When buying a car, you will often notice that the state of a car plays just as big of a role in its resale value as the age or the model. This means that once you decide to sell your car to get a new one, you will have to invest in repairs and upgrades to get a better price. Why wait for this? Isn’t it better to invest some time, patience and resources into the maintenance of your car and keep it in this pre-sale condition all-year-long? Other than protecting the value of your asset, this will also provide you with a superior driving experience. Here are six tips to help you out.

1. Take care of your tires

The state of your tires will directly affect the level of control you have over your car. In a way, it is a feature that affects both driving experience and your safety. First of all, even if you’re not driving that much, you should replace your tires approximately once every six years. Outside of this, there’s a suggestion that you should rotate your tires once every 6,000 miles. This way, you will ensure that they’re worn out at an equal pace, which provides you with a superior driving experience.

2. Check and change your brake fluids

Another thing that affects safety is the state of your brakes, especially your brake fluids. Seeing as how these aren’t changed as often as the engine oil, it’s quite easy to forget about them entirely. Brake fluid levels should be checked once every two to five years. The more often you do it, the safer you’ll be. Aside from this, replacing your brake pads now and then is also a good idea. As a driver, you’ll be the first one to notice if they’re starting to sound strange when used.

3. Regular interval maintenance

The thing about maintenance is that it requires consistency. According to experts from One Stop Auto Care, it would be ideal if you were to take your car for a service once every 12 months or every 12,000 miles. The reason why these two are interchangeable is that the state of your car will deteriorate even if you’re not driving it at all. Metallic parts are subject to corrosion, oil gets dried up and some parts simply become loose with time (due to temperature shifts and similar factors). In other words, keeping your car dormant doesn’t mean preserving it. If anything, it may have the opposite effect.

4. Mind the temperature

The temperature in the area is a major factor in the performance of your vehicle. First of all, if your AC unit is malfunctioning, this can completely ruin your driving experience. Get it fixed and refilled before the summer. Another thing worth keeping in mind is the fact that your oil change might affect the way your engine acts. There’s a special correlation between the viscosity of engine oil and outside temperature. As the weather increases, the lubricant becomes thinner and viscosity becomes lower. This is why synthetic oil may be superior for warmer weather.

5. Cleaning and waxing

Cleaning your car regularly will affect the overall feel you have while driving. It will also affect the way your vehicle seems to others. Seeing how your vehicle's surface is partially porous, ignoring bird droppings and dust may facilitate the corrosion of its paint and bodywork. This is an expensive repair that can be completely skipped if you were just to clean your car regularly. Taking your car to a car wash is a fairly inexpensive project and the same goes for waxing. Now, whether you take it to be hand-washed or opt for a quicker and cheaper option is completely up to you.

6. Use a garage/cover

Another way to protect your car from all sorts of damage is to place is to keep it someplace safe. Here, you have two options a garage and a car cover. It goes without saying that a garage is a superior option. If you don’t have one built, you can order a container shelter garage or even make one from a shipping container. On the other hand, a cover is a form of improvised protection that shouldn’t be downplayed or underestimated. It is something you can fold and place in the trunk of your car. Therefore, it can be handy even when you’re forced to park away from home (like on a road trip).

In conclusion

The last thing you need to focus on is the importance of consistency. While it’s better to do all of the above-listed tasks once than not to do them at all, this will still give you limited success. Instead, make sure to create a checklist with timely reminders. The truth is that your car is always a high priority. As such, it deserves this kind of special treatment.

Author's Bio: 

I, Isaac Brunt, am an experienced Lifestyle writer and consultant. Driven by Passion and Professionalism, I take pride in providing the best research and articles possible. After so many years of working in the industry, my passion for my work still grows.