We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Eating Disorders". If you have expertise in Eating Disorders and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
There are a few “implied” assumptions I have regarding the basic building blocks to recovering from any addiction – of which I consider most eating disorders to be. Let me be candid and put out there one of the most important assumptions I have – recovering from an eating disorder begins with a ... Views: 2073
Although there has been some controversy as to whether anyone can be "addicted to food" (AKA food addict) or manifest the symptoms of addiction with respect to the other eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorders - the following is a list of the criteria appearing in ... Views: 1878
Cross addiction or multiple addictions are a fact of life inherent within the eating disordered community. Many of us come to the rooms of a 12-step program, treatment facility, or related support group intending to tackle our "primary problem" such as alcoholism, drug dependency, or an eating ... Views: 2023
How awful that it was reported that 600 young girls under the age of 13 are suffering from eating orders - mostly anorexia. As a young girl myself I suffered from bulimia - eating and throwing up - mine was due to the fact that my body image and self-confidence were totally 'out of whack'
At ... Views: 1173
Are you going away at all? I've just come back from an amazing time in Florida - a week of warm weather, long beach of white sand and the Atlantic ocean.
However it wasn't all 'holiday'-
I was there for a 3 day conference/seminar/workshop on marketing authentically. I met some wonderful ... Views: 1210
Studies have shown that anywhere from one-third to 40 percent of individuals treated for anorexia or bulimia will relapse. Eating Recovery Center, a national center for eating disorders recovery providing comprehensive treatment for anorexia and bulimia, aims to reduce this statistic. ... Views: 997
ELEVEN MILLION people in the U.S. have an eating disorder, and you may never suspect it by their physical appearance. Here are the major types of eating disorders, and symptoms and behaviors to look for.
Anorexia nervosa is an intense fear of getting fat, even if underweight. People with this ... Views: 4276
Have you ever dieted? More than once?
Most of the methods we may have tried to control our eating have not worked long term. I hope to explain why diets don’t work and present some ideas for you to consider that do work.
Diets don’t work. Let me contradict myself now and say “all diets ... Views: 3727
We develop patterns of behavior early in life. We start associating certain events with certain behaviors. One such pattern is our behavior with food. Being fed by our parents when we were young may come to represent being cared for or being loved. On the other hand, not being fed when we were ... Views: 3669
Recently proven to be more addictive than cocaine, a closer look at High Fructose Corn Syrup may help to explain America’s rise in obesity and the new focus on food addiction.
Ironically, when the government ordered cocaine removed from all Coca-Cola beverages no one would have guessed that ... Views: 3128
A relationship is when both parties participate into the communication. Well when you ‘feel’ you want to eat to go eat the food speaks to you by the triggers you already have installed in your body. These triggers fires up the times when you ‘feel’ you want to eat.
Most of the times these ... Views: 1654
Have you noticed how many advertisements there are for a pill that lets you "eat all you want and never get fat", or "dissolves away the fat stored in your body overnight"? Thousands of people struggle with their weight and are always looking for fast, easy ways to lose the unwanted excess ... Views: 1243
Copyright (c) 2011 Armando Gutierrez
People ask me countless times, What is your secret to getting people in the best shape possible in such a short amount of time. My answer? The secret is that there is "no secret." But if you want some tips to get you the body that you deserve than follow ... Views: 1483
Copyright (c) 2011 Armando Gutierrez
People ask me countless times, What is your secret to getting people in the best shape possible in such a short amount of time. My answer? The secret is that there is "no secret." But if you want some tips to get you the body that you deserve than follow ... Views: 1275
Sara first heard “the voice,” the one that told her she was fat—much bigger than the other girls—the one that said she’d never be a real ballerina, at the tender age of five. She didn’t know how to discern this voice. As she grew into a teen, the voice became louder and stronger and she ... Views: 1141
Surviving Abuse and The Long Term Effects of Eating Disorders
From the Prospective of a Very Grateful Survivor
Chapter 1- Gratefully, I’m Still Here
Chapter 2- The Gallery of Eating Disorders
Chapter 3- Medical Delights to Come
Chapter 4- It Is Your Choice
Chapter 5- ... Views: 1488
Nutrients together with nutrient deposits play the game an essential part in aiding get people to formidable together with good plus they're evident in adjust belonging to the healthy foods you try eating. You may buy nutrients in a lot of documents for example medications, remedies, and even ... Views: 1321
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Certified Master Hypnotist
Handwriting Analyst
I new client called me the other day, saying that she had seen me talk at the local Y and would like to see me to lose some ... Views: 1675
A video of five preteens dressed in skimpy outfits, provocatively dancing, surfaced on the Internet in May 2010. Nothing surprises us in an era when girls are exposed to less than ideal role models and bombarded with sexualized messages in the media. Children today are more fully immersed in the ... Views: 1094
Nothing feels better than waking up and looking forward to the day. Life feels worth living. We feel a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction because our life has purpose and feels meaningful. And even better if we feel inspired and passionate about what we're doing. We can feel purpose and ... Views: 2293
WARNING: Don’t spend hundreds of dollars on diet or exercise programs that seem to work for everybody but you until you read this important information I have to tell you.
