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In many cities modern traffic lights have what is called preemption equipment installed. Fire Engines, Police Cars, Ambulances etc. have transmitters on them that trip this equipment. The point is to turn all the lights green for the first responders so they can get where they need to be as ... Views: 1646
In this world there will always be challenges in life. We are after-all imperfect people living in a fallen world. “ For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;” Romans 3:23. Since none of us are perfect our lives cannot be perfect, things happen. When things happen even though they ... Views: 1426
Summary: When asked about the end of the world, Christ said to understand Daniel. Daniel's 7th and 8th chapters have political cartoons that fit the papacy as a little horn that grew out of the Roman Empire to become great, but it did bad things. Islam is represented by the ram in Daniel 8 that ... Views: 1038
Summary: The UK, US, EU, Vatican and Islam are represented in the imagery of Daniel 7 and 8. Daniel is the only book recommended by Christ when He was asked about the end of the world in Matthew 24. Daniel's description fits well what is happening and should be considered by leaders as well as ... Views: 985
The Greek word for judgment in Revelation 14 is krisis and the time of crisis coincides with the end of 6,000 years because in the 4th Commandment, God gives man six days to do his work and “1000 years are as a day,” according to 2nd Peter 3 when the end-time “day of the Lord” comes, says Dr. ... Views: 1008
NY Post's story of Francis X Cabrini Church, closed in Massachusetts by court settlement in sex abuse scandal, would be a good read for most Christians. After losing an appeal to the Supreme Court, they held their last service. An 86-year old member said, “We fought the good fight. We did ... Views: 923
A third of a million results for “Antichrist, August 30, 2016” on Google suggest widespread belief that end-times will begin in 2016, but searching several linked sources reveals no explanation for why antichrist appears Aug. 30, in spite of the date in Hagee's YouTube title.
Hagee's August ... Views: 1284
Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte cited his win for presidency by 6 million votes as evidence of the church's irrelevance after their strong opposition to him. (ABC News/AP 5-22-16)
Calling the bishops “sons of bitches” and hypocrits for living high when many in the country can't afford food, ... Views: 960
Reading the Bible can be the gateway to heavenly bliss or the pathway to subtle self-destruction. To read the Bible is to walk on holy ground, so we must come to the Word oh so aware of the fine line that exists between reading and sinning.
As you read this article, please take to heart 2 ... Views: 975
Do you wonder if there is a certain time of day that is best for Bible reading and prayer? Many Christians set aside a special time each day to be alone with God. In some circles this is known as "Quiet Time" or "Daily Devotions" and is typically spent reading the Bible and praying.
Perhaps ... Views: 2722
Looking for some tips on how to cultivate the habit of daily Bible reading? Here's 5 surefire ways to increase your love for God and His Word.
1. Decide what time of day is best for you.
Are you a morning person, or is later in the day better? We're all different. Some folks love to wake up ... Views: 884
When you read the Bible, it's always a good idea to pray – before, during and after you open the Word of God. The Bible is a supernatural book and you'll need supernatural help to read it and apply it.
The purpose of this article is to introduce you to how to pray biblically while reading the ... Views: 884
There are many valid and effective Bible reading methods. The purpose of this article is to introduce you to the #1 most often overlooked and forgotten method of reading the Bible.
But first, a question: When was the last time you received a personal letter (or email) from a dear friend or ... Views: 909
Reading the Bible is critical to your spiritual growth. The Word of God is our daily bread, and without it you'll become a weak and ineffective Christian.
So it's vital to spend quality time in the Bible every day. To improve your Bible reading, be sure to avoid these 3 big mistakes.
Bible ... Views: 819
Have you ever prayed this prayer?
"Open my eyes that I may see
Wonderful things in your law."
This prayer was written about 3,000 years ago. You can find it in Psalm 119:18. It's a request to experience wonderful things by reading the Bible.
The psalmist expected to see something ... Views: 806
Are you looking for a simple way to jumpstart your Bible reading efforts? If you ever struggle to find the desire or the energy to sit down and spend quality time in God’s Word, please consider this approach – read Psalm 119 and you are likely to see an increase in your appetite for God’s ... Views: 932
Are you looking for motivation to read your Bible today? There are many good reasons to do so; here are five. Any one of them should provide the inspiration you need to take action and follow through on your desire for some quality Bible-time.
Read the Bible today because . . .
