Generally, we have too much attachment to our problems. We are hypnotized by what we are not.

Let me show you how your problem is not important nor personal. Write the name of your problem on a piece of my paper, for example, ”My glorious debt”. Make it a ball, out of it and put in on a table. Sit on a chair in front of that table and look at that ball of paper, that's your problem and you are seeing it from the point of view of your personality or egoic-self. The egoic-self is a part of the subconscious mind dealing with physical reality. From that point of you view, the problem is something to struggle with, to find a solution and so on. It is a block. Because the connection of the egoic-self with the subconscious mind, they will be a tendency to search a solution by analyzing emotions. Emotions emerge from the subconscious mind. You will generally not find a solution by having a lot of analyzing thoughts about your emotions. What you will do instead is reinforcing the unwanted condition. What you hold in your awareness is what you get back as circumstances.

Now, imagine that you are outside the room, and you can see the problem from a window. You can see yourself in the room and the problem on the table. This is the point of you view of your higher self. Because, your higher-self can see your room (your world) while you are so fixated on your problem, your higher-self can also perceive many possible solutions. Asking help to your higher-self is a good thing to do. Now, imagine that you are in space in orbit, and you can see all of this story from space and everything else on the planet. This is the viewpoint of your soul. The soul can see you and your problem and all your other parallel incarnations (so-called past and future lives) Your soul is primarily concerned with your life purpose, and your other simultaneous incarnations, will you fulfill your life purpose, will you not fulfill it? From your soul perspective, this supposed problem is just the suspense moment in the movie, will he make the critical move toward advancement or will he be trapped in stagnation or will he regress? From your soul perspective, whether you solve that particular problem or not, valuable experiences will be gained on the scale of your lifetime.

You can also access that level for guidance. As a rule, you will find help in the higher levels but not in the lower levels of thoughts and feelings. Analyzing your thoughts or your feelings is basically a waste of your time. Now, imagine that you are a galaxy, you can see many planets and stars, that the level of the soul of the souls, the oversoul. See your supposed problem from that level, how does it feel ? Although, they are many levels between the oversoul and The Field, The One itself, imagine seeing your problem from The Field or from God. Can you see how unimportant your problem is ?

Three things to break the hypnotic spell of your problem on you.
- If you can perceive it then it is not real. It's just a series of motion pictures. What you can perceive is not you. It is because personal and physical reality only exist within consciousness. That's why it has been said that you cannot change the world. You can only change yourself and then your world will change.

- Your supposed problem doesn’t really belong to you. It is an energy in The Field. Everything that has existed, exist and will exist is in The Field. Your problem is your, only because, you are focused on it, but its not really your. You do not create anything; everything has already been created for you to experience. The more you can understand point 1 and 2 the easier it will be to let go of your supposed problem.

- Personal reality are self-reinforcing the more you feed your supposed problem with thoughts and emotions the stronger you make your supposed problem.

The more you understand these concepts, the easier it will be to release or let go of unwanted conditions. I know a lot of people familiar with these concepts, but they still identify themselves with their mind. The mind is also an artificial structure within your consciousness.

One way to discharge a problem is to invite it to your awareness and use releasing processes. Once a supposed problem is discharged you are left with a level of clarity that will allow you to understand why it came to your life and from that point you can decide to move on. When you say, “My mind doesn't want me to let go”. You are making a deliberate choice toward more suffering. You choose to let go of anything you hold in mind. Because, you are not your body, you are not your mind, and you are not your egoic self.
You are the presence observing these things.

Author's Bio: 

Louis Yagera, is a blogger, a writer and a filmmaker based in Dublin, Ireland. You can visit his website at