Wherever you walk, you are walking in the footsteps of a Higher Power. It is only when you try to run from them that you will find yourself struggling. You must ask yourself whether or not striding in the comfort and peace of angels is better or worse than going through life feeling like you can do it alone. It is okay to embrace love when love is so freely given. Turning it down, whether they are emotions from people, or from the realm of Light, will make for more struggles down your path of existence.

Emotions form the basis for all of your soul and physical life lessons. You cannot control many of them; especially when it comes to choices you make on a romantic partner level. Often, intelligence and commonsense is overridden by a deep-seated "feeling" that you need to be with this one or that one. Sometimes, it becomes problematic when fear is the driving emotion that makes you think there is no other possibility. We--Spirit--would prefer that you trusted your gut and not your head. Most human beings still do not trust in the intuitive messages that is always given from the other side. The shame of it is not in overriding these impulses of energy, but doing so my talking yourself into believing you know what is better than God and your angels.

There is always a chance for you to achieve success no matter what led you to interact with a special someone. It requires a lot of hard work, but that work has to be matched by the other part of the partnership. Otherwise, you are going to feel like you are swimming against the tide. Unless you are a salmon or fish that thrives on doing that, your angels would prefer you remember that they are around you. This is why we told you that you are in God's neighborhood. Could you think of anyone better to help you through with all of your life's projects? Regardless of what you may feel, it is of the utmost importance to choose the right beings to be attached to.

What we really want you to do is to understand the strength and subtleties of this message to you. There is no harm in seeking refuge from the things and situations that hold you back and make you feel less protected and happy. There is no harm in seeking new and better horizons. Life is filled with opportunities to explore new things and new people. Let this be a week of positive flow. Make an effort to start attracting what you want, whether it is stronger friendships or finances. As long as you allow yourself the peace and contentment of living in the community of angels, your happiness will find its way to you. This is something you deserve. Remember, it is better to thrive and not just survive! These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.

Author's Bio: 

Jim is a renowned medium and psychic, but considers himself a teacher of spirituality. Although he has been doing most of his work on a more personal basis, Jim's new direction is to try to include more people to understand the simple, yet perfect connection they can have with their loved ones on the other side.

The ability to communicate with Spirits was not something he searched for. In July of 1993, while enduring a very difficult time in his life, Jim was suddenly blessed with being able to speak, see and hear numerous people and higher level souls in the other realm. He openly and actively shares the information he gets with anyone who desires to improve their life.

Jim Fargiano can be reached on Facebook and Twitter, but most easily through his website at: http://www.Jimfargiano.com. He is a widely recognized leader in spirituality and posts messages he receives from the other side almost everyday. Short quotes will be on the fan page for The Spoken Words of Spirit on Facebook, as well as on his home page. Longer messages can be read at http://www.jimfargiano.blogspot.com. If you are serious about improving your outlook on life, then take advantage of the opportunities Jim provides.