1. The ... Views: 819
Have you read the most-printed book of all time? According to Wikipedia, that book would be the Bible, which is at the top of their "List of most-printed single-volume books" with 5 billion plus copies.
For the record, the Quran comes in second at 4 billion. Charles Dickens "A Tale of Two ... Views: 900
Millions of people worldwide are dying tragically like Prince who are missing a major component of life. Prince may have “had it together” for some aspects, and his ability to sing about life was appreciated by millions. Nevertheless, basic questions must be addressed or there's an emptiness ... Views: 916
Summary: Seven parables focus on a single event to initiate end-times. Five have links specifically to 2nd Passover. Two are supportive of 2nd Passover, a phenomenon that Christians are largely uninformed of because preachers have ignored the law that Christ said was in effect 'till heaven and ... Views: 1013
Summary: A 15-year old boy with a near-death experience relates seeing WWIII starting “very soon.” His YouTube text cited Zechariah 14: the “day of the Lord” comes with half of Jerusalem taken captive, houses rifled, women raped. Yeshua's warning would have spared the Jews in 70 AD. He said to ... Views: 994
A friend has just shared something on Facebook. It is an article by a "christian" (small "c" intended). This person goes on and on about the dangers of coloring books using mandalas. He connects the devil (small "d" intended too) with mandalas in a weird way reminiscent of a best-selling ... Views: 1106
Summary: Jack Darnall dreamed of an African-American president with Obama's description, well-liked at first, but he became a 'terrible dictator.' The dream was not shared widely because it seemed impossible in the 1980's.
Jack Darnall, a Seventh-day Adventist pastor was running a 'prepper' ... Views: 1097
Summary: Five 'when-then' signs from 2015 signal the 'day of the Lord,' and suggest this spring. Multiple Bible texts support an earthquake as initiating the end-times.
1. “The day of the Lord” begins with an earthquake (Joel 2:10,11; Zeph 1:7,10, 1Thess 5:2,3) and it was signaled by the ... Views: 1108
What is Personal Growth and Getting Yourself Together?
There are many people in our society today that are very unhappy or unsatisfied with their lives for one reason or another. Whatever reason they have for being unhappy, there is undoubtedly a way to change it. Sometimes it requires a ... Views: 1367
Summary: Hebrew prophets forecast an end-time destruction of Jerusalem. Five 'when-then' signs point to 2016 for apocalyptic events. History supports Passover as a time of impending Judgment. Bible believers should consider selling Jerusalem properties and keeping Passover elsewhere.
1. Five ... Views: 1135
Summary: The Bible uses political cartoons to represent nations. In the book of Daniel we find a ram in the Middle East pushing west, but it is stomped by a goat that flies from the west “at the time of the end.” That will be the end of militant Islam, but the ram is a more noble creature than a ... Views: 1151
Summary: The world loves Pope Francis for his acceptance of everyone as they are—even atheists, but can he deliver the goods for a United Nations New World Order? Here are some potential problems:
1. A New World Order may be a tough sell. “Congress shall make no law respecting an ... Views: 1001
Summary: Five biblical signs, not to mention our severe weather or failing economy, are ominous for 2016. Fleeing the cities is suggested by five biblical models.
Most Bible scholars agree with a 7-year apocalyptic period, like the 7 years of famine in Joseph's time or the 7 years that King ... Views: 1240
Summary: 92% of Congress identify as Christians (Google). What a mess! Christian means like Christ, and Christ didn't run for office. The political or governmental system is broken, the correctional system, education, healthcare, and the religious systems of society are beyond repair. America ... Views: 1332
Summary: “With 428 million Bibles sold last year, it's still the best-seller. Why not discover the reason? Only God can foretell the future, but here are four 'when-then' omens or signs for apocalyptic events this coming spring.”
1. The biblical year begins in the spring and its beginning ... Views: 1191
Summary: Human wisdom tends to centralization and building big government. The European Union isn't working well, and it's an omen for what's coming under UN control. There's better information that could help us avoid serious trouble.
Wisdom is looking at life from a biblical perspective. ... Views: 1123
Summary: Trump's judgment is challenged on the morality and bankruptcy of his casinos and his understanding of healthcare. Healthcare is not medical care with prescription drugs that have become a leading cause of illness and death.
Donald Trump boasted of better judgment on CNN's State of ... Views: 1047
Summary: Friday's Omnibus Budget Bill will provide $1.2 Billion for lifetime residency cards to 700,000 Muslim migrants as we did over the last five years,” said Senator Sessions of AL. Email or call congress TODAY!
