
are just having a human experience. This idea is
reinforced with ... Views: 1510
The Power of Words - an excerpt from the book "Healing What's Eating You"
Every breath is precious. You can survive
without food for quite some time, forty to ninety
days depending on your age and condition. You
can survive without water for five or even seven
days. But how long ... Views: 1489
If Barbie Were a Real Woman, She Would Look Like the Rest of Us!
Listen to or Watch “Healthy is the New Skinny” on the “Dr. Andrea Show” as she Discuss the Obsession of Body Perfection in America
Radio show on demand: www.BlogTalkRadio.com/DrAndrea
TV show on demand: ... Views: 3204
From a professional perspective, it has been my experience that when people come into treatment for an eating disorder they often bring with them concomitant issues with either depression and/or substance abuse. An educated guess with respect to the prevalence of these “dual diagnoses” would ... Views: 1405
There a few “implied” assumptions I have regarding the basic building blocks to recovering from any addiction – of which I consider most eating disorders to be. Let me be candid and put out there one of the most important assumptions I have – recovering from an eating disorder begins with a ... Views: 1726
Four years ago, Lucia’s alarming weight loss made her the centre of attention at school, and yet the only response from teachers was to exclude her from PE. Lucia never wanted attention, nor did she want to be a supermodel.
Girls are resolute that measuring themselves against media images of ... Views: 1444
Getting rid of your gremlins around food is not easy. Of course you have lots of help – diet books, slimming clubs, gym instructors (some of whom definitely have never been overweight), not to mention family members who give helpful advice while disdainfully looking at your hips.
And have you ... Views: 1561
I've been struggling with a negative body image/unhealthy relationship with food for about 5 years. Recently it has spiraled out of control and I feel like I've hit my lowest point. I tried going to therapy but didn't find what I was looking for, so about 9 months ago I turned to ... Views: 1680
Loving Your Self Unconditionally
One of the most important steps to healing “eating disorders” is learning to love yourself, as you are in this moment unconditionally. This means learning to love everything about your self and all that implies. This is not usually easy for someone struggling ... Views: 1432
Most parents don’t see the symptoms of anorexia until it’s too late. Too many teenagers have fallen victim to this insidious eating disorder, and by the time the massive weight loss is noticed, the ravaging effects of anorexia have already begun to take place. There are reasons that such a high ... Views: 1516
Night eating syndrome, an eating/sleeping disorder that is still being pushed and pulled upon to determine where it belongs in the DSMV can lurk in the background once the night eater gains control of the chronic habit and stops the practice of waking and immediately choosing white flour/white ... Views: 1718
Most people could become addicted to several things. It is called sugar addiction when a person craves sweet foods. It is a physical and psychological craving. Eating sweets like candies, cakes and cookies are not the only way to add a large amount of sugar to your diet. Breads, snacks and ... Views: 1216
The definitions of national sanity don’t just change on election years. They also get revamped with each new edition of the DSM, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the next (fifth) edition of which is due out in 2012.
So what, you may ask? Isn’t a new and improved DSM a ... Views: 1037
You’ve heard of the “clean plate club.” Some of us grow up with moralizing parents who instill an eating ethic of wasting no food. But there’s more to this than just cultural programming. The “clean plate” syndrome, at least in part, has to do with how our minds work, with our minds’ reliance on ... Views: 985
Many people who overeat do so to fill in the empty time when they are bored, or they are using food to fill their emotional hunger. The pain of loneliness, the itch of frustration or the adrenaline-burst of anger can be suppressed by filling up with food.
And it’s better to do that, we reason, ... Views: 1174
The human tongue is a thrill seeker. As it tires of one taste, it looks for another. This sensation-seeking tendency of the tongue is what accounts for the so-called sensory specific satiety.
