The steps involved in manifestation are simple, but failure can come for many reasons. Often, lack of persistence is the first cause. Meditation should take place every day, with no exception -- and the image must be very clear. Lacking an image, then one projects into a feeling. (Only a high frequency feeling like love or happiness will do.) Eventually, opportunity comes, and then action is required.

Between the first step and the last, a quality known as resistance appears. We want the desirable change, but often lack the force to push through the negative field. No (large) desire ever comes up for fulfillment unless we have energy flowing in the other direction -- so we find the block, to clear it over time. (The amount of time needed in manifestation relates directly to the significance of the desire and the depth/weight of the "block.")

Each visualization and every action toward fulfillment increase the energy of the desire, but the feeling of contentment, serenity and happiness from the spiritual connection comprise a great deal of the work. The underlying objective of all manifestation is reception of love, light, abundance and joy -- the higher frequencies in life.

To truly accomplish a desire, we live as though the desire is already present in our world today. On the other hand, realism is important -- we must budget our pennies, even while imagining a great sum. We exercise while holding an image of a lovely body or develop social skills while seeing friends.

Eventually, we clear the fear, which is the real reason for any blockage, and we learn to live in a higher frequency, in which life forms itself into more pleasing materiality. So, it is the movement through the lower self toward the higher or True Self, which brings manifestation into being.

Having said this, here are a few stumbling blocks often encountered on the way:

1) Desire of a manifestation for fulfillment of the ego, as opposed to spiritual gain. Believing fulfillment brings approval or status. One can also believe s/he is not worthy or deserving -- or fail to see inner worthiness.

2) Lack of devotion. A hit and miss practice. Using emotional states or activities as an excuse to avoid practice.

3) Not understanding the value of a higher frequency in meditation. (For example, feeling desperate while meditating on a goal.)

4) Lack of willingness to work with fear, resistance or blocks. Blaming others. Not working with the inner dialog. Movement into anger instead of understanding that one creates his/her reality.

5) Not making substantial changes. If you want a new house, then look for one. If you want a new job, then apply for it. Change your diet if you want a new body. Manifestation helps with goals, but you have to work with it -- not just "at it." (Working slowly is fine!)

6) "Hurry up/slow down" syndrome. Sometimes, it's frightening when our world begins to change very quickly. We begin to think that it's all too much for us and want the changes to slow down. Then, everything moves back into the lower reality, and we start over again.

7) Fear of "losing." Often, fear of loss is experienced -- as losing our loved ones, our place in life or our "current reality." The real fear is about letting go of our old concept of the self.

8) Self-love. Loving the self is one of the most challenging steps on the road to mastery. Patterns are conquered by learning to love the negative and positive self equally.

9) Not understanding the value of co-creation. When you change by learning to love yourself, you change the light-level of the world. It is not an act of selfishness, but a great act of love.

Author's Bio: 

Julia Griffin is known nationally for her ability to enlighten others to find their True Self and become conscious co-creators through practical application of Universal Law.

Her teachings embody advanced concepts for those who want to deepen their under-
standing of co-creation and personal “reality”.

She is the originator of the “One True Self”, a concept that encompasses the expression of our divinity in physical form and is the result of many years of devotion to spiritual practice.

She has a deep understanding of energetics based on extensive studies. She is an alchemist, astrologer, herbalist and Reiki Master. Julia has the ability to communicate with plants and animals. She lived with wolves for nine years, while developing her intuitive abilities. Julia is a contributing writer for Spirit of Maat.

Julia Griffin lives in the mountains of Northeast Georgia. She is graced by being the parent of two children, Vanessa and Griffin.