Cannabis edibles make up a significant chunk of the marijuana business. According to industry leaders, this is not exactly a surprise: they’re discreet and are easy to dose compared to other forms of weed consumption. With marijuana legalization comes medicated gummies, cookies, chocolates, brownies and more. Any experienced weed user can attest to the fact that edibles lead to a mysterious high that’s different from smoking or vaping high. Combine that with the various ways that edibles affect different people and you can have a highly unpredictable first experience.
With this in mind, how can you find the perfect dose of cannabis edibles? How can you determine how long it’ll take for these goodies to kick in? Below are some steps that you can take to ensure that you’re dosing properly so that you can enjoy your edible high without any worries.
1. Always consider your body. Your age, gender, metabolism, body chemistry and body mass can affect the effectiveness of the drug. Ask an expert a few questions about your age, gender and body type. The fickle relationship between THC and fatty cells might give you unpredictable results, regardless of how much weed you consume.
2. Do not get high on an empty stomach. It’s recommended that you treat marijuana edibles like you would a pain medication like Percocet or Vicodin. Never have it on an empty stomach. If it’s your first time trying cannabis edibles, start with just a little bit and consume it with other food.
3. Measure by milligrams. Dispensaries consider 10 milligrams as a dose or unit of THC. If you’re dosing out a weed edible, tincture or drink, calculate the amount of activated THC in every square or piece. For example, if a 200-milligram chocolate bar splits into 10 pieces, each piece is about 20 milligrams each. Make sure that you dose accordingly.
4. Different brands have different consistencies. Some people have a different experience with infused gummies or infused chocolates – one works better than the other depending on the biological makeup of your body. If you find an edible that you like, it can easily become your go-to brand, but do your research and try to experiment with different brands.
5. Be patient with the waiting game. Start slow and wait about 45 minutes to see how you feel. Take note, though, that some edibles take longer than that to kick in. Generally, cannabis-infused products take anywhere between 30 minutes to 2 hours to take effect. Remember that overindulging is never fun when it comes to weed, so take your time.
If you find yourself getting too high, there are three important tips to keep in mind: (1) breathe normally, (2) acknowledge that it’ll last a while, and (3) you’ll eventually return to normal. As you wait out this uncomfortable and unpleasant experience, try to lay down, close your eyes and relax. It helps to have someone you trust to keep an eye on you. If the discomfort is too intense and you think you need medical attention, get someone to drive you to the emergency room immediately.
Stephen Robert is a full-time author and part time blogger who like to put his review on various topics
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