Have you serviced your vehicle yet?
Yesterday my client told me she just went to service her car in the early morning before joining the SRT class. She told me it is essential to service the car regularly and on time since she frequently travels long distance.
I think it is a smart move and decision to prevent any unforeseen events such as a car break down, towing, car spare part replacement, and unnecessary time and cost expenditure.
Imagine a Soul, incarnated on earth; God granted us a physical vehicle, a mental vehicle and an emotional vehicle, all these bodies come with an “auto-mechanism” to recover themselves. But we, as humans typically choose to abandon God gifts and rather abuse it until we have to abandon the body and choose a brand new body in the next life.
I have an interesting question here, when was your last time servicing for your physical, mental and emotional vehicles?
Maybe once in a life time? Or several lifetimes once? Or even never in any life times before?
Some of us may say, no, I did go for physical body check up every year.
Yes, we did, what are we checking? We check whether any disease is in our body. If yes, we simply use a chemical or drug to kill the disease, and cause the body to become even weaker.
Or, perhaps we go to hospital to chop off whatever part of the body or organ which current medical science considers is malfunctioning.
I still remember many years back, I felt extreme pain in my right chest. The pain was so painful and I thought I am going to die soon while I was in London. I have no choice and called a cab. When I was in a cab on the way to the hospital, the pain just suddenly went and it seemed like nothing had happen before.
After that I flew back to Malaysia and quickly admitted myself to one of the Kuala Lumpur private hospitals for a full body check-up.
The doctor said I have gallstones in my gall-bladder.
He said : “When do you want to have the operation to remove your gall-bladder?”
I was stunned when he said that, if thought I had heard wrongly while my head was still dizzy with the after effects of the drug I had been given….
I asked him, “Do you mean remove the gall stones?”
He said, “No. Gall-bladder”. (he sounded so natural and easy)
After a few seconds of silence, I asked the doctor again, “Is it the only solution here?”
The doctor said: “There is no use for the gall-bladder, our body doesn’t need it”.
I refused to take out any part of my body. So I refused the “only suggestion” and option available in the hospital.
After 7 days in the hospital, for not much that the doctor could help with, I left. The hospital bills came out to be USD3000. Luckily my medical card covered it. LOL!
So I choose the holistic way, I did a self check-up of my mental and emotional body to search for the root reason as to why I had this physical issue.
I listed the findings for myself for causing the Gall-Stones, besides eating too much of an unhealthy diet of deep fried foods, the main causes was I holding too much “bitterness” energy which was causing too much of a burden on my Liver and Gall-bladder. (I was having a major challenge and lessons during that period, and I was holding so much of these energies that unconsciously I manifested in the physical level.)
So I did a thorough clearing for my physical, mental and emotional body, with the help of High-Self Committees, the Masters, Angels, God and constant support from my fellow human angels.
I also told myself I will not make any conscious mistake to hold any bitterness energy again!
After so many years, I have no single pain over my bile-duct, Gall bladder and no more gall-stones!
What I did is simply use Reiki and SRT to do a “check-up” and a “clean-up” of my energy and programming in my mental, emotional and physical body to address the root causes.
I also use the lemon oils from Young Living for daily maintenance of my Liver and Gall-bladder.
Seriously I was wondering… why this world only has clinics and hospitals to address physical issue by chopping off whatever part of the body which is considered “no use” anymore. I did not know this is what the current doctors practice as I rarely go to hospital.
Is it considered healing?
Where is the clinic to heal the physical body? (Well, we can pay thousands of dollars for chemotherapy to kill off all good and bad cells or simply cut off the “unwanted” part of body)
Where is the clinic to heal the mental body? (Well, we have mental asylums)
Where is the clinic to heal the emotional body? (Well, again we have mental asylums)
So, was the last time you serviced your “vehicle”?
Darreck has been practicing SRT and pendulum dowsing since 2004. He is dedicated to the sharing of his knowledge and experience with others in this advanced Soul and multi-dimensional clearing & healing technique, having personally benefited from SRT himself.
Darreck experienced a powerful transformation in his life with the simple application of the SRT tool. SRT is easy to apply, and the effect is profound and immediate.
Darreck's Website http://www.darreck.com and Pendulum Dowsing site http://www.abundancebelief.com
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