I Lost Over Half My Body Mass WITHOUT Diet, Exercise, Drugs Or Surgery And I Am Going To Tell You How!
By Estelle Toby ... Views: 2253
In Oprah's magazine Dated April 2010 she States "The Battle Is over" How she ended her war with Food. Many of us know that Oprah has struggled with this issue most of her Adult life. May her profound discovery help men women and children throughout the world
Oprah Thank you so much for ... Views: 1705
The Origins of Comfort Eating and what to do about it
Often our emotional state is reflected in our eating behaviors. It feels like there is an umbilical cord between how we feel and how we eat. It doesn’t have to be that way. We can learn to sever the umbilical cord between our emotions and ... Views: 1333
If you have a body image problem you may feel preoccupied with self doubt, lack self confidence and experience depression because you perceive that you do not look good enough.
You may have a body image problem or body dysmorphic disorder. You may feel if your body was just thinner you would ... Views: 1871
In 2001 Dore Frances created Horizon Family Solutions, LLC (H.F.S.) with the intention to help and educate parents during a time of crisis with their teenager. This year Horizon Family Solutions is celebrating over a decade of assisting families.
During these ten years, Dore Frances has been ... Views: 2531
You probably know what it takes to live a healthy life, right? Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, exercise regularly, take vitamins – maybe add in some fish oil for cardiovascular health. Make sure you get enough protein, carbohydrates, and lean fats. Fortunately for many, healthy ... Views: 2140
For people dealing with excess weight issues, the connection between food and emotions is very familiar. The thin and good looking woman sitting in her room consoling herself with ice-cream after having gone through significant emotional upset has become a symbol that demonstrates how we ... Views: 2414
The following case-study demonstrates what can be achieved in terms of curing an eating disorder by practicing the simple self-help method Higher-consciousness healing. Jane came to see me because she had been suffering from an eating disorder since the age of 11 years. She had been sent to me ... Views: 1436
Individuals with eating disorders and obsessive compulsive disorder frequently suffer as much from loss of self-concept as much as they do from the more obvious symptoms of their disorders. This is only one way in which these disorders are similar, but one that can easily be overlooked by ... Views: 2809
If you have been overweight for some time, you’ve probably tried many diets and are unclear as to how to lose the weight and keep it off without feeling hungry or deprived. There seems to always be debate and controversy surrounding the issue of diet. Which is the correct eating plan? Should you ... Views: 1502
Weight loss and weight loss programs in the twenty first century are often approached with the mindset that they must be delivered, and indeed completed, in record time. It seems like every few days there is an exciting new program released that is that better than the ones before it promises ... Views: 1265
That Ol’ Gut Feeling
Ever thought twice about crossing the street or trusting a new neighbour or colleague, or maybe, have you had the sense that something unusual was about to happen? Perhaps, you have read of people who chose not to get on a plane that eventually crashed, because they had ... Views: 1548
Long Term Effects Of Anorexia
One glaring point about anorexics is their
inability to consider the long term effects of anorexia.
Having lived with and having beaten anorexia, I encountered
these effects without knowing they had anything to do with
this devastating eating ... Views: 4556
by Dorothy Seal Updated April 5, 2011
Nature never fails to amaze me and by nature I mean the nature of our body and how it relates to our concept of wholeness. Whew, that was a sentence! Let’s put it this way, we go through life working on who we are, why we ... Views: 1103
Diets don't work. Hating your body doesn't work.
