We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Conflict Resolution". If you have expertise in Conflict Resolution and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
How do most people feel when their boss walks in the door? There is a general belief that bosses and employees are often at odds with each other. This idea is often showcased in the media, entertainment and people’s social media statuses. But is this true? Do many employees find their bosses ... Views: 2315
I have mentioned it before and wrote about it in my first book Damaged Merchandise. I shake. Not all the time, in fact if I’m sitting next to you, you’d never know it. I shake when I’m writing or have some kind of movement. It is something that I have lived with for over 40 years. It is ... Views: 1031
Dear Dr. Romance:
What is wrong with me? Angry, sad, blah? It's 5 am and i'm still awake. i'm 29, single (i don't mind), i go to school, an ok job, pets. i'm not starving, as long at there's a roof over my head i'm good to go. so many things i really want to do. i get into it then i don't ... Views: 1078
A Disturbing Reality
Bill Cottringer
“Logic will never change emotion or perception.” ~ Edward de Bono.
After studying things like success, happiness, failure, frustration and anger for several decades now, I have come to the conclusion there may be a very disturbing reality too ... Views: 1379
Winning Ways to Speak by Cara Day
The words you use, how they are put together, combined with the open, expansiveness of your eyes, your tone of voice, and the warmth of your body language help determine the quality of your communication with your children (and other loved ones). This is what ... Views: 1362
When someone does us wrong, we want to get even and let the world know about the evil side of that person. While you may be right in feeling upset or hurt about the bad behavior of others, I believe our Heavenly Father would prefer for us to swallow our pride and turn the other cheek. Be the ... Views: 1462
Boundaries are important.
From a psychological perspective, boundaries are the mental, emotional, spiritual or relational limits on who and what kind of influences you accept into your life. How you expect to be treated depends on your personal history and self-evaluation. This is different ... Views: 1456
The cover story of Popular Science, Sept 1995 reported a little known Pentagon project, stating that bad weather is coming. If you can control your enemy by weather, that's good, but are we the enemy?
The National Weather Service tweeted that snow, ice, strong winds, and flooding will plague ... Views: 1154
“It will get better.” This is the common statement to victims of bullying, often made by celebrities – celebrities who were once bullied themselves. And there is also this common belief that once a victim leaves high school and moves onto college, it’s over.
It’s Not Over
Not so fast. ... Views: 1724
We've all blamed others for how we feel at times. "You really make me angry!" "You hurt my feelings!"
"You totally embarrassed me!" Most people don't realize that by allowing others to push our buttons and determine how we feel, we actually give away our personal power. Others decide for us ... Views: 1907
It's difficult for a lot of people to communicate with each other effectively. Unless you're a recluse, communication is something we all do every day. Perhaps because I'm a motivational speaker, author, and radio host, I can talk ad infinitum. I actually find it enjoyable and relatively easy. ... Views: 1676
Is world peace really possible? Maybe, but peace begins within, then extends into the home before it can reach global proportions. Sadly, the holidays, proclaimed the most wonderful time of the year, are more realistically the most stressful, bringing out the worst in people rather than the true ... Views: 1432
One of my favorite authors, the late Dr. Wayne Dyer, once stated that "There is no way to peace. Peace is the way." This seemed rather contradictory to the common belief that a peaceful state of existence is a destination we arrive at after traversing a righteous path. Wayne challenges us to ... Views: 1632
At some point in almost every person's life, we have made false assumptions about another or blamed an innocent party for something they were not responsible for. Needless to say, both of these behaviors can lead to hurt feelings, people being offended and outraged or an angry defensive response ... Views: 1906
Three Beatitudes for Better Communication
Bill Cottringer
“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” ~George Bernard Shaw.
I first heard this simple but profound prescription for better communication below, used as a beginning and ... Views: 1640
If I told you that there was one simple word that could prevent anger from arising would you be interested in discovering what that word is? Or in the event that anger showed up without warning, this same word could easily subdue it and restore your sense of calm? Would you utilize this ... Views: 1604
Conflicts can appear anywhere. Whether you are in a coffee shop and someone got past the line or you are work and you have some misunderstandings with your colleagues, they are part of our day-to-day life.
