Bulk SMS messaging is the process of sending SMS messages to a group of opt-in customers simultaneously. It is used by media business organizations, Banks (for notification, marketing, news and fraud control) and consumer brands for many purposes including entertainment, enterprise, and mobile marketing. In addition, Bulk SMS messaging is commonly used for alerts, reminders, marketing but also for information and communication between both staff and customers. Bulk SMS system lets you deliver SMS messages to mobile handsets almost anywhere in the world. Alternatively, You can go for a reseller option with any existing sms service providers. Image title hat Are The Requirements To Start Bulk SMS Reseller Business

Setting up a bulk SMS reseller business is pretty simple and cheap. You just need to get in touch with a bulk SMS provider and show interest in becoming a bulk SMS reseller with them. First, you need to understand that there are 2 types of bulk SMS resellers:

Reseller - Someone who just resells product but with the owned company’s branding

White label Reseller- Customized your product to look like it’s been built by you, with your logo and company name.

Starting a Bulk SMS business is a very lucrative investment, but one of the most common question potential investors as is what do I need to get started.

Requirements to start Bulk SMS Reseller Business:

Bulk SMS application

Web Servers such as Dedicated Server or Virtual Private Server where you will host your SMS Messaging application

Telecom Operator connectivity (Connectivity via HTTP or SMPP)

Standby Developer & Server Administrator who is available to Handle all technical issues and carry out periodic maintenance on the application for its smooth functioning

Advantages Of Becoming A Bulk SMS Reseller:

You may be wondering if this is really true, yes it is and very easy to achieve as well. It will also surprise you to know it is convenient because you can do this at the comfort of your room.

Access To A Customized Website:

Option To Choose Sub-Resellers

24/7 Customer Support

It helps the reseller to keep a very good link with their customers.

Now that you know, what are the Requirements & Advantages Of Becoming A Bulk SMS Reseller , what are you waiting for?

Author's Bio: 

The author has an immense knowledge of Bulk SMS. Know more about Bulk SMS related info in website http://www.dove-soft.com/