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Eating disorders are typically associated with various maladaptive patterns of behavior related to food, it’s consumption, and the ensuing effects on a person’s emotional and physical wellbeing. It may, or may not, include attempts to offset the “consequences” of ... Views: 1741
The root of any addiction or compulsion is deprivation.
Deep-seated,buried, chronic deprivation.
The link is often not apparent at first, and the idea of losing the need to control to gain control might seem too contradictory to fathom- especially when we are in the midst of a painful ... Views: 1548
CBD oil, which is also known as Cannabidiol oil has received a lot of attention in the past. The amazing health benefits associated with CBD oil have contributed a lot towards its popularity. But before you try out CBD oil, you are encouraged to have a clear understanding about the uses, health ... Views: 2121
By Sally Dasouki
Out of the three basic necessity- Food, clothing and shelter, food takes the first spot which proves that it is the most important necessity of life. Abundance or lack of food decides the chance of our survival. But food is not just a biological need, it is culture! The way ... Views: 1466
Robert Kennedy Jr. says that waste from pig farms is kept in lagoons and farmers spray it on crops as fertilizer. Hogs make ten times the fecal waste as humans, so a plant with 10,000 hogs makes as much waste as a city of 100,000 people.
The CDC has become a front for the pharmaceutical ... Views: 1344
People with eating disorders see their body as an enemy. The obsession to be thin drives men, women and children from all walks of earth to drastically cut their calorie intake to dangerous, life-threatening levels. However, for an anorexic, starving is necessary in order to achieve ‘beauty’. ... Views: 4164
Social media has been a part of the lives of people throughout the world for more than a decade now. Through this time, our lives have changed dramatically in a number of ways. For example, breaking news for major events no longer arrives via the daily newspaper or the evening news; instead, we ... Views: 4923
Medical Intuition, is a science that uses one's abilities to tap into a person's body innate intelligence and wisdom, as well as the ability to pay attention to- and interpret --the subtle energy signals, regularly broadcast from the body's immune system and survival power.
Traditionally, ... Views: 1712
Developing and maintaining a healthier body image requires self love and self-acceptance. Engaging in body positivity exercises is one way to act from a place of loving compassion rather than self criticism. Having a good relationship with your body starts with seeing it as a friend and ally, ... Views: 2462
A colleague and good friend of mine, Molly Carmel, LCSW who directs an eating disorder clinic in NYC [The Beacon Program] introduced me to the concept of “dialectical abstinence.” Although I don't know of any source the concept appears, I will credit Molly with adding this to my understanding of ... Views: 4783
I was just finishing my work when I felt a strong lurching pain in my stomach. I had not even realized it was 11’0 pm. I had been on this assignment for like 5 hours now and it was still incomplete. It was depressing me each passing minute and now I was totally exhausted. I had recently visited ... Views: 1594
Anyone that saw the movie poster for Star Wars: Episode One could have been easily mislead into thinking this would be an epic movie. The image of Darth Vader's shadow lurking beside the figure of innocent Anakin Skywalker is thought-provoking and thrilling! ... Views: 1649
In Part 1 of this series, we discussed strategies for eliminating unhelpful self-criticism about your body. In this article, we will explore frequent weighing as a potential contributor to poor body image.
Following a cognitive behavioral counseling approach, we know that it is not only ... Views: 1454
Pagophagia is an addiction to ice generally caused by an iron deficiency or anemia. Ice can be used to chill drinks. Its cold, crunchy texture is particularly refreshing on the hottest of days. Usually, we add some ice to a beverage, allow the beverage to cool and watch the ice melt. For some ... Views: 1310
Activity Equivalency Labels: The Two Sides
The latest proposal to add activity equivalence labels to food items as a way to help overweight individuals make better food choices has wonderful intentions, but it also has a darker side. Activity equivalence labels would show consumers the ... Views: 1938
Recognizing that there is a body image issue is the first step to making a positive difference in how body image is influencing your life or that of someone you care about. Individually the signs listed below do not mean the person has a disturbed image, but, if there are numerous signs ... Views: 1961
The word “recovery” often conjures up images of struggling to abstain from an addictive behavior, be it drinking, using drugs, shopping, gambling, overeating or severely restricting eating, exercising to excess, promiscuity, etc. But, I want to challenge you to start thinking about Recovery ... Views: 3770
“The greatest pain is not being loved for who you are in your naturalness.”
