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Be More. Achieve More.Be More. Achieve More is for those seeking inspiration for greater prosperity and success. People wishing to be more to achieve more. Senior corporate employees, those in career transition or entrepreneurs benefit through newsletters, tele-seminars, wealth retreats, mastermind programmes and celebrity interviews. Views: 9
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Insanity to Serenity, a journey from addiction to recoveryJane Thompson Lloyd is the author of Insanity to Serenity, her personal memoir about the struggle and the journey of recovery from addiction. Lloyd gives personal insight and reasoning behind writing and publishing this raw and engaging memoir. Views: 9
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Quantum ReprogrammingLearn To Access Your Quantum Powers And Shift Your Reality Views: 9
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SondraBarrett.comBlends science, art and spirituality. Creates awareness of the inner worlds through microscopic photography, programs in well-being, wine and food. Unique perspectives on the sacredness of our cells.Discover lessons and secrets from your cells, make science practical and unearth the treasures of life. Views: 9
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Spirit DoorwaysInspirational art for meditation and transformation. Views: 9
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The Path of TransformationBlog on healing, transformation, and related subjects, including energy medicine, astrology, the enneagram, numerology, crystals, extrasensory perception, interdimensional communication, extraterrestrials, pyramids, sacred geometry, and mysticism. Views: 9
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Token RockToken Rock is a Webby nominated Self-Empowerment and Inspirational website comprised of a group of inspiring individuals dedicated to providing useful information, tools, and techniques to assist and support you on your journey toward self-awareness and personal empowerment.
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Ye Olde Consciousness Shoppe Ye Olde Consciousness Shoppe offers 21st Century Insights: Alchemy, Spiritual Transformation, Paradoxical Thinking, and Magic. Writings by John Caris, Joel Laski, June Johnson, Dwight Johnson, Ed Hirsch and images by Esta Wolfram, Norm Sams. Mary Caris are presented. Views: 9
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Arcturian Light Transmissions - Channeled Messages by Debbie JohnstoneIf you’ve ever wondered why you’re here and what it all means, the Arcturians can answer these and many other questions. The Arcturians or Angels of Light are a race of the highest spiritual beings who are here watching over us and paving the way for us to find peace and return home at last. Views: 8
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Dynamic Healing SystemsAccompanying individuals, expectant mothers and their babies on a holistic journey to growth and well-being. Offering breastfeeding support, classes and surveys to families with low-income and early parents in the Los Angeles area. Views: 8
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* Hover over the stars and click to rate this Consciousness and Awareness website. Venkat's Initiative The best of wealth is Education!!
There is no age for getting education, we are all teachers and we are all students throughout our life. Education is for all strata of society whether poor or rich, whether in village, town or city in any part of the world.
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Focus On SpaceFocus On Space offers articles and information related to optimizing life in the nine life domains. Nancy Wesson is an award winning author, Feng Shui Consultant, Professional Oroganizer, Intuition Trainer and Quantum Touch Practitioner. Views: 8
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High on HappinessDaily Inspirations on Life's Wonders, Delights and Joys Views: 8
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iamsourceExploring spiritual evolution, affirmation, self realization, oneness and being present. Learning meditation and control of ego. Also now have store for items pertaining to spirituality, nutrition and self help. Views: 8
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Life MightTeaching relaxation and awareness meditation for stress management and expanded consciousness through dynamic online training. Views: 8
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Matthew Ferry: Happiness and Success ExpertA good speaker keeps the audience listening.
A great speaker holds the attention until the message is heard.
That's why Matthew is one of the highest rated speakers year after year. He delivers a compelling message that leaves your audience excited and looking forward to putting his methodology into immediate action. Views: 8
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Planetary World ServicePlanetary World Service aims to offer a platform for Consciousness Workers worldwide so we may focus our combined energies toward the realization of world peace, world education, world prosperity, world cultural harmony, world knowledge, world religious unification, and the overall restructuring of society around the globe. Views: 8
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Positive PollyAnnaWe are dedicated to raising consciousness, spreading positivity, inspiring & empowering people for a peaceful world. Energy psychology, quantum physics, genetics, & other educational/scientific modalities meet the esoteric/spiritual, healing people & the planet physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually/energetically. Views: 8
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Spontaneous ShiftUnlock the infinite possibilities of you, your body, your life. How about having ALL of YOU!! Views: 8
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The God ManifestoA published record of several communications with God.
The profound truths revealed within its pages envelopes your mind in a tapestry of Peace, Love and Joy.
Share the healing power of love. Views: 8
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