Have you ever felt yourself stuck due to a fear of “what’s around the corner?” I did today.
My hubby, Charlie, and I live on top of a mountain in northeast Georgia and we’ve been in a winter storm for the last two days. In fact, we lost all electricity in our home for about 14 hours due to ... Views: 876
We often hear people described as “givers” or “takers,” with the first being considered the better of the two. But I think it has more to do with your ulterior motive as to whether you’re truly a giver or not.
What I mean by this is that if you are giving because you feel it is what you’re ... Views: 1013
It's holiday time! What a joyous time of year. Right? Well, for many, holiday gatherings symbolize struggles with family members who we tend to avoid the rest of the year.
This holiday season I would like to invite you to see your family gatherings as wonderful opportunities to heal. Instead ... Views: 1304
Are you a part of a team? Or do you feel alone?
For years I felt I had to do everything by myself. I didn’t believe I could ask for help. Nor did I feel I could receive it. I felt completely alone.
Gradually, I opened up my heart and allowed the universe to support me. I found ... Views: 1485
I thought I was watching a cop drama on television for a moment this morning. I looked out my front door and standing in my yard were several deputies from the Sheriff’s Department with shotguns, hiding behind our trees. At least five of their cars surrounded our street. “What in the world is ... Views: 1674
My daughter, Mackenzie, will graduate from high school in a few weeks. I don’t know whether to laugh or to cry. I am filled with emotion.
Mackenzie is my firstborn. I agonized through THREE days of labor as she prepared to enter the world 17 years ago. Somehow, all the pain and suffering of ... Views: 1710
Grief. It’s very real. It comes in different forms, sometimes subtle, hovering just below the surface, and sometimes like a gray blanket suffocating our hearts.
I recently received an e-mail from a mom filled with tears and sorrow. Her pain stemmed from the loss of her son…not by death, but ... Views: 3756
Have you ever considered the gifts you bring to others? Most of us didn’t grow up thinking about our gifts, and still don’t. Yes, if you were a great athlete, your talents were most likely lauded as a gift. The same goes with kids who were good students. However, I’m talking about the gifts ... Views: 1814
I was astonished recently to discover that my 15-year-old daughter is struggling more than I had thought with living in our new home. I got re-married last summer and my daughter Kolbi had seemed to be adjusting very well. She’s always smiling and cutting up with my new hubby, Charlie, and me. ... Views: 2199
“God, I am ready to receive my tenant TODAY!” I was finally clear and eager to accept what my heart truly wanted. I wasn’t sure for a while. I got remarried last summer and had put my home up for sale at that time. But due to one foreclosure after another in our neighborhood and after months ... Views: 1801
Anger. No one likes the feeling. Your body tightens. Your blood pressure heightens. You feel out of control.
Have you ever asked yourself why you get angry? The tendency in our world is to think that someone or something has made us mad. The truth, however, is that our anger comes from ... Views: 1760
“Okay, ladies, today we’re going on an adventure!” I exclaimed to a small group of women sitting in front of me on the patio of a local bookstore. All of them were excited, but had no idea what to expect. This wasn’t any ordinary group. These women were a part of my intensive Enlightened Mom ... Views: 1287
“I ask God every day for answers. But I never seem to get them.” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard new students and clients tell me those exact words. They want guidance but don’t know how to get it. Then I give them a few simple tools that I’m about to share with you and the next ... Views: 1271
“Follow your heart.” We hear those words a lot. However, sometimes saying it and actually doing it are worlds apart.
Two years ago my dear husband, Steve Amos, passed away of a sudden heart attack. His death rocked my family’s world and shook us to the core. I can’t tell you how painful ... Views: 2115