“In spite of what we heard the president say on TV, Islam is NOT a religion ... Views: 1234
Summary: America is repeating Babylon's fall forecast in Daniel, including Obamacare, New World Order, Muslim aggression and defeat. These are seen in Daniel 1,3,8 plus this parallel from Daniel 5.
When asked about the end of the world, the Great Teacher whose life divided BC from AD replied ... Views: 1174
Summary: Christmas originated as a pagan holiday, blessed by the pope in the 4th century. Hanukkah commemorates a miraculous victory of Jews fighting for freedom ~175 BC. The birth of Christ was most likely on the Feast of Tabernacles,
500 years before the birth of Christ, the prophet ... Views: 1116
Summary: The Omnibus Budget Bill to be voted Friday, Dec 11, will provide $1.2 Billion for “nearly 700,000 green cards – or lifetime residency cards – to migrants from Muslim nations over the next five years (as we did over the last five years),” said Senator Sessions of AL, re Friday’s vote. ... Views: 1165
Summary: Latin America is proof that the pope's US/UN agenda for “common good” and a New World Order has little value. South America, colonized by Catholic priests, have had Catholic government for centuries and they are still in poverty.
I spent a summer in Latin America as a student ... Views: 1122
“Like a frog that doesn't know when to jump from slowly heating water,” we are coming to the boiling point, based on biblical signs of the apocalypse. Six news items from this past year suggest that trouble is impending.
1. Signs of Corruption: Obama Gave $79 Million to the Catholic Church ... Views: 1125
As one of the most researched of ancient literatures, the Bible is a window into the life and practices of the people who lived in Israel and bordering nations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome, and Judea. The Bible and other texts from that time offer a broad view of life from about 1300 BC ... Views: 1186
When asked about the end of the age, the Great Teacher whose life divided BC from AD said to understand the book of Daniel. That book was “sealed until the time of the end,” but the 8th chapter has a vision “at the time of the end” with a candid view to convince skeptics that what Daniel saw is ... Views: 1049
Christ's triumphal entry to Jerusalem had been foretold 500 years earlier, riding on a colt, Zechariah 9:9. God's purpose was to call attention to the prophecies concerning the Savior before Friday's crucifixion.
Adventism may be due for a similar bipolar swing from popular now to ridicule ... Views: 1020
Regardless of religious denomination, many people attend some sort of service on a weekly or monthly basis. Religion is an important aspect in many lives and is a way to feel connected, not only to a higher power but also to each other.
Church services bring together people to pray and feel ... Views: 838
When Cornelius fell down to worship Peter, Peter said, Get up for I am a man like you are, Acts 10:26. The papacy claims Peter as the first pope, but there is no record of it in the Bible and Peter would not accept worship as popes do.
Priests and popes also take vows of celibacy, but Peter ... Views: 1021
Summary: Jonathan Cahn is a well-liked author and speaker, but after recent disappointed expectations, many may be wondering, What happened? This article harmonizes the dual imagery for the Hebrew year and the time of judgment for 2015-2016 as the right year, with judgment still impending in the ... Views: 1041
Summary: Jonathan Cahn is a well-liked author and speaker, but after recent disappointed expectations, many may be wondering, What happened? This article harmonizes the dual imagery for the Hebrew year and the time of judgment for 2015-2016 as the right year, with judgment still impending in the ... Views: 1045
VATICAN CITY, Sept 8, 2015. During his Sunday sermon at Saint Peter’s Square, Pope Francis spoke of a “forthcoming event in which the earth will be consumed by hellfire from above” and asked Christians around the world to absolve themselves of sin in the days and weeks ahead.
Pope Francis has ... Views: 1417
1. Refugees are linked to terrorism and 91% get food stamps; 73% medicaid, 68% get cash assistance.
http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-09-11/europe-flooded-reports-isis-terrorists-posing-refugees ... Views: 1072
I wanted to start off by explaining a few facts you need to understand before we begin our journey together. I am not a psychologist nor am I a philosopher. I do not hold a college degree of any kind. I am not a teacher, a mentor, or a role model and make no claims to be such. I am not a ... Views: 1467
Summary: The pope with more gold than anyone, is not like Donald Trump, wanting to help America to do the same. Those who don't learn from history are destined to repeat it. Trouble for America is impending as money and freedom fade.
As a college student, I spent a summer in Colombia and ... Views: 1127