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Restorative Justice is a discipline program that is gaining support in urban schools across the nation. The reason it is gaining acceptance is that a disproportionate number of minority students are being punished for inappropriate and irresponsible school behaviors, and federal guidelines are ... Views: 1555
Divorce is never an easy process, and it becomes even more difficult when there are children involved. Here are five steps you and your soon-to-be ex need to take so your children go through the experience with as little trauma as possible.
Keep the conflict away from your children
You and ... Views: 1004
My son Liam is 2 years old now and growing fast in so many ways every day! As he is starting to talk a lot more and comprehend a lot more, I am becoming more aware of how to help Liam nurture and grow his natural psychic abilities.
I am very aware of how my spiritual abilities have grown in ... Views: 1437
It’s 2015, Women’s Right’s isn’t brand new……is it? Seriously, I can’t believe I’m even writing about this, but this bothered me, so here I go. My son and daughter have played sports now for years, mainly Hockey and baseball, both of which were coached by their dad. I cannot take any credit for ... Views: 1136
Many parents want to teach their children at home, rather than turn over their instruction to a traditional public or private school. These parents often do not like the local school systems or live in a remote area, making traveling to school difficult. Additional reasons for homeschooling ... Views: 1039
Speaking about social change and social justice can have dangerous consequences.
It can be dangerous if you speak out as someone who is or has been affected by the injustice.
People laugh at you.
They try to ignore you.
They try to say that “something is wrong with you”.
They try to say ... Views: 1068
What if there were no television, no Internet, and no parenting books?
What would we do differently?
Would we treat each other with more compassion? Would we feel better about ourselves? Would we have less anger?
How would we raise our children, if we weren't constantly being told that ... Views: 1220
In Part 1 of this series, we looked at how adults can and do invalidate children’s feelings, thoughts and emotions.
Whilst our focus and emphasis is on the parent/child relationship, validation is an important component in other relationships and environments.
In this article in Part 2, we ... Views: 1439
Parenting is one of the most remarkable experiences one can have. No one prepares for it. The skills develop as you go along. This is because every child brings on a different experience but raising children requires the similar adopted methods. However, as parents, we sometimes make the ... Views: 1400
Perhaps you are planning to add a child to your family and adoption is on the cards; this is an important decision where you will need a family lawyer to assist on what to do. Basically, a family law attorney should be bale to advice you on the different methods that are available so that you ... Views: 1023
Let’s face it co-parenting after divorce isn’t easy. Many children of divorce go through a roller-coaster of emotions like their parents do when the family splits. Children may isolate. Have angry outbursts. Refuse to eat. Cry. Say horrible things. Throw tantrums. But what do you do if they ... Views: 1508
Dear Dr. Romance:
I am writing to you for your professional opinion regarding my 15 year old son. His behavior overall is good but when he gets angry he throws things swears a lot and just a few minutes ago destroyed my vacuum cleaner in one blow to the floor.
I am a single parent about ... Views: 1241
As the single and sole parent of my five children for over 18 years now (2 boys and 3 girls), I hoped I would be a natural role model to my boys for the way to grow to be successful men. I wanted my boys to man up as soon as they were old enough. Work hard, be a leader, be kind to everyone, ... Views: 1031
There were several instances over the past 18 or so years as I raised my 5 children as a single parent, where the reality of my kids moving on to their next necessary chapters of life, has suddenly hit me. I had such a moment last week, as I watched my middle daughter Rebecca get fingerprinted ... Views: 971
Talking to Your Kids About Sex
Take a look back at your teenage years, what it was like growing up? How were you around the topic of sex? Ask yourself some important questions like; did you have parents who were open and respectful, had healthy boundaries around the topic? Were you on the ... Views: 905
Memory Lane
“Nobody kisses me! Except my mother, my Grammy, my Aunt Kisha, my LaLa, my Nanny, my Dada, my Gma,” (and the list went on)
I knew the list cold. It was a list we agreed on together. See, I am his mother.
