It is amazing how as time goes on we realize more and more that while some things are always changing, some things just always stay the same. When it comes to Ohio health insurance the thing that is consistent is the fact that people are in need of insurance as much as they ever were before. The aspect that is drastically changing is the amount you have to pay to obtain health insurance. One thing that is becoming very well-known is the fact that health care procedures costs differ depending on not only the plan you have, but also the location you are in, the hospital you go to and the doctor you visit.

The good news about health insurance in Ohio is that if you have to get a certain procedure done, by doing some research, you may be able to find the hospital and doctor within your network that has affordable rates and a great reputation. How often though do you know the cost of a procedure before you have it done? Not very often, and the difficulty with finding the best rates is that “the market negotiation has nothing to do with patients; it’s a negotiation between providers and insurance companies”. Although it is rare for you to know the cost of a procedure beforehand, some providers will allow you to know that information. Try and find out before agreeing to get it done. The savings could be life-changing!

After some research consumers began to realize that procedures they were having done at one location was hundreds if not thousands of dollars cheaper at a hospital or doctors office down the street. “Robert Zirkelbach, Vice President of strategic communications at America’s Health Insurance Plan even stated ‘higher prices do not necessarily mean higher quality care for patients’.” This can all come as a surprise especially for those of us that assume we have received the best care at the most affordable rate.

Americans who have health insurance in Ohio need to be more aware that this is the reality we face today in our country. Unfortunately, many of us have played at least a small part in allowing health insurance to be as tricky as it is. Talk to a Ohio insurance broker about your plan so that you understand what hospitals and doctors are considered in-network. By doing this, you are giving yourself a great start at incredible savings!

Author's Bio: 

Tracy McManamon is a licensed health insurance consultant who can get you affordable health insurance in Ohio. He has over 22 years of experience helping clients find affordable and comprehensive Ohio health insurance plans.