Recall what happens in a buffet: while you might feel too full to eat another plate of roast beef and ... Views: 2481
Last week on Oprah’s show they explored how to talk to your children about sex and Dr. Laura Berman said something that provoked a huge response in the audience: that parents should give their daughters permission to masturbate. She went so far as to say that at 15 or 16, introduce a vibrator. ... Views: 2134
The seeds of eating disorders can start from young. Girls are bombarded with images of the "perfect" body from the media. The Barbie doll image, which today also takes the form of movies and video games, the Princess culture that Disney promotes, and then later on in advertising, in print and on ... Views: 2401
A few weeks ago my buttons got pushed. Oh yes, I sure did get triggered. In March, I was invited to be a guest on the NPR radio program, "Voices in the Family," hosted by Dan Gottlieb. I am a psychotherapist with 30 years of expertise in treating trauma, shame and eating disorders, and was ... Views: 1837
Hundreds of people have asked me why someone develops an eating disorder. Of course many issues are involved, but from my exploration of this field over the years, I have concluded that there is one outstanding theme that runs through every person with an eating disorder whom I have encountered. ... Views: 1659
At a certain stage in eating disorder recovery you discover new feelings that you don't act out over but don't understand. You have energy you don't know what to do with because you're not using it to binge or obsess. Old obsessive patterns that filled your time have fallen away, and you don't ... Views: 1387
If you are recovering from an eating disorder, whether it is bulimia, anorexia, compulsive overeating or binge eating, you are probably experiencing some upheaval in your personal relationships. You may not understand why your behavior and preferences in recovery are so upsetting to people in ... Views: 2460
Recovery is a continuing process. To start eating disorder recovery is to start a journey.
To be on that journey is to be on your path to health and emotional and intellectual development. Your path leads to your true self, to your inner resources of courage, creativity, self respect, strength ... Views: 1576
I really wanted to share with the community one of my recent successes as an EFT practitioner. I have been helping Sally get over her anger towards her parents. This anger was the main block to her weight loss and underlying anxiety to her binge smoking & drinking. Here is the story:
Sally came ... Views: 1669
Do you ever get the feeling that you are taking one step forward and two steps backwards?
You lose a little weight then it all gets a bit scary and you stop dieting? And then all the weight mysteriously comes back.
Or you stick to the diet all day but then in the evening you crave and long ... Views: 3243
Financial woes, family denial and fear are all factors that people with eating disorders and their loved ones may cite when avoiding treatment for their illness. According to the Eating Recovery Center (www.eatingrecoveryinfo.com), the premier treatment center for eating recovery, recent ... Views: 1437
Substituting addictions – you see it all the time; gatherings of smokers outside the AA meeting door, boy meets girl on AA campus (“13 stepping”), maxed out credit cards, a rapid gaining of 20 extra pounds. People entering the rooms of recovery typically lean on other vices to help them cope ... Views: 5013
STRESS. We all have it, but what is it costing us? Whether it’s caused by happy or sad events, stress has been blamed for many ailments, including heart disease, stroke, ulcers, asthma, high blood pressure, migraines, rashes, depression, obesity, eating disorders, alcohol abuse, and ... Views: 2353
If you’re an emotional eater, you may experience this common conundrum: you do well when at home during the week - eating the right foods and portion sizes. However, whenever there is a social event or potluck, you tend to overeat and your portion sizes are far larger than at home. You pass it ... Views: 2357
I recently received an email from someone who reads my newsletter. Here is what she said: “Help! I want to get “back on track” and lose weight, but my resolutions to lose weight NEVER work out. How can I have a better attitude around food and weight without succumbing to the “diet” ... Views: 2492
Food represents so many things to us—nourishment, comfort, friend, enemy, guilt, pleasure, emptiness, fullness, desire, sensuality. In spite of thousands of books and articles written on the subject, and fad diets that come and go, our population is becoming increasingly unhealthy. Yet, research ... Views: 2598
Changing Your Relationship with Food
By Barbara L. Holtzman, MSW, LICSW
How do you decide what and when to eat? Because it’s lunchtime? Because someone brought donuts to the staff meeting? Because you’re tired or bored? Most of us eat based on external stimuli rather than our own physical ... Views: 5340
Imagine a world where our bodies were all considered equally beautiful. No more dieting (and the bingeing that naturally follows a diet) in order to conform to this culture’s current standard. What a liberating fantasy!
