Your intuition helps to increase your finances no matter your current economic situation. Be aware of financial intuitive messages that tap or nudge you while you focus on money situations or something else. These intuitive messages might seem ridiculous or impossible to apply in your life, but act on your inner guidance for amazing results.
Notice how your intuition acts as your financial advisor. For example, you intuitively dream about a rising stock to invest in. Intuitively feel certain to enter a contest and you win first prize. Intuitively hear your inner voice say, “Ask for more money during this job interview,” though the employer published the peak salary. Intuitively know you’ll receive a reward for turning in a found wallet. Intuitively taste a unique cookie recipe worth millions. Intuitively smell riches flowing for a flea market find. Intuitively speak, “A career change raises my income level.” Intuitively sing, “I hit the jackpot with my creative ideas.”
Sometimes your intuition nudges you for small financial increases. Have you noticed a coin lying on the ground and sensed to pick it up? Has someone offered you a free ticket to an event and you sensed to accept it? Have you obtained an unexpected discount for an item you planned to buy at the retail price? Have you given to a homeless person and then suddenly gained more money than what you gave? Trusting your intuition for small financial increases prepares you to trust it for larger and larger increases. The sky isn’t the limit, unless you expect it to be.
Ask your intuition, “What is my wealth signal?” Listen for the intuitive answer that will tap you when opportunities for financial increases exist. For example, you intuitively see a dollar sign ($), intuitively feel blessed with cash, intuitively hear the sound of abundant rain, or intuitively know prosperous habits to perform. You intuitively taste chocolate currency, intuitively smell fresh dough, intuitively speak about a lucrative windfall, or intuitively sing about a gravy train. When your intuition taps you with your wealth signal, get ready to take action and receive.
An employer changed my job title and responsiblities. My logic derived an hourly wage based on my industry’s research. My intuition placed my logic’s hourly wage at the lower end of the pay scale and advised, “Ask for a higher wage.” I heeded my intuition and my income increased by 55%.
Ask your intuition for guidance for various money situations, such as salaries, investments, inventions, inheritances, and debts. Your intuition never considers your education, job status, location, age, or beliefs. It communicates truthful solutions whether you accept or reject them. Intuitive answers are infinite and life changing and lead to financial success.
Darlene Pitts is the owner/president of TruStates,
a corporation promoting self-empowerment and truth principles. She is also an Intuition Consultant, Speaker & Author of Discover Your Intuition, Let’s Talk Intuition, and the Abundant Living Cards. She uses her intuition for consulting with individuals, businesses and law enforcement. Visit her website at
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