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“Even if a day arrives when the Catholic Church is pure, none of us will live to see it,” says Margery Eagan in her Boston Globe article (1-29-18) discussing the pope’s visit to Chile.
Some people can stumble over the truth, get up and go on as if nothing ever happened. Dr. Richard Ruhling, ... Views: 1100
Scientists advanced a ‘doomsday’ clock to 2 minutes till midnight. How did we get from Stephen Hawking’s 1000-year estimate (11-16-16) to his 100-year estimate (5-4-17) to nearly midnight? http://wapo.st/2Gk5AHO
It’s like seismologists giving LA an 85-99% risk of a major earthquake (LA Times, ... Views: 868
H.R.4760 – Securing America’s Future Act of 2018, is a bill that entails everything from Education and the Workforce to Homeland Security to the military. Its 400 pages include details of a new biometric National ID card to be required for everyone. ... Views: 1000
Seven “When-Then” Signs of Biblical End-Times Marked 2015
1. A rare solar eclipse on the equinox followed by
2. A blood moon on Passover. “The sun shall be darkened and the moon turned to blood before [paniym, facing] the day of the Lord.” Joel 2:31.
3. The Iran Nuclear Treaty signed by 7 ... Views: 1007
Assignment Asserted Christians, Muslims and Jews believe in the same God.
Dozens of people spoke against a homework assignment in an Elgin, Illinois school meeting. http://www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/elgin-courier-news/news/ct-ecn-u46-religion-assignment-st-0124-20180123-story.html Is ... Views: 1286
A false missile alert sent Hawaiians scrambling for 38 minutes.
Thousands of Hawaiians panicked...Children climbed into manholes. Cars raced through streets. Stores closed their doors to people desperately seeking ... Views: 974
It's the 45th anniversary of Roe v Wade and the pope is offering 'plenary indulgences' to church members who participate in the March for Life in Washington.
So what's a plenary indulgence? Googling 'plenary,' it means complete or absolute, and indulgence is “remission before God of the ... Views: 949
“New Forensic Evidence” seen by 200,000+ on YouTube is debatable. The video offers testimony by some scientists who came to believe the shroud was that which wrapped the Savior after the crucifixion.
On the other hand, some scientists, as with the carbon-14 dating, showed it came from the ... Views: 889
From astronomers to archeologists; from historians to atheists, people often discover God by surprise, but what about calamity?
“Have Astronomers Found God?” is a Reader's Digest article (July, 1980) found online. Archeologist discoveries support the biblical record of Abraham's grandfather ... Views: 844
Abraham Lincoln, perhaps the greatest of US presidents, said, “The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend.” With thousands of Muslims in Iran reported to be converting to Christianity, maybe it’s happening?
A third imam in the US has called for the killing of Jews. Abdullah ... Views: 795
War, famine, earthquake, pestilence, society chaos are seen, end-times in Matthew 24.
Summary: Trump’s ok of Jerusalem as capital of Israel sets the stage for a papal-influenced United Nations to react with hostility. Jerusalem’s destruction would be a sign of impending judgment on the US ... Views: 1069
Christmas is celebrated on 25th of December every year in remembrance of the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a major festival for the Christians but these day even the Non-Christians actively take part in the festival and its celebrations.
December is considered to be a month of goodwill and ... Views: 879
Discouragement is probably one of the biggest life tribulations we need to face on a regular basis. It doesn’t matter how successful we have been in the past; we will need to confront discouragement at some point in our life. Before teaching how to overcome discouragement to some good friends of ... Views: 1723
Even when we know that life tribulations are part of our daily life, sometimes we have the challenge of facing unexpected difficulties. These are like low blows that seem to take our breath out. I remember the occasion when we had to take my grandmother to the hospital because she was feeling ... Views: 1598
Before there was Dave Ramsey, there was the Bible. This American financial advisor will suggest many options for handling money — except reading what the Holy Bible has to offer.
Make room for charity
Trying to live on a budget is often difficult because of it requires strict planning, ... Views: 1119
California Mother Harassed by Police Asking If Her Children Were Vaccinated made headlines as President Trump appointed pro-vaccine, big pharma executive to head HHS
Dr. Ben Carson said Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery; Dr. Richard Ruhling says our loss of freedom is becoming clear. ... Views: 961
Millions of Jews were wondering if 2017 would be a jubilee echo of the Balfour Declaration in 1917 and the Six Day War 50 years later in 1967. But 2017 is disappointing with daughter of a holocaust survivor deported because her father became a Christian (Newsweek 11-21-17).
