A radical inner transformation and rise to a new level of consciousness might be the only real hope we have in the current global crisis brought on by the dominance of the Western mechanistic paradigm. ~ Stanislav Grof
A brisk walk on the beach and luminous meditation, perched on a giant sandbag on Cotton Tree beach, pulled together today's message for you which includes The Four levels of Transformation, Five Key Strategies to Feed your Vision and Six points to Create Your Vision.
The four levels of transformation take place in an essential sequence. They move you from wherever you might be in your personal and professional journey, to living a life where the changes you dream of are already in place. I’m talking locally and globally. (My vision is much bigger in terms of world consciousness, than taking care of only my own and my business. Even though this is the inner circle of the work. After all isn’t there an ancient Chinese proverb about filling your own rice bowl before filling that of another? Perhaps we’d language that in terms of personal responsibility taking.)
The first level of transformation that must occur is that of Yourself. Personal Transformation is the core of all else. This morning, what emerged from my sunlit winter contemplation was the resolution of a 41 year old wound. Profound. I’d held a limiting belief that when I create something i “always” do too much and wreck it. So I stopped completing my artistic endeavours. This has cost me offers of publishing from New York Agents, Untold Theatre Successes, Art Exhibitions not held and so on. This morning I cleared that one. Huge. This first level of transformation is ongoing.
The second level of transformation is the level that extends to the way that your services, products and packages inspire transformation in others. Your offerings, opinions and the way you add value to others is key to this level, as you positively impact your clients, readers and communities.
According to the concept of transformational evolution, first clearly articulated by Lamarck, evolution consists of the gradual transformation of organisms from one condition of existence to another. Ernst Mayr
Your business is the third level of transformation, and evolves as an organic entity of it’s own with an capacity to including others whose strengths add tributaries to the catalyst of change that you are. Your business can demonstrate growth and cast the net of your transformational influence wide.
The fourth level of transformation is the difference you make with all of your efforts to the world.
In order to be the catalyst of change you’ll need strategies to feed your vision:
1. Consider what you want to achieve in the long term
2. What would the positive side-effects of the changes you envision
3. Consider what are the negative side effects of the changes you envision
4. Name 3 values that are important for you to move towards
5. Consider how this objective is positive
Focus on where you want to go, not on what you fear. Anthony Robbins
It’s time to form Your Vision:
1. Write your Vision in the present tense.
2. Summarise with a powerful phrase.
3. Describes the best possible outcome.
4. Use unequivocal language.
5. Evokes emotion – be passionate
6. Build a picture in people’s minds.
Get out of the blocks, run your race, stay relaxed. If you run your race, you’ll win. Channel your energy. Focus Carol Lewis
-Take time to feed your vision.
-Tap into gratitude.
-Focus Decide Followup
Thomas Jefferson’s Ten Rules for The Good Life:
1. Never trouble another for what you can do for yourself
2. Pride costs us more than hunger, thirst and cold
3. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today
4. When angry count to ten before you speak: if very angry, count to one hundred
5. Never spend your money before you have it
6. Don’t let evils which have never happened cost you pain
7. Nothing is troublesome that we do willingly
8. Always take things by their smooth handle
9. Never buy what you do not want because its cheap; it will never be dear to you
10. Never repent of having eaten too little
Discover your magnetic potential. Make your difference. Nadine Love will show you how. Receive two chapters of Hot Confidence and start today to transform your self-doubt into self-belief and create your unique difference in the world.
Passionate about contributing to the evolution of a resilient, sustainable, conscious global community, Nadine Love's vision is to align with others who are inspiring and instructing people about how to live their boldest dreams and make their unique difference. She stands for the co-creation of a peaceful planet where nations take care of the Earth and of each other. Nadine is a celebrated international speaker, award-winning transformational trainer, and motivational mentor.
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