We live in a material world whose main trait is inertia, which is also one of our main traits. Our physical bodies, as well as our personalities, are naturally submissive to the law of inertia; we’re lazy, more or less.
When there is nothing to push us forward, as pain does, we can sink deep into the quicksand of our lethargy. It’s our nature and we must not blame ourselves for that. As a consequence, when a painful experience arises from that swamp of our inactivity, it pushes us ahead. Thanks to these shocks and traumas, we have gained depth of personality. Therefore, our wounds are blessings, too.
However, those painful experiences can leave deep scars in our psyche. They inevitably influence our whole life in defeating and limiting ways. They produce negative beliefs, bad habits, wrong decisions, painful emotions, and so on. Although they have enabled us to mature and grow up, it’s obvious that we have to reintegrate them.
The roots of pain
The source of our pain is our attachment to countless experiences. Our attachments can be positive or negative, i.e. those experiences that we want to have, or those that we try to avoid. When we cannot gain what we need, or when we cannot avoid what we fear, we suffer. Otherwise, we feel pleasure or we are in some sort of a neutral state. The whole spectrum of life experiences arises out of these two basic directions and their countless combinations.
Painful life experiences usually cluster within our psyche into numerous aspects of personality, such as limiting beliefs, bad decisions, traumatic memories, basic negative emotions (including fear, anger and sorrow), resentment, guilt, prohibitions, and so on. They all have huge impact on our lives.
There are only two paths ahead of us: either we will continue to gain the depth of our being through suffering, or we will continue with our growth through expansion of consciousness. The latter is much more pleasurable, faster and effective. But it still requires effort and continual work. The decision is up to us only.
Practical exercise for painful experiences
Here is one practical and efficient way of dealing with painful everyday experiences: the so-called “Dissolving the Temporary I” technique. Even more importantly, it will also expand your consciousness, at least for a while. You will find yourself in a thoughtless state of Pure consciousness, or Presence. Done regularly, it will tremendously help your spiritual growth.
The technique is based on the concept of the “Temporary I,” which is your subtle feeling of self, your I-feeling within your body at the moment, while you are experiencing some mind content.
It is typically located in your head, neck or upper chest, although it could be positioned in another area of your body, depending on the experience itself.
The Temporary I shapes your life experience. It tunes yourself to particular thoughts, emotions or external circumstances.
If the foundation of the experience is eliminated, then the experience itself will vanish. Therefore, if the Temporary I disappears, so will the experience that it produces.
Removing the root of painful experience
The “Dissolving the Temporary I” (DTI) procedure is the following:
1. Notice, slightly, the content of your experience.
2. Feel from which vantage point your Temporary I is experiencing the content.
3. Rapidly increase the feeling of your Temporary I while breathing in deeply, up to the point where your I-feeling outgrows its own existence and enters pure consciousness.
4. While breathing out, imagine the whole existence shrinks down and disappears inside that pure consciousness.
5. Stay a while within that pure consciousness. There is no “I” and no existence anymore.
The important thing is that the expansion goes on and on until the Temporary I is gone. The only criterion you could use for examining the success of the process is whether you find your consciousness pure, empty of content and diffused afterward, or not.
So, there is no need to relive or identify with the experience (as is the case with several psychological or therapeutic techniques), or to expand the entire mind content (as in many other techniques). We are only doing an expansion of the Temporary I, which is simpler, faster and more effective in the end.
You can do this technique in countless common situations. For example, if you become aware that you are overwhelmed with thoughts, you can dissolve the vantage point from which you are experiencing them. Or, if you find yourself flooded with emotions, note the location of your Temporary I and start the technique. Of course, if these thoughts, emotions or any other mind content or experience on which you were doing the DTI arises again, just repeat the technique until it vanishes. Similarly, if you’re in the company of an unfriendly or annoying person, you may quietly do this technique on the Temporary I from which you are feeling the annoyance.
There is no limit to the practical implementation of the DTI, as it requires only seconds of mild, conscious effort to profoundly detach from the unpleasant situation.
For more reference on this and other corresponding techniques you can check out www.re-integration.com.
Nebo D. Lukovich is the creator of the Reintegration System, one of the newest breakthroughs in the development of human consciousness. Based on timeless spiritual principles and compatible with modern science, the Reintegration System is a versatile tool, applicable in all areas of our daily lives. It teaches us that we can indeed wake up and attain both inner liberation and outer wealth, without suffering, but through wisdom and expansion of our consciousness.
As you can see in his book “Inner Peace, Outer Success” and other texts, Nebo's greatest passion is spiritual work and writing. He has been researching and practicing various spiritual and psychological systems and techniques for more than 25 years.
Nebo was born 1972 and lives with his wife and two teenage children in Montenegro, a country in Europe. Although he prefers a peaceful family life, his experience in spiritual work (both personal and with friends and acquaintances) often calls on him to engage in personal coaching and educational work in the field of personal transformation.
You can contact Nebo and his team at the www.re-integration.com.
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