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Created in Keswick, England during 1564, the pencil was an implement used for writing and drawing and engineered from graphite and carbon. As the pencil developed, so did the pen, a piece of stationary used widely across the world and imperative to most individuals every day life. See, ... Views: 1031
Golda Poretsky, HHC
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The desire to be thin is so ingrained in our culture (thanks, $58.6 billion diet industry) that we don't often ask the question -- Why do you want to be thin? But what does being ... Views: 1455
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Lillian "Diamond Lil" Russell is truly a source of inspiration and fatspiration. Back in the 1890's and early 1900's, Lillian Russell was uber-famous. She was a celebrated and beloved singer and actress, and a major sex symbol, ... Views: 1208
The most common eating disorders are anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder. Eating disorders are the result of poor body image and low self-esteem. They affect mostly young adults and teenagers but younger pre-teens are now beginning to develop a distorted body image. An eating disorder ... Views: 2407
When talking about Weight loss programmes, people think of strict dieting schedule, rigorous physical exercise and a lot of don’ts to follow. This may be true regarding most of the programs but not about all them. In this time and age, when people are busy with their chore job and have little or ... Views: 877
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CURE EMETOPHOBIA - by Author Philip Monaghan DHP Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapist, Bolton Hypnotherapy Clinic
Free yourself naturally, permanently from emetophobia
If you suffer from the fear of being sick or vomit, don’t worry you can overcome it. This debilitating condition is very common; it is more common in women than men. Emetophobia is an intense fear of anything to do with vomit, sick, ... Views: 1295
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
It’s hard to live the healthy life these days, what with the world bombarded with fast food chains in every corner of the street, with tempting and mouthwatering advertisements of the most sinful foods you can ever consume, and the daily stress, ... Views: 2443
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
No thanks to the increasing attention and importance given to weight and physical appearance, coupled with the shift towards a more sedentary lifestyle, a lot of people, especially young girls, have developed eating disorders. And these ... Views: 928
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Many articles have been written about the use of hypnosis in weight loss, and there are now many hypnosis tools such as CDs designed specifically to hypnotize you into losing weight faster. Nonetheless, the question still remains, “does hypnosis ... Views: 2400
Afraid of the increasing weight, people have made diet a multi-billion dollar industry. Developed countries are more health conscious but they are still looking for a permanent solution to obesity. It seems that all the healthy eating, exercising and weight loss pills end up failing more often ... Views: 1052
Resolving your eating disorder means that potentially you will be without a way a coping with difficult and challenging experiences. It is therefore important that you develop alternative coping strategies in parallel with working to resolve your eating disorder. This will feel difficult for a ... Views: 2102
1. The Function Of An Eating Disorder - The Cinema Analogy
An eating disorder is a kind of coping strategy, it provides a way of dealing with the difficult things that life throws at you by blocking out, distracting or shielding you to some extend from the distressing thoughts and feelings ... Views: 1892
Emotional distress is a part of life and serves a necessary function in terms of alerting us to problems that need to be resolved. Everybody therefore needs to be able to experience and tolerate a certain amount of distress. Trying to avoid unpleasant thoughts and feelings can actually lead to ... Views: 2082
The first phase of CBT Counselling is determining what it is that you want to achieve. This not only increases your chances of a successful outcome but will motivate you to continue working toward this and help you to measure your progress along the way.
1. The Miracle question
When you ... Views: 4414
Before you start your CBT Counselling
treatment programme there are a number of things you can do to maximise your chances of success.
1. Prioritising yourself and your recovery
For CBT Counselling to enable you to overcome your eating disorder you need to be a keen and active participant ... Views: 1653
Selecting the right time to make a change through CBT Counseling will help you to follow through with the decision once it has been made. There are three things to consider here; your general life circumstances, the balance between the pros and cons of making the change, and where you place the ... Views: 1634
is currently recognised by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (a government body responsible for deciding which treatment should be available on the NHS) as the most effective treatment for the a range of emotional problems including:
* Depression
* Low Self Esteem
* ... Views: 1782
Hello Healing Academy Fans,
I was just researching a great diet for detox and weight loss, and after the beating our bodies took on the holidays it seems fitting that we take a look into great tasting good food that will keep us well. So enjoy my hard earned meal tonight with loved ones ... Views: 1437
The Quiet Killer We’re Failing to Catch:
What really happened to Brittany Murphy and Casey Johnson, we may never know, but to speculate could mean saving lives.
