Employee behavior in the workplace has a direct relationship with the commercial actions of a company and synchronously, on how successful financially that company can be. Therefore various tools such as the Behavioral Observation Scale have been implemented to measure this aspect. Usually, professional manners produce collective work product and further the reputation of the enterprise, while mediocre or unprofessional tendencies amongst employees could seriously hamper productivity, affect team morale and produce an undesirable public image. Here are key reasons as to why employee behavior has such a significant effect of any organization –
Behavior is Key to Maintaining the Organization
For a commercial organization to function properly, it needs to consist of capable, well-trained specialists who have the skill to operate and thrive in a collaborative team atmosphere toward common organizational goals. When a team member displays unprincipled behavior, a single act like that has the capacity to generate hostility and dislike among the ranks and disrupt growth in implementing commercial goals. Some instances of poor or unprincipled behavior in the workplace include -
 Being late on a regular basis or not showing up for important meetings
 Non-participation in company get together and group activities
 Impolite behavior toward co-workers. If a worker behaves badly with someone in a lesser position than he or she, that’s a huge red flag
 Failing to meet deadlines
 Delegating tasks without prior notification or taking the permission of superiors
 Spreading rumors
Productivity Levels
When the employers start behaving poorly in the workplace, it is a huge issue. The company attitude is something that the senior members of the workforce should be responsible for. If these attitude problems stem from the upper echelons of the management, it is natural for employees to get complacent and replicate the behavior of their superiors. Poor employee behavior can result in -
Losing clients – when workers fail to display an attitude of competence and professionalism, clients are usually quick to cater their business to other companies. After all, the competition in almost any industry is strict and there are always better alternatives out there.
Increased costs – A workplace that reeks of complacency and poor attitude is bound to spend more. Why? Because if each and every worker does not behave in a way that benefits the company the most, workers are bound to take shortcuts and look for personal gains as opposed to achieving organizational goals.
Dissent among workers – A few bad apples can really hamper the whole setup. When the office feels aggressive, anxious and unfriendly, and when workers and directors are regularly backbiting and declining to work as a unit, the overall morale of a company suffers terribly. Low morale is the direct offshoot of dissent among workers and it can cause additional absenteeism, poor turnover and other harmful effects that can be extremely costly especially for small businesses.
In contrast to that, workers who behave properly and who cooperate together, who play their parts evenly and agree to disagree in certain situations can exceed company objectives.
Employee behavior plays a key role in determining the success or failure of an organization. Poor behavior like turning up late, failing to meet deadlines or disrespecting other employees considerably hampers the workflow of an organization. Again, when productivity levels are low, the company can incur soaring costs and even lose clients.

Author's Bio: 

Reshali Balasubramaniam
Head of HR, HR Counselor and adviser at https://jobpal.lk and EFutureTech Systems. Submit your resume online and be contacted by prospective employers.