Weed cookies are one of the best ways to enjoy the high of marijuana. You get to spare yourself all the smoke and side effects on lungs, and enjoy a tasty delicious treat at the same time.

Below are some of the best weed cookies recipes today. You only need a box of your favorite cookie mix and cannabutter (instead of your usual shortening or butter), and you can add extra peanuts, sugar or coconut oil to make the best cookies for your taste.

Most weed cookie recipes use cannabutter in place of butter or shortening. To make it, you’ll need a cup of water, 2 bars of unsalted butter and 3 grams of weed. Start by baking the weed at 240 degrees for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Next, combine the weed with the butter and water on a skillet under low heat and allow to simmer for up 3 hours. Strain out the plant material using a mesh filter or cheesecloth. Now, you have cannabutter!

Cannabis Chocolate Chip Cookies
● 1 egg
● ¼ teaspoon salt
● ¼ teaspoon baking soda
● 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
● 1/3 cup sugar
● 1/3 cup flour
● 1/3 cup chocolate chips
● ½ cup cannabutter
● 2/3 cup brown sugar

Combine flour, salt and baking soda. Set aside. Mix the egg, cannabutter, sugar, vanilla and chocolate chips. Add in the flour, salt and baking soda mixture to make a dough and shape them into the desired cookie size on a greased cookie tray. Bake at 325-375 degrees for 10-20 minutes. Remove from heat, allow to cool and enjoy!

Weed Sugar Cookie with Dried Weed
● 2 eggs
● 1/3 ounce high quality, dry flower
● 3 grams weed
● 200 grams white sugar
● 300 grams butter
● 500 grams flour
● 3 tablespoons vanilla extract
● A dash of salt

Combine vanilla, extract, sugar, eggs and dried weed. Slowly add flour and mix to form a dough. Shape into desired size and bake for 10-20 minutes until the edges turn brown. Remove from heat, add sprinkles or icing and enjoy.

Cannabis Compost Oatmeal Cookies
● 2 eggs
● ½ teaspoon nutmeg
● ½ teaspoon cinnamon
● 1 teaspoon salt
● 1 teaspoon baking soda
● 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
● ½ cup flour
● ½ cup white sugar
● ½ cup brown sugar
● 1 cup cannabutter
● 1 ½ cups instant rolled oats
● Handful of chocolate chip cookies

Combine flour, salt, oatmeal, cinnamon, baking soda and nutmeg in a bowl. Set aside. Mix cannabutter, sugar and eggs in another bowl. Combine the two mixtures together to form a dough. Shape into desired size and bake at 325 degrees for 15-30 minutes.

It’s important to be careful when dosing your weed cookies to make sure that you get just the right amount of THC. Overdosing on edibles is a pretty common occurrence, and some users have called on medical and police resources during a panic attack. While such episodes can pass and not cause any major damage, it still helps to stay on the safe side and make sure you’re dosing accurately. You want to actually enjoy your goodies—not be paralyzed in a state of anxiety.

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About Ed ‘n Bill’s Candy Co.:
Ed ‘n Bill’s Candy Co. offers a wide range of high quality edible medical marijuana products for healing, education and discovery. Their trained medical marijuana staff gives patients safe medicinal options for their specific symptom and diagnosis.