As you read this article I encourage you not to exclude yourself from having addictive patterns, you can become addicted to anything from the most overt to the most subtle. This includes things like social media, cell ... Views: 1469
Although phentermine alternative is the most widely prescribed weight loss medication in the US, there is still a degree of confusion surrounding the drug with respect to how it works and what those prescribed it can expect in terms of effects and weight loss. A very common question stands, how ... Views: 1028
Let’s begin this article with an important “disclaimer” – namely no one has a definitive answer as to what causes an eating disorder and, more importantly, one definitive approach to treatment that offers a cure or is “superior” to another. Although I tend to subscribe to the belief a blend of ... Views: 1752
It seems that a large percentage of the population is thinking about their weight and dieting at any given moment, reading about this new diet, that new food plan, purchasing diet products, and/or in the midst of dieting. Our weight truly is a national obsession.
So, why do diets and food ... Views: 1623
College students are one of the demographic groups that are most at risk for emotional and mental health issues. Not only is this a very common time for serious mental illnesses such as clinical depression, anxiety, and even schizophrenia to be diagnosed, the college years are also a time when ... Views: 1674
It was his turn to look after his toddler son. And it was morning, time to soak his skin thoroughly in hot water in the shower, so he would be very smooth-shaven when he shaves. His son was crying. He could hear it but was not listening. The voice of self-criticism was louder. It said to make ... Views: 1619
“Hedonic Eating” literally translates to “pleasure eating.” It refers to eating in the absence of biological need or hunger. From my standpoint it describes a pattern of disordered eating that contributes to the current rise with eating disorders and obesity. With few exceptions it involves ... Views: 1838
Last week, I had the great honor to talk on the tele-seminar “Abundance Reigns” where my topic was about our hungers and desires and how they relate to creating a more fulfilling life. This was a very fun talk and very interesting to prepare because the more I prepared the presentation, the more ... Views: 1632
Are You Ready to Fall Truly, Madly and Deeply in Love With Yourself ,Your Body & Your Life?
To Release Weight, Eliminate Cravings & Find True Rhythm & Balance in your Life?
To Connect With Your Inner God/Goddess?
Would you like to;
• feel comfortable in your own skin?
• feel happy with ... Views: 2412
Although eating disorders are often accompanied by a variety of physical and emotional complications, perhaps the most painful are those leading to severe dental problems. To be sure, there is some overlap with respect to the specific impact each type of eating disorder has on our teeth and ... Views: 1968
Are you concerned that you or someone you love might be suffering from an eating disorder? Eating disorders are serious and lengthly debilitating illnesses. Studies in Australia found that the average duration of bulimia is 5 years, and 8 years for anorexia. The quicker that one gets help for ... Views: 1498
If you relate to the following, you may indeed be a perfectionist:
You are very critical of yourself
You are afraid of making mistakes
You think in terms of ‘black and white’
You continually need approval from others
You set unattainable goals for yourself
You find it hard to ... Views: 1560
Biological Connections in Eating Disorders
Eating disorders are not to be taken lightly - 20% of anorexia sufferers lose their lives to their eating disorder, its important to remember these are very serious illnesses which pose a great risk.
Many people believe that eating disorders are ... Views: 1207
Modern living has replaced important rituals that were observed keenly and devoutly in the past. Before, eating is too important an activity to be taken for granted.
