Men ignore the causes of male infertility. It is estimated that almost half of the cases of low fertility within a couple are due to male infertility. Infertility is spoken of when the inability to obtain a pregnancy within a couple persists beyond two years of unprotected sex. As with women, the causes of infertility in men are many and varied. It may be an obstruction within the male genitalia, or it may be a dilation of the veins that surround the spermatic cord (testicular varicocele). But hypofertility can also result from an old infection, a genetic anomaly, or even a hormonal imbalance which, in the long term, influences the quality of sperm. It also happens that infertility is considered idiopathic when no organic or physiological explanation is found.

What are the male infertility symptoms?

Male infertility symptoms include-

The absence of procreation is the main manifestation of infertility within a couple. However, this can be associated with clinical signs more specific to humans, such as impotence, erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation. If they are not necessarily the cause of hypofertility, these sexual disorders can nevertheless constitute elements of investigation for the doctor. In addition, certain symptoms can also reveal hormonal imbalances. This is the case, in particular, of a hair loss, or of a male breast enlargement (gynecomastia).

Who are the people at risk?

If male infertility is likely to affect the whole male sex, certain factors would tend to increase the risk of hypofertility:

  • Anticancer treatments: chemotherapy, radiotherapy
  • Prolonged exposure to high temperatures
  • Tobacco
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Certain surgical operations: removal of a spermatic cyst, perineal surgery, lumbo-aortic lymph node dissection
  • Certain personal history: hypertension, diabetes, sexually transmitted infection, pancreatic insufficiency.

How is the diagnosis of male infertility established?

In terms of male infertility, the spermogram is a benchmark medical examination. This diagnostic test makes it possible to analyze the quality and quantity of sperm: number, mobility, possible presence of anomalies ... Of course, the spermogram is recommended after a clinical examination and careful questioning of the patient. If he deems it necessary, the doctor can also schedule other examinations, such as a hormonal assessment, an ultrasound of the testicles, a doppler or even a testicular biopsy.

What is the treatment of male infertility?

The treatment of male infertility include-

The preferred therapeutic strategy for treating male infertility will vary depending on its origin. Hormonal treatment can thus be implemented to restore an imbalance while surgery can be considered in the presence of a varicocele or an impermeable genital tract. When first-line medical care does not give satisfactory results, different techniques of assisted reproductive technology can then be proposed: artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, etc. These are the different ways through which one can undergo male infertility treatment and become a happy and healthy family.

To know more about male infertility treatment, visit the best fertility clinic in India.

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To know more about male infertility treatment, visit the Infertility Treatment in India.