Once we begin our journey into self-discovery, questions about spirit, soul, higher self and consciousness etcetera begin to arise within us often. I’m always happy to read other’s ideas, beliefs, opinions or knowing on this subject because I’m integrating various ideas about it and piecing together what seems rational and reasonable to me from my current perspective.

My intention in writing this article is not to make someone else’s ideas, beliefs or opinions wrong; every point of view is valid after all. I simply believe that it’s beneficial and provides value to all to explore different perspectives and not to get caught up in fixed ideas or apply rigid labels.

Thus, the ideas that follow are made up partly from what I know, partly from my belief and partly from my research and as such my understanding may change over time; however, this is what feels right and makes sense to me at this time.

In this article I’ll outline what our mind really is and then I’ll give you three different ideas about who we really are for you to consider and ponder for yourself :)

Know Your Mind
Our awareness of our self can be seen as consisting of multiple parts. There’s the physical mind which contains all that we know from our past in this life. In other words, it memorizes the totality of all that we’re currently aware of from the perceiving and experiencing of our current reality.

Our physical mind uses the channel of imagination in order to realize our desired future. However, our physical mind cannot see the route ahead that we’ll take to reach our desired future, because that’s not its job. Thus by allowing the personality construct of the physical mind (ego) to try to control our desired future we cause unnecessary stress, worry, dis-ease and pain in our lives.

Our physical brain is the receiver of inspirational, intuitional and emotional messages from our higher self. Thus part of its job is like a receiver that connects to the higher frequency of our higher self by opening the channel of imagination. Constant self-chatter or internal dialogue (ego action) prevents our brain from making the connection and/or keeping the channel open.

Our higher mind or higher self is still a part of our current physical life and can be seen as existing as a vibrational frequency just a bit higher than that of our physical self/mind. Our higher self is the part of us which goes forth ahead of us to create our desired future vibrationally.

Then through what’s colloquially known as the law of attraction, our higher self calls our physical self towards our already existing creation via inspirational, intuitional and emotional guidance using the connection to the channel of imagination that’s been established by our brain.

"Your mind holds the past, your body holds the present, your soul holds the future. Put another way, the mind analyses and remembers, the body experiences and feels, the soul observes and knows." Neal Donald Walsh - 1943 - Present

Substances as Tools
Certain kinds of drugs can help us to reach a heightened state of awareness where we’re more in touch with our higher self and our other deeper inward realities. While certain kinds of drugs can be a useful tool, ultimately they’re not needed.

The effectiveness of certain drugs is in their ability to render the ‘chatterbox’ physical mind silent; thereby allowing communication from the higher self to reach our consciousness, unhindered by the continuous internal dialogue of the physical mind’s personality construct or ego-self.

Now I’ll elaborate on who we really are.

Spirit & Souls
Some time ago I received this message or download from my higher self:

Spirit-u-all – Can you see – Spirit in you – Spirit in me?

I became excited and so started inquiring into the meaning and this is what came through to me...

Our soul is a collection of our individual experiences from many lifetimes, past, present and future; all occurring multi-dimensionally and simultaneously.

Souls may form into soul groups. For example, members of Self Growth who’ve come together may be from soul groups with specific purposes for coming together in this physical group.

Humanity has an oversoul or a collective consciousness that’s connected to all individual human souls and other oversouls.

All souls and all oversouls are connected to the one great soul; often referred to as Creator, Christ Consciousness or Buddha Nature etcetera.

Spirit is All That Is and is connected to and IS everything.

Spirit, being All That Is, prior to causing separation within Itself had no way of experiencing Itself because there was no contrast and thus no polarity and hence, no reflection was possible. Thus, spirit caused separation within Itself by creating the one great soul in order to know Itself through the experiencing of Itself.

Of course, there’s no real separation other than what we’ve defined through our beliefs and definitions; we’re all of these things right now. We’re the physical self, higher self, soul, oversoul, the one great soul and spirit (All That Is); or simply, who we really are right now is Spirit.

"Sometimes people get the mistaken notion that spirituality is a separate department of life, the penthouse of existence. But rightly understood, it is a vital awareness that pervades all realms of our being." David Steindl-Rast - 1926 - Present

The Dreamer and The Dream
Scientifically, through Quantum mechanics, we know that matter doesn’t really exist; so it’s illusion of our mind. Physicality only exists as long as a conscious observer is present. Thus, if there’s no conscious observer present, the tree in the forest doesn’t fall nor make any sound because neither the tree nor the forest exists.

The one great creator of which we’re a part is an eternal dreamer. The eternal dreamer, us, dreams eternally. We’ve always been dreaming and we always will be dreaming. Our dreaming never had a beginning neither will it ever have an ending, that’s eternity.

Birth and death are still part of the dream. Creator exists now and so has always existed and always will; and you are Creator. While we play many parts in many dreams, ultimately anything that exists, by its very nature, has always existed and so life’s eternal.

Our life, all of life is and always has been exactly how we imagine it to be, our imagination or our dreaming is both what creates our reality and is also the reality itself. So who we really are can be seen as a dream in which we’re both the dreamer and the dream. In other words, we’re both the artist creating the scene and we’re also the scene itself; forever and forevermore ad infinitum.

"Life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves." Bill Hicks - 1961 - 1994

Another way of looking at all of the above is simply to say: we’re consciousness being all that consciousness can be, which is everything. All those ideas listed above are only ideas and beliefs that we’ve come up with to help us to remember who we really are anyway.

From this reality or our current physical perspective, which again, is nothing more than our current definition of reality; we’re playing out the idea of forgetting who we really are, which is still a part of all that consciousness can be and obviously is. That’s why I like to view life on Earth as a game of remembering :)

It’s not that consciousness fills our reality and reflects Itself through our current perspectives, illusions or dreams, but rather that consciousness IS all of those realities that we’ve defined as reality through our beliefs. So who we really are is Consciousness.

"Wisdom arises through the simple act of giving someone or something your full attention. Attention is primordial intelligence, consciousness itself. It joins the perceiver and the perceived in a unifying field of awareness. It is the healer of separation." Eckhart Tolle - 1948 - Present

I prefer using the term ‘who we really are’ to contain and mean all these things without the need of applying any one fixed label and risking becoming attached to it. Bearing in mind that any label we apply to something abstract is really just a place holder for our mind. Once we’ve examined, explored and got to the root of it all, labels are not needed for us to understand What IS and who we really are.

And finally, here’s some food for thought. While from our current self-imposed limited perspective, we may choose to reject or fear what’s been said; from our unlimited higher perspective or higher state of awareness, we know that these things just are as they are.

Life’s always been eternal and we know this; imagination has always created reality and we know this; we’ve always existed as spirits living in worlds made of dreams and we know this and we’ve always known this: because it’s who we really are and who we’ve always been 8-)

Author's Bio: 

If what you just read resonates with you and you’d like more information, please visit Eddie’s self help website: for solutions to challenges and answers to questions you may have. Or contact Eddie directly at:

Eddie lives on Koh Samui, a tropical island in the South of Thailand. His MO is: helping people to re-mind themselves to re-member and be who they really are! :)