And, that little four-year-old who was being indignant and ... Views: 1090
We live in a world that is very externally focussed, where so many people are looking outwardly for how to make sense of their lives. We often ask ourselves (without even realizing it sometimes), "What's in it for me?", and we find ourselves cautious about committing to things or participating ... Views: 1368
Did you know that high self-esteem has been found to be the number one ingredient for experiencing success in all areas of your life? Success (however you choose to define it) all comes down to how you feel about yourself. Sounds pretty simple, doesn't it? Often, we think that children just ... Views: 1385
Last December an outbreak of measles—which likely started with one infected person at Disneyland—caused an outbreak of the highly contagious illness that spread from California to six other states and Mexico. The incident also sparked a highly controversial debate on vaccinations that has ... Views: 887
Teaching children values, morals and ethics is a responsibility that falls in the lap of the parents. Making sure that your youngsters grow up with a strong sense of right and wrong is not a process that magically manifests itself; you must make it work.
Religious Upbringing
So many ... Views: 956
The Almighty has made our parents the means of giving us life and made them the source of providing us with unparalleled love and a sound upbringing. However, when we grow up, we tend to forget the period of our infancy and childhood and disregard their efforts. What ingratitude can be worse ... Views: 950
Handling Anger When Your Difficult Child Cannot
I believe that if you’re reading this, you care about helping your difficult child. That is one of the biggest steps in the right direction. I’ve seen too many adults that just want their difficult child “fixed”. The reality is that the ... Views: 1394
If you’re a parent of a growing child, maybe you already experienced being lied to by your kid. If you have yet to discover your kid telling a lie, well, you should prepare yourself for it eventually. All children lie. Now, should you be worried about it? Should you question your modern ... Views: 3213
I have a question for you....and just so you know, the answer is supposed to be "yes", okay? Here's my question: Has your child every had a negative experience in a situation, and you just knew it was going to happen? In other words, you weren't surprised when it happened, maybe you were even ... Views: 1184
A recent Pew Research Center study of modern parenthood found that more than half of parents say they find it very or somewhat difficult to juggle work and family life. Dad are doing more housework and more moms are being are being paid for working out of the home. And the public is conflicted ... Views: 1263
A recent Pew Research Center study of modern parenthood found that more than half of parents say they find it very or somewhat difficult to juggle work and family life. Dad are doing more housework and more moms are being are being paid for working out of the home. And the public is conflicted ... Views: 1430
A recent Pew Research Center study of modern parenthood found that more than half of parents say they find it very or somewhat difficult to juggle work and family life. Dad are doing more housework and more moms are being are being paid for working out of the home. And the public is conflicted ... Views: 1416
A recent Pew Research Center study of modern parenthood found that more than half of parents say they find it very or somewhat difficult to juggle work and family life. Dad are doing more housework and more moms are being are being paid for working out of the home. And the public is conflicted ... Views: 1388
Gratitude is an attitude of thankfulness, and we can teach our children to choose gratitude each day. Practicing gratitude teaches our children that the world is an abundant place, and there is enough goodness for everyone. Gratitude allows children to focus on what they have in their lives, ... Views: 1387
The social behavior which we systematically reproduce from generation to generation interests me a great deal. When we are born, an adult takes charge of us, because, first, as a species which is not self-sufficient we cannot survive without someone caring for us in the first years of life, and ... Views: 1009
As a parent, I know how excited you must have been when your child uttered his/her first word. This milestone marked the beginning of lots of talk, right? Perhaps from time to time, though, you imagine what it must be like to carry on a thought in your own mind without the seemingly constant ... Views: 1116
I worked before at a playground, encountering different kids. Nevertheless, I loved my job. Their giggles are just so lovely and even in a short span of time, I’ve collected a fair share of musings.
Photo courtesy of playgroundquipment.com
The playground is vital to a child’s development. ... Views: 1504
Sometimes when we are little and things go wrong, we think we have to take charge and fix things. We feel it’s up to us to make it better. We think we have to be the big one and we’ll show the adults how to do it. Or we feel like no one else is seeing what a mess things are, or how unsafe things ... Views: 1807
While some women want to be mothers and go onto fulfil this need, there are others who have no interest in being a mother. They might end up channelling their nurturing abilities into another area of life instead.