Cultures and religions around the world put extra emphasis on mealtime—especially dinner. Even in American culture, most ... Views: 1802
When human psychological factors cause an illness, it is called psychosomatic – of the mind and of the body. Of all disorders an eating disorder is the epitome of a toxic relationship between psyche and soma, yet the body is our interface for navigating the world. Medical writer Jonathan Miller ... Views: 1894
Each client tends to be more different than similar, and the development trajectory for each client is complex. Most anorexics will move into bulimia, while many bulimics who get under control will attempt to restrict; therefore, one common feature of the illness is that over-control eventually ... Views: 1415
Weight problems and food addictions have become a national epidemic. At any given time, twenty five million Americans are seriously dieting. Only 1 out of every 200 dieters lose their weight and keep it off for a year or more. Although there are more diet programs and weight loss products ... Views: 1889
In today’s post, I’m going to discuss the root cause behind the self-sabotaging habits that keep you away from implementing dietary improvements into your life. You’ll be surprised, because it has nothing to do with food…
Have you noticed that calories, fat grams, portion sizes, and endless ... Views: 1443
This time of year can be joyous but it can also be rife with stress. Stress brings with it innumerable ways to cope. Some people drink too much while others will spend too much. Then there are the yellers and steering wheel pounders, but what about this season's hidden emotional danger?
What ... Views: 1546
SMART* Recovery and 12-Step Programs
In the world of addiction treatment there are several choices one has in the way of utilizing and attending a community based support group. Should one look more closely at what is offered to those with an eating disorder the choices are somewhat more ... Views: 4448
The Challenges:
Challenge 1: Eating again – Sugar Awareness
Challenge 2: Food is fuel, food is just fuel
Challenge 3: The 80/20 approach – Balance & moderation,
The sugar connection
Challenge 4: Shopping from a list - taking control of what you buy ... Views: 1641
CHASING HUNGER - 90 day bulimia breakthrough challenge, by author Kathy Welter-Nichols,
The technology of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) provides an opportunity to consider that behind every behavior there is a positive intention. While bulimia might seem strange or even ... Views: 2387
Over the past 20 years, I have seen hundreds of people lose weight and get in shape with the help of hypnosis and other mind power techniques. So it is very frustrating when time and time again, “hypnotism” is portrayed as witchcraft of some kind – in the movies we see over and over again the ... Views: 2360
The shame, guilt and misunderstanding of eating disorders makes it hard for anyone to come forward to get help, but it is so much harder for a public figure to do so. Celebrities may put their fame, career and acting opportunities on the line and open themselves to, ridicule and criticism if ... Views: 2117
Today researchers find that for every four females with anorexia, there is one male, and for every 8-11 females with bulimia, there is one male. (American Journal of Psychiatry) The majority of men suffer with Binge Eating Disorder and the majority does not get treatment until they have ... Views: 1802
A frequently overlooked phenomenon within the recovering community, aka 12-step oriented fellowships, is a true understanding of the difference between compliance and acceptance with respect to one’s addiction[s]. As most professionals and addicts themselves have come to understand, addiction is ... Views: 7554
Eating disorders are known to be prevalent inside the fashion industry, but what about the military? As the number of women who enlist in the armed forces increases, so do the rates of eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia nervosa.
Eating disorders, at their core, provide an afflicted ... Views: 1759
The way I learned to deal with my feelings was not to feel. One of the ways I learned to do this was to think of something different. For instance, I looked forward to getting some candy from the little store on my way home from school. I would get a cola soft drink and a frosted pastry or ... Views: 2485
As much as I need my alone time I don't like to be alone.
Let me backtrack. A few months ago, on a Friday night, I found myself alone. My son was at his Dad’s house and my boyfriend was at band practice. I decided I was going to have a great night even if I was alone. I would eat a healthy ... Views: 1354
I became interested in hypnosis, because I had a compulsive craving for sweets and unhealthy food. I struggled with this problem for years. I tried few methods: different types of diets, changing eating habits, different nutrition type routines, powerful exercise regimes. None of these willpower ... Views: 2316
Hello out there.
There's a news story that came out a little while ago that I have been reflecting on. I've attached the link for you if you'd like to check it out.
I wanted to share with you the thoughts that it brought up for me about the ... Views: 2223
by Dr. Tali Shenfield, Clinical Psychologist
Eating disorders are far more common than you may think. This disorder is the most common psychological problem treated by mental health practitioners. Eating disorders primarily affect women. Around ninety percent of people with eating disorders ... Views: 17056
Once more, mindfulness is being totally present and in the moment and avoiding judgment. So how do we connect our increased practice with mindfulness to our eating behaviors and attitude to food?
Sadly, we let our lives become so busy that things become automatic, even some of the things we ... Views: 1929