There are some things you can’t predict and prevent. You can’t foresee you will have a ... Views: 1558
At one time or another, we've all complained that life isn't fair. Children do it all the time: Karen, who is older by two years, is allowed to stay up later than her younger siblings. They complain to dad that they're being treated unjustly, not realizing that at the same age her bedtime was ... Views: 1347
Wouldn't it be wonderful if every time we disagreed with someone we could actually win when arguing? For many, disagreements are viewed as a battle of intelligence between two opposing forces. Each having what they believe to be a strong and valid position on a topic, they engage in verbal and ... Views: 1444
We are all too familiar with headline stories about people who are pushed to their limits and snap. Whether on the job, within their own families, or even children in school - everyone has their breaking point. In 2010, Omar Thorton, a 34-year old employee at the Hartford Beer Distributors in ... Views: 1769
So you've suffered an injury. Chances are, if you were on someone else's property or someone else was at fault, your friends and family have told you to sue. Should you?
Assessing the Probability of Successful Litigation
It can be difficult to assess who is to blame when an accident ... Views: 938
They're like mosquitoes on a hot summer night - those irritating and annoying people. They can be found anywhere from our families or coworkers to drivers on the roadways to complete strangers we encounter while on vacation. Their quirky behaviors and annoying habits can ruin our day. Other ... Views: 2235
Families can be our greatest source of joy as well as a never ending cause of stress. Comprised of a diverse blend of personalities, families are a mixture of quirky behaviors, opposing viewpoints, various needs, beliefs, and values, along with opposing methods of how members perform certain ... Views: 2086
At one time or another, we've all complained that life isn't fair. Children do it all the time: Karen, who is older by two years, is allowed to stay up later than her younger siblings. They complain to dad that they're being treated unjustly, not realizing that at the same age her bedtime was ... Views: 1547
At one time or another, we've all complained that life isn't fair. Children do it all the time: Karen, who is older by two years, is allowed to stay up later than her younger siblings. They complain to dad that they're being treated unjustly, not realizing that at the same age her bedtime was ... Views: 1427
At one time or another, we've all complained that life isn't fair. Children do it all the time: Karen, who is older by two years, is allowed to stay up later than her younger siblings. They complain to dad that they're being treated unjustly, not realizing that at the same age her bedtime was ... Views: 1466
I've been presenting seminars on understanding and healing anger for 25 years and it never ceases to amaze me how much misinformation is circulating about one of life's most powerful emotions. Lack of accurate facts and techniques can have serious repercussions in every aspect of life from ... Views: 1567
Too often people think that if they surrender they are showing their weaknesses and flaws. I am here to tell you that it takes a great deal of strength to surrender your worries, fears and concerns to the Holy Spirit. We all suffer troubles and great concerns in our lives whether they ... Views: 1033
When you first start your job, you love every aspect of it. You are eager to learn, and every activity is exciting. But as time goes by, some of us start to resent our jobs. You might feel stuck, frustrated, or just plain bored. But job satisfaction doesn’t always require a career change. Here ... Views: 1642
Currently there is a commercial on TV where a cheerful woman visits her new neighbor with a homemade pie. She states that she has actually come by not to simply welcome the woman into the neighborhood but to see if in fact she might be weird in some way. The smiling neighbor inquires as to ... Views: 1566
Wouldn't life be wonderful if every time we disagreed with someone we could find a perfect solution that would satisfy each party and put the issue to rest once and for all? So often when a conflict arises, we spend an enormous amount of time and energy debating it, trying to prove our position, ... Views: 2029
When individuals disagree on a subject matter, whether it's politics, religion, home projects, budgeting issues or such, very often the discussion escalates into a full-blown fight. Tensions rise as each side tries to convince the other that their beliefs or ways of doing something are more ... Views: 1830
Life is full of challenging moments and if you are building a stable and significant life you are definitely going to have your fair share of these moments.
