As a good salesman, you want to develop an indelible connection with your customers. As a great salesman, you want to go beyond the present and forge strong bonds with your future customers too. Thankfully, in 1999, some great minds got together and developed Salesforce technology to achieve exactly that. Now, countless people around the world are training themselves in this technology for better sales outcomes.

Those trained in Salesforce always have an opportunity to upgrade their knowledge and perform better in the field. Sales, customer community, marketing, analytics or services – no matter what cloud of Salesforce you work on, you must advance your salesforce certification training to gain the most out of this groundbreaking technology. Here is why and how you should get advanced training in Salesforce.

Why keep learning

We all must keep learning new things at every stage of our lives. It is a sign of a healthy and progressive outlook on the world around us. Still, many people tend to become complacent at their jobs. This is no different for those working as Salesforce personnel.

However, every once in a while, you must ask yourselves some hard questions. Are you happy with what you are doing in your current Salesforce team? Do you want more from your current job? Hopefully, your answers will guide you to pursue further Salesforce training.

Further, many clients seek personal-ization of the Salesforce technology for their specific business requirements. In such cases, it is all the more important to be knowledgeable about the latest updates in all roles in Salesforce. You could also decide to be trained in multiple Salesforce jobs at a time to exponentially improve your chances of promotion and advancement.
Therefore, given the immense opportunities in Salesforce, the mantra you should follow is – keep learning and keep adding more skills to your quiver.

Where to start

Figure out what your aspirations are. Do you want to expand your horizons and train yourself for other Salesforce job descriptions? Do you want to continue at your current position but graduate to performing more advanced tasks? Introspect and decide what you see yourself doing in the future so you can choose the right manner in which to pursue your career goals.

Resources to advance your Salesforce training

Many platforms are available for beginners to jump onto the Salesforce boat as a passenger. However, to be able to steer the boat yourself, you need to first go from a beginner to an advanced learner. There is an endless array of advanced certifications you can get in Salesforce, irrespective of whether you are a consultant, an administrator, a marketing agent, a developer or a technical, application or system architect. Whatever role you are playing in your company at the moment, there is always a more advanced certification that can help you advance swiftly in your Salesforce career. Here are some ways in which you can advance your Salesforce training.
Opportunities where you are currently employed
To start searching for opportunities to expand your Salesforce training, you do not have to look too far. Start with the company for which you currently work. Look for opportunities within your department as well as other departments where you aspire to work. For example, you could opt for internship opportunities with a different department, which would be useful if, say, you are an app builder who wants to work as a platform developer in Salesforce technology.

Many companies also offer advanced Salesforce training in Hyderabad courses to their employees to make the personnel better equipped to handle the rapidly evolving world of sales and cloud technology. These courses are typically conducted by hired Salesforce experts. Be on the lookout for your company organizing such short-term training sessions and you could even obtain advanced training certifications from them. The sessions could be free or be availed for a small fee at a location close to you. In either case, they could be of great help in advancing your professional training in Salesforce.

The internet is your friend

The internet is flooded with an ocean of Salesforce resources, both free and chargeable. They are all easy, convenient, accessible and come with no judgment whatsoever. Additionally, there is no wait time for you to start using these resources.

Text resources are available on different online portals. Such portals offer various textbooks, workbooks and sample practice tests that can be taken to prepare for advanced certification examinations in Salesforce technology. You can read them at your leisure and gain the specific Salesforce knowledge that you are seeking. Since you have total control over what you are reading, you can get focused training using such text-based courses.

Online and classroom courses

The internet also has a plethora of advanced level online Salesforce courses that can give you a classroom-like experience through structured training modules. These courses can get you from beginner level to advanced professional level in a matter of a few hours. Some online courses can be availed free of cost, while others charge an enrollment fee. You can choose your courses to be self-paced or instructor-led, based on your learning preference and the amount of time you can devote to the course.

One such platform, Trail-head, was started by the Salesforce company itself. It is one way that many Salesforce learners choose to train themselves. This platform offers various modules not only for beginners but also for intermediate and advanced level learners. You can choose to learn online or even attend real or virtual classes. Another option they provide is to learn from others in the Salesforce community. The community includes experts as well as people who are learning just like you, so it promises to be a good one-on-one mentor ship experience.

Some web platforms also allow the enrolls to gain more hands-on experience by pursuing real-time projects designed for training. This is almost like a field internship and prepares you well for the next step in your Salesforce career. You can also opt for in-center training classes offered by various institutions, where you can choose a course based on your location to physically attend it.

CRS Info Solutions also provides many such advanced level courses in Salesforce training and certification to help you reach your career goals. Thus, with a little help from CRS Info Solutions, you can confidently and easily pave your way to the zenith of Salesforce training and placement assistance whose curriculum includes real time projects and daily assignments.

Author's Bio: 

Author is a content writer at CRS Info Solutions, leading institute for software courses online training and certification with daily assignments and real time projects.