Our culture, unfortunately, is still entrapped in its rigid norms. An ... Views: 1248
One of the first things in learning to change a behavior is to bring into conscious awareness why you do the thing you are attempting to stop doing. Losing weight is a theme common to many who have enough in their lives that their own starvation is not something that concerns them. According to ... Views: 1330
A client just asked: “I know I use food for comfort and to soothe myself. What can I do instead?” That is such a common question—and one that can be so difficult to answer--especially in the moment. When we want comfort, food can seem like such a quick, easy, accessible fix.
I recommend that ... Views: 4770
Are you a foodie?
A foodie is a term invented in 1981 by Paul Levy and Ann Barr, who used it in the title of their 1984 book The Official Foodie Handbook. The term is used to describe someone who seeks out and enjoys new restaurants, foods, and wines. is a term used to describe someone who seeks ... Views: 2400
Do you overeat when you feel like your life is out of control, when you feel overwhelmed, or when you feel stressed out? Examining the way you approach the issue of control in your life can have a tremendous impact on how you feel—and on your eating.
One of my biggest rules for stress ... Views: 1549
“That which we resist, we perpetuate”. Dr. John Ray
Overeating sets up one of those nasty cycles resulting in biological changes, that actually causes more overindulgence; so, how do we pull ourselves out of this pattern, living in a culture with “too much” bombarded constantly with ... Views: 1230
When I was young, the role of a “father” was much different than it is nowadays. With industrialization, men started working long hours away from home and became nearly invisible to their children. Success outside of the home became the primary goal for men and women had the sole responsibility ... Views: 1262
I love peanut butter. As a kid, I used to eat it out of the jar, spoon first. Although I grew out of the spoon phase, I still love it with bread and honey, with chocolate and in nearly any candy bar.
What I never did know about my love for peanut butter, is that it made me feel sick. I was so ... Views: 1308
Can’t take a compliment? Do you blush and look away, or instantly negate it? What is it about compliments that make us squirm and feel uncomfortable, which is the exact opposite effect the person giving it intended? And how can you take one in with poise and grace? Do you dare to walk that ... Views: 9766
In a world where appearances make the first impression, and judgements are instantly formed, being secure in the way we look can feel like an impossible task. In the psychology world, terms like self-esteem and body image are sewn into every sentence, and it can be hard to seperate the two. ... Views: 1596
Eating disorders have been a problem for society occurring even during the overindulgent Ancient Roman times, and have been unidentified and little understood until the last twenty years.
How prevalent are these disorders today? It is estimated in Alberta alone, 1 in every 100 members of the ... Views: 1061
Have you ever been on a diet? Most of you probably said you have. Why is it that some people develop anorexia or bulimia and others don’t? You might wonder what causes a person to act in such a behavior and what drives them towards self destruction and sometimes even death.
What people don’t ... Views: 4882
With obesity rates at an all-time high at the same time perfect sexual images are inescapably thrust in our faces, it’s a wonder many of us even leave the house. Statistics vary, but approximately 65% of Americans are overweight. If those people are parents, what kind of health are they ... Views: 1303
Understanding the Types of Eating Disorders
Understanding the types of eating disorders can help you find solutions. On this page, we provide explanations about the main types of eating disorders, and 4 common types. Do you worry about your weight and food often? Are you only able to follow a ... Views: 1332
Do you obsess about your appearance?
Do you feel guilty after you eat?
Do you feel “fat” one day and thin the next?
Are you unrealistic about your body size and shape?
If you answer “Yes” to these questions you may have challenges with body image.
What Do We Mean By Body Image
Body image ... Views: 4835
Anxiety disorders are a group of psychological disorders characterized by debilitating anxiety that interferes with a person’s functioning. The following explores the connection between starvation eating disorders, core anxiety, weight obsessions, and compulsions. Beyond the relationship between ... Views: 5710
RESISTANCE: noun - the act or power of resisting, opposing, or withstanding
OBEDIENCE: noun - the act or practice of obeying; dutiful or submissive compliance.
As a recovered therapist I know that with eating disorders, these definitions are often applied with the wrong intent. When living ... Views: 1451
Never in my professional life as a dietitian have I seen such a silent, sad, suffering disease as that of anorexia nervosa. This is truly an all-consuming mental and emotional disease that not only consumes the person who it attacks but also everyone he or she comes into contact with.
The ... Views: 2848