Is Israel just ... Views: 905
The above headline question in Newsweek (10/21/17) went unanswered as the article diverted into a political free-for-all citing Dr. Robt Jeffress, mega-church pastor, a Trump supporter in Dallas.
Newsweek also cited him as linking the church to the “Whore of Babylon” in Revelation, says Dr. ... Views: 1128
“Pope Francis said the death penalty is ‘inadmissible’ and called for changes to church doctrine to prohibit it,” Time Magazine Videos This is a fulfillment of Bible prophecy says Dr. Richard Ruhling, author on current events, offering the following information.
Protestant reformers saw the ... Views: 933
62 Roman Catholic theologians, priests and academics have accused Pope Francis of heresy. WND.com, 9-24-17.
Martin Luther was a Catholic (Augustinian) Monk who visited Rome and said, “If there is a hell, Rome is built over it.” He was bothered by the luxurious living, the loose morals, and the ... Views: 986
Media Mock Meade’s Misunderstanding of a Sign in Sky September 23 as ‘End of Days and Rapture,’ says Dr. Richard Ruhling, author of God Bless America? He explains the ‘Great Sign of Revelation 12’ is not apocalyptic for September 23, but its nine months ‘pregnancy’ points to next ... Views: 1139
The UN theme chosen for this year is “Together for Peace: Respect, Safety and Dignity for All.” The Bible says, “When they shall say ‘Peace and safety,’ sudden destruction comes on them…” 1Thess 5:3.
The United Nations is notorious for saying one thing and doing another. This was seen in ... Views: 866
Can You Lose Your Salvation Controversy?
There is a Salvation controversy within main line Christian church beliefs. Some denominations believe that once a person is saved they are always saved. Other denominations believe that one can lose their salvation after becoming saved.
... Views: 1632
“Give me your tired, your poor…yearning to breathe free.” The Statue of Liberty has welcomed “the huddled masses” from every continent since 1865, but immigration has transformed the US.
Early Americans took huge risks of death at sea and from Indians or starvation in the New World because ... Views: 1041
“The jolting message contained in ‘No Go Zones: How Sharia Law Is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You,’ is one of warning for America, which is in the process of building up its own no-go zones by making the same immigration mistakes now on full display in Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, ... Views: 936
How you started is not important – how you finish is what counts! You can break the chains that bind you and you can create changes that will transform your life if you make the right choices that will enhance your development and improve your thinking and your life. You may be facing ... Views: 946
Too often people think that if they surrender they are showing their weaknesses and flaws. I am here to tell you that it takes a great deal of strength to surrender your worries, fears and concerns to the Holy Spirit. We all suffer troubles and great concerns in our lives whether they ... Views: 979
The Advantages of Creativity
1. Creativity will change your life completely. Creativity helps you to change the old things in your life by introducing new methods, ideas, or products. You will benefit from the privileges and outcomes of your ideas. This will make you competitive and you will ... Views: 632
An email from a friend cites some guru who says next week’s eclipse means “the end of the world!”