In the past month two high-profile 30-something women, Brittany Murphy and Casey Johnson, died suddenly of “natural causes.” ... Views: 1272
Mothers, Daughters and Eating Disorders
A series of articles dedicated to nurturance
How do a mother’s own attitudes toward herself get passed to her children? Girls naturally identify with their mothers and this identification can become disturbed when a mother acts in ways that are ... Views: 1101
The Shopping and Food Connection: An Examination of Hunger Diseases
“The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread”
~ George Bernard Shaw, Major Barbara
Have you ever found yourself in a shopping mall, searching, with a slightly pounding heart, for ... Views: 1327
Hunger Diseases: Eating Disorders, Self Injury and Compulsive Shopping
One of the major psychological commonalities in eating disorders, self injury and compulsive shopping is the underlying psychic hunger. In his book, Hunger Diseases, Raymond Battegay addresses this drive and defines ... Views: 1855
Over several years we have worked with many people that have struggled with eating disorders, body image problems, and weight challenges. Most of the time we find that these challenges are linked to unhealthy coping patterns, unhealthy beliefs about our bodies, and becoming stuck in dieting ... Views: 2201
Shame plays an important role in developing eating disorders because shame is a controlling device. Basically all people with anorexia or bulimia can recall being shamed or ashamed several times before their disorder began.
Shame is complex. It extends from small things like parents or ... Views: 1467
Welcome to the It’s NOT Just Baby Fat blog. Let me start by introducing myself. I’m a clinical psychologist, Professor Emeritus of Psychology at California State University and author of five books on weight and eating issues. Although I’ve been fascinated by the puzzle of eating and weight ... Views: 1748
Weight is most often perceived to be a problem in and of itself, whether one is overweight or underweight. You have a problem with food, you eat too much or too little, you're too fat, you're out of control, you're a pig, and you're starving yourself. It's my belief that weight issues don't just ... Views: 1677
5 Steps to Building a 6+ Figure Income Health, Fitness and Wellness Business
Do you want to take your health and fitness business to the next level? Then you need to learn how to market your business effectively.
In fact, marketing is the lifeblood of any business. You need to get in ... Views: 3055
How Personal Trainers and Coaches Can Help Clients Lose Weight for Good -- Guaranteed!
Guarantee weight loss results? I bet you think I'm out of my mind! I'm serious though. You as a personal trainer or a coach can and should guarantee results.
Now, I know what you are thinking…
“But, ... Views: 1840
Why Most Health and Fitness Professionals Do Not Retain Clients (And What They Can Do About It)
Are you suffering from "disappearing clients" syndrome?
Chances are that you're frustrated because your clients seem to lack commitment, and you constantly have to replace clients. Your clients ... Views: 1545
Who suffers from Eating Disorders?
Eating Disorder sufferers are male and female alike. We are of all ethnicity's, religions,and economic backgrounds. We are of all ages,with very different body structures. We can look normal on the outside and yet be suffering terribly on the ... Views: 1340
Potato dish is a dual-purpose grain and vegetables. Before it is insignificant thing, are now favored by nutritionists that it is the star of vegetables. Is considered to be the world's most one of the great food. There are five major effect of potato :
1. Potatoes can keep the pace of the ... Views: 3984
How would you like to feel great on January 1 because you were able to either maintain your weight or even lose a few pounds over the holidays? Wouldn’t it feel terrific to feel that good about yourself and perhaps even be the envy of your friends who weren’t able to make it through the ... Views: 1238
There are not too many of us that do not want or think we need to lose a pound here and there. For many it is more a matter of firming it up and that is usually done with exercise. But for the people that are carrying weight around with them that is threatening their ability to walk, run, get in ... Views: 1026
People often ask me about different side effects of bulimia: about short term, long term and the most dangerous ones. This article is about short term effects which appear soon after bulimia begins.
