As a spiritual life coach I work with people as an accountability partner as they go walk through the valley and deal their dark nights. My philosophy has always been that you can't avoid your pain for ever – you can't rationalize it away with intelligence – with avoidance – with activities or with pretence - you simply have to deal with it - or it will haunt you like a ghost forever.

In “Thoughts Without a Thinker – Psychotherapy from a Buddhist Perspective” by Mark Epstein, writes that “The Hungry Ghosts in many ways represent a fusion of rage and desire. Tormented by unfulfilled cravings and insatiably demanding of impossible satisfactions, the Hungry Ghosts are searching for gratification for old unfulfilled needs whose time has passed. They are beings who have uncovered a terrible emptiness within themselves, who cannot see the impossibility of correcting something that has already happened. Their ghostlike state represents their attachment to the past.” To be a real diva, you MUST be willing to work through your hungry ghost. There is a shift in consciousness - where people are searching for something 'real'. They have the knowledge – they've read all the books – but what now? What do you do with all this information?

Well my answer is to deal with your pain – get it over with. The time is right to get the job done now! I've worked with over 4,000 clients as I helped them with many of life's challenges – and I've seeing this shift as my clients are ready to truly heal their hungry ghosts. They no longer want to be a functionally, walking wounded human being. They want to be a liberated, alive and free being of the Light. They want to not just know of the Light - but now want to become part of the Light and be the Light to their world.

In the Christian bible it states in Psalm 23 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. To me going through the valley is your dark night – it's dealing with your hungry ghosts - it's a willingness to finally feel the pain and let it go.

It will be painful. You will want to avoid it - it's normal - no one wants to feel pain - but we all have this internal knowledge that the only way to heal from pain is to deal with the pain. We know we can't avoid it - so why do we avoid it? In my professional experience, it is because we fear going through the valley alone. When my marriage ended – when my beloved mother passed on – these were my dark nights – I was afraid - I didn't want to deal with the pain. But because of my deep connection to a God – a Divine Light – my Higher Consciousness that I was able to walk through this valley. I wasn't alone. My divine manifested in the love and compassion of strong friends and family who lifted me up with prayer, with laughter and with wisdom.

I didn't want to face my hungry ghost – but because of the trust I had in my Divine – I new that my table of peace, joy, light and freedom was waiting for me. All I had to do was to go through the dark valley - live in my dark night and feed my hungry ghost. This was my motivation. This was my encouragement. As I dealt with my enemies of my fears, my anger, my rage, my frustration and my sadness - I became closer and closer to the table. I started to come out of the valley - the dark night started to disappear - and my hungry ghost were no longer hungry - they were feed with compassion and exorcised out of my mind, body and spirit. The only way to satisfy your hungry ghost is to spend time with it, to feed it and to let it go with love and compassion from your Divine.

Are you willing to walk through the valley and feed your ghost so you can be free?

Author's Bio: 

Ophelia is all about change, and she believes that we can have anything we want in life…anything! But, first we must work on letting go of our hungry ghosts.

To find out more about Ophelia visit her on her website at