But how you manage these moments is what will make all the difference to how you feel about yourself, your stability and having a relative ... Views: 1220
You've heard me say in previous shows that anger is a normal, healthy, and in many cases a useful emotion. While some may believe that the feeling itself is wrong or bad, it's not. It is the way we choose to express it and use it determines if it becomes a positive force in our lives to bring ... Views: 1420
Last week, I spoke before a group of business professionals about dealing with difficult people. It seems that no matter where we are in life, whether at home with our families, in social settings, at work, or just out and about, we encounter challenging and obnoxious people. The first issue we ... Views: 1472
Recently, I've been driving into NY City to do mediations for a large clothing manufacture on Madison Ave. I used to teach classes at the Learning Annex and some of my son's doctor's were in the city as well. However, it's been awhile and as incomprehensible as it may sound, NY has become even ... Views: 1506
People don't typically want to interact with those they consider to be bullies or tyrants. Yet contrary to popular belief, bullies are not bad people. It's their behaviors that are appalling. They act out their pain, loneliness, insecurities, and so on in the most offensive and unkind ways. But ... Views: 1413
No matter who we are or where we go in life, we encounter people who are struggling with personal issues and are not easy to engage with. They can prove challenging to deal for a variety of reasons. Often times, we feel ill-equipped to effectively deal with them. Some, feeling overwhelmed or ... Views: 1755
"Flexibility is a sign of mental health", psychiatrist Tom Smith used to say when we were colleagues San Francisco’s Alcoholism Evaluation and Treatment Center.
I was single then and in my late twenties. The men I dated were usually flexible. They had to be, because it was usually “my way or ... Views: 1315
Today my husband and I had our fifth fight. Not bad for a twenty year marriage but regardless, for an anger management professional such as myself, I didn't handle it very well. Actually, fight is not an accurate description as it was more like a huff, that is we got annoyed at each other. Let ... Views: 1377
We are living in a very volatile and dangerous age. Not only have issues of domestic violence, child and animal abuse, anger in the workplace and so on been more apparent, but we are definitely witnessing a rise of violence within our communities. Gangs and individual assaults seem to be taking ... Views: 1429
I'm not much of a fighter. When I was a child, my dad taught me that if someone hits you, hit them back but never be the one to throw the first punch. In essence, only fight back when you have to defend yourself. My mom's message was taken from Luke 6:29 and contradicted Dad's: "If someone slaps ... Views: 1392
The ancient Egyptians had a fairly complicated process by which they were allowed - or not – to access what we might now call “Heaven” after their death. Among other things, they were to approach the gods of the Underworld with a series of negative affirmations: a recitation of all those things ... Views: 1220
Bill Cottringer
“Conflicts give rise to villains, heroes, victims and bystanders. Which are you willing to be, in doing or dying for? ~The Author.
We are all chasing after things we think we want because of how they make us feel—happiness, success, peace of mind, ... Views: 1503
Although we often classify a person's actions as problematic, in truth a person's conduct is never the real problem. Behavior is nothing more than an outward expression of an internal issue. For example, if an individual is in a bad mood and arguing with those around them, the fighting simply ... Views: 1498
People take life far too seriously. There are important issues in our world such as child abuse, war, poverty, starvation, disease, etc. These are all matters critical for the well-being of humanity. Each one needs to be addressed and resolved quickly in order to protect mankind and eliminate ... Views: 1998
Stacey Cox Giovanni
Life Time Success 4 U
Here I am again. Just sharing with all of you the times we have of our ups and down happen to all of us. The question is how do we deal with it. I have been going through some things for some time now. And I will share with you the victim mentality ... Views: 1442
It's hard to avoid getting angry. Even those who are relatively easy going find themselves irate from time to time. At the most inopportune moments, anger can rear its ugly head and create all sorts of havoc in our lives. Consider these examples:
You've been under extraordinary amounts of ... Views: 1513
I've been teaching people about anger for nearly twenty five years. What I do is commonly referred to as anger management training. However, this implies that people must first become irate and then seek methods of how to manage it effectively, express it appropriately, and ultimately put it to ... Views: 1499
In college, one of my philosophy professors would frequently have the class debate a hot topic. He'd randomly divide the class in half and have each side present their best argument in support of their assigned position. Regardless of how you felt personally, you were expected to gather as many ... Views: 2192