Most people don't realize that prolonged "dieting" can contribute to a higher ratio of fat to muscle in your body. But what is the alternative to dieting? Simply letting the old pattern rule? No! There is a peaceful way to work in harmony ... Views: 2244
I was addicted to food and couldn't control my eating and my weight. It had cost me my marriage, my health, my career showing horses and my self-esteem.
I felt ashamed and isolated, as I fought a losing battle with yo yo dieting and ultimately uncontollable weight-gain. I showed horses ... Views: 1587
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
There are different types of eating disorders, and one of the most infamous ones is bulimia nervosa.
Usually abbreviated as bulimia, this illness is characterized by food binging. You eat as many food as you like, all at one time. However, ... Views: 811
The answer: "It depends on the person's brain." However, almost for certain at some point in a complete series of neurofeedback sessions a person who is recovering from addiction will benefit from receiving the alpha-theta protocol. The evidenced-based symptom-oriented evaluation will suggest ... Views: 2639
Are you overeating? For far too many people food are controlling their lives and like so many other addictions it can creep into your life without you being aware of it. As one of the leading causes of weight problems it is most certainly something that you need to take very seriously. Its so ... Views: 2234
Are you addicted to food? While its quite normal to talk about alcohol addiction or addiction to medication its probably not that common to talk about someone being addicted to food. The reality however is that so many people are addicted to eating and its the cause of a variety of health ... Views: 1705
Compulsive Binge eating is a form of eating disorder that is often said to be much higher than other forms of disordered eating like bulimia and anorexia. The problem is that it is often not spoken about and there can be a lot of shame attached to it.
As prevalent as it is, it is vital to ... Views: 2428
Not a perfect ten? Don’t beat yourself up. Being perfect is an impossible goal. Humans can never be perfect but there's nothing wrong with self improvement. We all have things that we would like to change about ourselves. However, in the quest for perfection we can get blindsided by our ... Views: 1950
Binge eating has been said to be one of the most widespread of all eating disorder, affecting 1 in 35 people, much more common that any of the other eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia. The main problem with trying to stop binge eating is that many of those who are suffering are ashamed ... Views: 2039
It is often reported that approximately one of 3 women who seek either weight loss or eating disorder treatment experience binge eating disorder. This is a an estimate and could possibly be even higher due to the secrecy and shame that usually comes with the disorder. Finding help to stop binge ... Views: 1994
According to a new research study in the UK (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1341660/Six-10-women-dont-like-eating-partners.html?ITO=1490), more than 60 percent of British women in relationships do not feel comfortable eating in front of their partner, and almost half get shy when ... Views: 1081
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Obesity is one of the most prevalent health problems in the world today. Thousands of people are now weighing more than the ideal body mass, making them more prone to several disorders, from cardiovascular diseases to even cancer.
A known ... Views: 1101
Compulsive eating disorder is one of the most common types of eating disorders and often goes unnoticed due to the shame and stigma associate d with it. People can view it as simply a matter of being lazy or having a lack of willpower but eating compulsively is a disorder just like any other any ... Views: 2008
Compulsive eating disorder is one of the most common types of eating disorders and often goes unnoticed due to the shame and stigma associate d with it. People can view it as simply a matter of being lazy or having a lack of willpower but eating compulsively is a disorder just like any other any ... Views: 2008
"Conduct disorder" refers to a group of behavioral and emotional problems in youngsters. Children and adolescents with this disorder have great difficulty following rules and behaving in a socially acceptable way. They are often viewed by other children, adults and social agencies as "bad" or ... Views: 2111
When a teen makes the ultimate decision to take their life, everyone feels the loss. Family members, counselors, friends, teachers, and teammates often feel guilt, confusion and an intense grief. There is always the sense that maybe the suicide could have been prevented if they had seen the ... Views: 2183
Binge eating is an eating disorder that has been reported to be far more common than the more well know ones such as anorexia and bulimia. Reports suggest that somewhere between 2 to 5 per cent of the US population experience binge eating disorder at some stage.
So what are the options for ... Views: 2633