There was a man who was very tired of working. He didn’t make much money and didn’t see any chance of making more in the near future. He didn’t like his current living situation, but couldn’t see any way to change it. He had minimal skills and ambition and didn’t think he could make it through school. He was just tired of living this way. He deserved better. He worked hard. He decided to get some money quickly. He went to the ATM and put a blank piece of paper in a deposit envelop. He put the envelope into the machine and deposited a pretend $5,000 check. He then immediately withdrew the maximum that he could, $1,000. He did this over the next two days until he had $3,000. He thought he wouldn’t get caught. He then went and bought new clothes and put a deposit down on a condo and got ready to move in. Of course, this all came crashing down and he ended up getting arrested, having to back the money he took, and putting himself in a far worse position than he was before. This man who was so tired of life, who felt that he deserved better even though he wasn’t willing to work for it, and was willing to take a huge risk to get what he wanted is 19 years old. At 19 years old he felt that he had worked enough and that somehow it was okay to take what he wanted even though he hadn’t earned it.

The entitlement thinking can hit anyone at any time. The idea that you deserve something even though you have not worked to earn it becomes more common every day. Even more common is the idea that you work hard and so you are entitled to something more than you have or that you are somehow entitled to take it from someone else.

Multilevel marketing is particularly prone to this type of thinking. Sometimes this is from promises made by an overzealous distributor of wealth with little or no work. (Promising that the business will grow and the money will come automatically if you just buy the required amount of product every month.) Or promising automatic results from some kind of system they have developed. Or, maybe the worse promise of all, that they will build the business for you.

A business is a business and no business happens automatically. Someone somewhere has to do some work and usually has to do some pretty hard work on a consistent basis. Of course there are ways to work smarter and more effectively, but somewhere along the line, work has to happen. Money is exchanged for things of value period. You can’t get more money unless you have something of value (skills, product, whatever) and you can only exchange that thing of value for money if you work.

This all may seem obviously, but many people seem to never learn this principle, or, as they get older, forget it. Everyone is looking for the easy way. Multilevel marketing can offer you an opportunity to provide something that people will pay for, but it is up to you to make that happen.

"If any would not work, neither should the eat" GOD (The Bible) II Thessalonians 3:10

Author's Bio: 

I was born in the summer of 1955, in a Soddy on the Great Plains, in the …oh wrong story.

My friends call me they call me Robin, Dr Robin, the Blindguy and Dr Blindguy.
I am married to Kathy and have two grown daughters out of the house (26 and 27) and two daughters in the house, 16 and 17 and a granddaughter 10 and a grandson 2 years old, that live with in Iowa City, Iowa.

“Dr. Robin”, the well known MLM Radio personality is an Eagle Scout and 24 year U.S. Army and Army Reserves veteran. While still in the Army, he began building his “honorary” doctorate in the Network Marketing world. He built a huge Amway organization in the tens of thousands. He later was a top producer at A.L. Williams and has had experience in numerous other network marketing companies. He is a nationally recognized expert in the network marketing business with the following credentials: Certified Network Marketing Instructor since 2005, Certified Network Marketing Mentor since 2005, Certified Network Marketing Scholar since 2006, Certified Master Network Marketer since 2007. Dr. Robin is also considered an ambassador for network marketing as well as serving in the capacity of policing the companies that do not positively represent the industry. Dr. Robin has been the host of several radio shows (KEN I, KDEF, KKIM, KQAK,). Did we forget to mention; he has done all of this in the past several years and Dr. Robin is blind? Dr. Robin is the current host of his radio show, "Networking with the Blindguy" with up to 4.7 million listeners.

Certified Network Marketing Instructor
Certified Network Marketing Mentor
Certified Network Marketing Scholar
Over 37 years in Network Marketing (MLM)
Millionaires Club three times
#2 Retailer in a MLM for 2005
#1 Recruiter in another MLM for 2006
#1 Mentor for Network Marketing in 2006
Presidents Club 2007
Nominated for an American Business Award (Stevie) 2005,2006,2007,2008.
Nominated for an International Business Award (Stevie) 2005,2006,2007,2008.
In Marquis Who's Who in America for 4 years straight
Over 6.5 connection in my LINKEDIN.COM Network
Holds the following, PhD in Accounting, MBA in Marketing, MS in Bio Chemistry, and several BA and BS degrees.

Now for the rest of the Story.

Dr Robin Rushlo has been through many trials and ups and downs in his life.

He has pins in both ankles, both knees, right hip, an artificial right shoulder, a full metal plate in his head. He is 100% blind with only light perception in the right eye. He been 100% blind since January 2000. Without hearing aids he is 78% deaf. He uses adaptive software to surf the net and run his businesses. He has adaptive software that runs his cell phone and walking GPS systems.

Dr Robin has the motto "If the Blindguy can DO IT, anyone can!"