This is baloney, and probably nothing huge will happen August 21 to endorse the significance of the eclipse. “Signs of the times” should be taken in their context and it is interesting that ... Views: 1033
I guess we should identify what we need to get rid of when we want to unshackle ourselves from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD.) That is, the things we need to emotionally throw over-board in order to be able to steer our spiritual ship steady. I was reminded of this analogy when reading ... Views: 1661
In order to buttress the title of the article, let’s take a brief look into the Christian Bible, at a scripture in Psalms 103: 7 which says: "He made his ways known to Moses, and his acts known to the children of Israel". Although Moses had a lot of access to the ways of GOD, the children of ... Views: 1614
Have you ever had one of those "aw-ha" moments when something you were familiar with but never really thought about was revealed to you in just an ordinary Sunday night service? This happened to me last Sunday when my pastor, Bro Dennis Knowles, asked the question, "Are you a Christian or just ... Views: 713
There is actually nothing like getting “something for nothing”, in this world! Making a difference, involves the expenditure of time, energy and resources. Generally, Mother Theresa of Calcutta, India, made a difference in the world: specifically she made a difference by helping the poor and ... Views: 1027
The scripture in Proverbs 20: 5 of the Christian Bible, says: “Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out”. A deep look at that scripture will give you the impression that an immeasurable amount of treasures lies within each human beings heart; ... Views: 1323
Most times, people — including myself — probably don’t seem to don’t give any thought about God and his greatness. We are too engrossed in our own activities, good or bad, to a point that we hardly think about God, the trees, birds and other wonderfully created beings and objects created by God. ... Views: 1188
Any human being who is genuinely connected with God (the creator of all things) would have ultimate peace and true prosperity. God is spirit and we can’t see him! In fact, his invisibility makes many people feel like he doesn’t exist. But he’s there! Right out there! He’s connected with men and ... Views: 1451
Christianity is the globe biggest religion, which is thoughtfully based on the teaching and life of the Jesus Christ as explained in the New Testament of the Bible. The faith encompasses lots of religious traditions that vary largely by geography and culture, as well as many diverse sects and ... Views: 2532
One often asks about the likely gifting options for a religious friend. There are lots of meaningful Christian gifts ranging from a plain jeweled cross pendant to the Holy Bible. Like all gifts, size truly does not matter. It should be personal and grip value in the other person’s life. Here are ... Views: 2694
Have you ever wondered why the emblem of the cross has such a profound presence in our world today? To Christians, the cross should be a reminder of the call of Christ.
In Roman times the cross was a means of death for prisoners to serve not only as a means for killing someone but it was also ... Views: 760
Can a divorced woman find purpose? She may feel as if she is of no value in the service of God and that her marital status hangs around her neck like a scarlet letter. This feeling can sometimes be the strongest in a Christian Church.
There are so many scenarios of a divorced woman in ... Views: 816
Christ implies that we don’t understand the parables—we are asleep with lights out in Matthew 25:5. The next verse says ‘midnight.’ It’s dark, and hence a need of oil in the lamps to find the way to the wedding.
There is parallel imagery in the Song of Solomon representing Israel’s wisest ... Views: 1030
Ricardo Beas, a concerned citizen and parent of three school-age children in California seeks to do the impossible. He is shedding light on the illegality and health hazards of mandatory vaccines, believing compulsory vaccination will be overruled by public opinion.
Citing our ... Views: 1659
In the case of early mental health issues, or coping with the challenges of life’s daily grind, I would argue that churches – and of course other religious institutions – can do more to support individuals in their communities. The relationship between emotional health and spirituality is, ... Views: 965
Psychic readings “Just try it
out,” I suggested. “And be playful with it—don’t check out to make daily life or
death decisions with this new software or you’ll be very stressed to find out
the signal anyway.”
Gemma had her 1st signal sighting even though nervously waiting for any ... Views: 1399
One of Christianity's most positive traits is the way in which it can appeal and offer hope to everyone, regardless of their station in life, education or the hardships they have endured. Its tenets inspire scholars and simpletons alike with their warmth, altruism and the promise of better ... Views: 1577
Jerusalem, a Divine City in Need of Salvation and Peace
When examining all of the history we are privy to today, anyone would be hard pressed to find a site as holy, or as riddled with contention as the sacred city of Jerusalem. For more than three millennia now it has stood as the final ... Views: 1024
The greatest discoveries that we can make are not those of technology, but how to have health, happiness and purposeful living that brings a better destiny, says Richard Ruhling, MD.
At 75, Ruhling is enjoying all of the above better than when he was 35 and had headaches that helped him ... Views: 1031
#1. When asked about the end of the world in Matthew 24, Christ said to understand the book of Daniel. Daniel and his friends faced life or death situations in chapters 1-6. “Daniel” means God is my Judge, and the book of Judges show they were deliverers like Gideon and Samson. God may deliver ... Views: 991
Starbucks was ordered by a judge to pay a woman $100,000 because the lid to her coffee popped off and she got 1st and 2nd degree burns. A 1st degree burn means erythema or redness; a 2nd degree burn means a blister forms. Too bad we can’t all get a blister from Starbucks and collect $100,000. ... Views: 1084
From our knowledge of the levels of faith, we know that faith has a growing capacity. The amazing thing about this is that no matter how strong your faith is, it never stops to grow. More so, no matter how dead your faith is, it can still grow. Truth be told, nothing in ... Views: 1158