However, just because a woman decides to be a mother, it doesn’t mean that she ... Views: 8213
This question obviously applies mainly to people who have their own children, but can equally apply to people who as children are aware of their own upbringing, and can also apply to how an individual treats other people in his life who he effectively has some responsibility for, either at work ... Views: 1357
The answer to this to some extent depends on who the person is, and what the behaviour is, and how much their behaviour affects you and in what ways. Obviously this is a very broad question but there is an important point behind it, in terms of an individual's willingness to let other people be ... Views: 1355
When life hands me a very difficult time, and I feel defeated and overwhelmed, I enter a hopeless and helpless state of mind I think of as The Little Orphan girl. This is the way I felt, as a teen, when I lost nearly my whole family, father, aunts and uncles, between the ages of 12 and 18. ... Views: 1381
How parents introduce their children to others impact on their personalities strongly. There are many examples that may clarify the concept better. Let us consider:
A parent is introducing his/her child to his/her relative/friend and says with a smiling face-
a. She is too aggressive. ... Views: 1566
A fear of the water is normal among young kids. This fear can be exacerbated if the child had a bad experience in their bathtub or a swimming pool in the past. There is nothing wrong with a young child shying away from the water, but parents must do their best to help kids overcome this fear. ... Views: 1590
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Love Child - by Rev. Kelli Wilson - Find It. Feel It. Heal It.
Do you ever look at your child, I mean really look at him or her and think to yourself, “Wow, here is an amazing small human being in my care”? Of course you do, you’re a parent.
I have been given the amazing responsibility to care for these human beings to the best of my ability for at ... Views: 1442
Now, that the new school year is here. I have been receiving calls from parents concerned about their children’s reactions and resistance to returning to school. Many parents are concerned that their child may be suffering from separation anxiety.
It is not unusual that your child may have ... Views: 1403
Children often experience the ugliest parts of their parents' divorce, feeling guilty for the demise of the marriage and feeling at a loss of whose side to choose. There are plenty of ways you can help your child work through the pain of your separation and help them learn how to accept ... Views: 1010
In todays modern lifestyle, everyone is stressed up, tired and bore, especially the parents. In most of the parts of the world, parents are usually engaged in earnings and greatly tired when back home. Even if one of the parents is not working hand, he or she must be doing house chores and at ... Views: 1563
In the children’s book When Sophie Gets Angry – Really, Really Angry, the little girl, Sophie, gets so angry she runs out into the woods and climbs up a tree. After a very short time, she is calm and returns home to her family.
It is no wonder that Sophie got so angry. A young ... Views: 1116
Just because one has the need to experience something, it doesn’t always mean that this need will be fulfilled. And this is something that can be said when it comes to ones need to connect to another person.
For some people, intimacy is going to be something that they have always ... Views: 1747
Certain emotions are often seen as positive and others are often seen as negative, and this can cause people to embrace some and to deny others. But regardless of the label they’re given, they all have a purpose.
What matters is: how one responds to how they feel and not how they feel. If ... Views: 1992
When one has the desire to be in a relationship with someone, they are going to have certain expectations. And the same can be said when one is already in a relationship. Now, there is the chance that one is completely aware of what these are and at the same time, there is the chance that they ... Views: 1983
There are many things parents can do for their children. They can offer lots of activities to facilitate their creative skills , they can explore new places to give their children new exposures, they can provide them with lots of books to read and write, and they can play with them or provide ... Views: 1784
Just because someone is available at one point in time, it doesn’t mean that they will continue to be available. There is the chance that they will continue to be around or everything could change, and they may be extremely hard to get hold of.
However, without even going into how much ... Views: 9066
Although some relationships are healthy, there are others that are completely dysfunctional. And when this is the case, they no longer have the ability to transform one’s life and to assist in their personal evolution.
That is unless one leaves the relationship and uses the experience to ... Views: 1929