People are also interested if the short term effects are 100% reversible or not. Well, ... Views: 7633
Bulimia causes damaging side effects to the body. It can also destroy the brain, heart and the soul of the person suffering from this eating disorder. There is no one system in the body that does not get affected by long term bulimia.
What are the most dangerous side effects? – You may ask. ... Views: 4295
Bulimia and weight loss are two things that interest many people. Nowadays nearly everyone wants to know a fast and easy method to lose extra weight. Bulimia is considered by some people as one of this easy ways to become slim.
But how does it work, if it works at all?
When people become ... Views: 4492
When people begin CBT counseling they understandably hope that things will gradually improve in a smooth and upwardly linear way. However, the changes that you will be attempting to make through CBT counseling are challenging particularly if you are working to change behaviours that helps you to ... Views: 1957
If you're like most of the people that attend my seminars, workshops and classes on Emotional Eating, you've tried all kinds of diets, fasts and exercise regimens to take off the weight. Perhaps you've even tried pills, shots and surgery, all to no avail. You've lost weight many times but ... Views: 1585
Thanksgiving is a time when most of us overeat. It's just what we do on this holiday, right? We eat until we're stuffed, and then when we have a little room opening up again in the old digestive tract, we fill it back up immediately. Hours later, we do it all over again. It's okay--we're ... Views: 1951
Attachment theory explains the bond or tie between a child and an attachment figure, a parent or guardian. Nowadays it is starting to become obvious that children with insecure attachment styles are prone to eating disorders more so than children with secure attachments.
When children ... Views: 2801
Bulimia Nervosa, also known as bulimia, is a psychological eating disorder where the main characteristics are binge eating and inappropriate behaviors in order to prevent weight gain (purging). Bulimics are caught in the devastating and addictive binge-purge cycle.
Bulimia can be known as a ... Views: 3913
Ignoring your mind is simple, but not easy. Why—because as human beings we are programmed to pay attention to and believe our thoughts. A stressful thought pops into our head and faster than the speed of light, the mind lays out reams of proof about why this painful distillation of life is ... Views: 1995
To lose weight with hypnosis is probably one of the most misunderstood topics throughout the marketplace because the sole association of hypnosis the majority of individuals have, is watching hypnosis demonstrates on stage or Television shows. Yet show or stage hypnosis and hypnotherapy with the ... Views: 1875
After interviewing 3,200 women in 10 countries, a 2004 study found that only 2% considered themselves beautiful, and nearly 50% believed they were too fat.
Every summer I hear moans and groans as men and women alike consider putting on that swim suit. But, can how you feel about yourself ... Views: 1717
Do you need to WANT to get well for treatment to work?
We have all heard the line… “You can’t force someone into treatment, they have to want to get well for it to work”. I must say, I wholeheartedly disagree and I believe this fallacy has lead to devastating consequences for people who ... Views: 1579
What Treatment Coordination and Advocacy Suggests you
Ask When Choosing a Treatment Center
Choosing a treatment center can be an overwhelming and confusing process for anyone, let alone someone who is scared, anxious and may be seeking treatment for the first time. This is one reason why ... Views: 1151
In one of my overeating support groups this week, we were discussing the notion of "living in this moment." So often, when we aren't satisified with our bodies, we put our lives on hold. We tell ourselves that we're not applying for that new position, going back to school, volunteering, ... Views: 1597
Perhaps you've just gone through a rough patch in your life, or a very busy, stressful time and you've been overeating. Maybe your life, in general, feels like one big rough patch! You've gained some weight and you're trying to figure out how to lose it. Often, the quickest way to feel some ... Views: 2608
Food can be many things to many people. Obviously we all need it to survive. But, also obviously, we eat for a lot of different reasons. We eat when we are being social. We eat when we are bored. We eat to stuff our emotions. We eat when we do not know what else to do. I get this wonderful ... Views: 5951
Eating disorders in men are more common than people think. Unfortunately, they often go undiagnosed for many years if diagnosed at all. The reasons for this vary from professionals in the field being uninformed about signs of eating disorders in males, to men being resistant to seek help due to ... Views: 1574