Whenever I mention to people that I teach stress management, meditation, and life mastery skills, they almost always say to me, “Boy, do I need that!” We live in a very fast-paced world. Information, opportunities, and challenges are expanding exponentially every day. Life is full, to say the ... Views: 1296
Two years ago, I heard about a therapist in Hawaii who cured a complete ward of criminally insane patients—without ever seeing any of them. The psychologist would study an inmate’s chart and then look within himself to see how he created that person’s illness. As he improved himself, the patient ... Views: 866
It’s no secret that self-confidence is very important to achieving success in any area of life. The thing about self-confidence is that it’s very sensitive to our personal experience and is inherently unstable, which means that low self-confidence tends to get lower and high self-confidence ... Views: 931
There is a Zen story of a great enlightened master, who, upon hearing of his own master’s death, began to cry uncontrollably. His followers were shocked to see him cry. They asked him, “Why are you crying? You’re enlightened. You’re supposed to be beyond suffering. What will people think?”
He ... Views: 701
I think everyone should have a sanctuary. It might be a special corner of your garden, a special chair in a quiet corner, or a home office. My sanctuary is a bathroom. It has more art on the walls than did my entire first home. It’s decorated lovingly with my favorite colors and fabrics. There ... Views: 658
The saying “follow your bliss” was made famous by a book of the same name. People have generalized that statement to mean many things, some of which are inaccurate, so I thought I would give you the real skinny on this topic and dismantle some old myths.
Let me start by saying that I think it ... Views: 755
Do you still “go out to play”? Do your friends still knock on your door and invite you out to play? I hope so, and I hope you go.
This world seems to send strong messages that play is frivolous, time-wasting, and useful only to procrastinators and slackers—unless, of course, you can find a ... Views: 891
Back in the Middle Ages, alchemists sought to transform base metal into gold. They searched for an elusive substance, the philosopher’s stone, which would bring about this conversion, known as alchemy. However, to initiates of the ancient mystery schools, alchemy was primarily an allegory for ... Views: 712
Perhaps there is no greater means of improving one’s life than striving to answer in the most enlightened way this single question: Why live? I started to ask myself that question about 30 years ago after my diving accident, which left the husky and lusty teenage athlete that I was a ... Views: 1033
Do you ever wonder why you don’t have enough money in your life? I can guarantee that your problem stems from your thoughts about money: somewhere within your mind are specific beliefs that are blocking its flow. In this short article I cannot begin to delve into the many subconscious reasons ... Views: 4138
How do you achieve employment security in a world where there is no employment security? I start with a question: do you consider yourself to be honest and at least reasonably intelligent? Okay. As an honest, intelligent person, do you, as a general rule, get about twice as much work done on the ... Views: 1377
Even if you consider yourself to be a hopeless procrastinator, you can get help. How can I be so sure? Because I was born the world’s greatest procrastinator. (My mother claims that her pregnancy with me lasted 10 months—that I actually put off being born for a month.) As an adult, I converted. ... Views: 1786
Old enough to have my own problems, yet young enough to believe my father’s word without question, as a child, I spent countless evenings seeking his advice. At 6 p.m., I’d sit at the kitchen table, facing the back door. I wanted to be first to present my concerns to him. It was always a short ... Views: 581
Do you ever catch yourself thinking about something that happened some time ago, or even something that may or may not happen in the future? Chances are that you’re like most people, and you regularly think about something from the past, or you’re focused on something that could happen in the ... Views: 718
Learned life experiences move us forward rather than back. As you grow forward, you become a more rounded individual, and even with ups and downs, good events begin to happen. It’s the things you learn as you move forward that help to shape your future for good. Since I’ve experienced the move ... Views: 780
I first met Cindy during my second year of college, in the cafeteria where she bumped into me. Yes, she literally bumped into me, and the food on her tray went flying all over the place. I heard her mutter under her breath, “What an idiot!”
“Pardon me,” I replied, not knowing what else to say ... Views: 620
Early morning hath gold in its mouth.
–Benjamin Franklin
Every successful businessman that I know (or about whom I have read) gets up and gets to work early. It’s such a universal trait of accomplished individuals that I’m tempted to say it is a secret for success. “Early to bed and early to ... Views: 1234
Do you sometimes feel like there is a conspiracy and that the whole world is picking on you—your friends, family, colleagues, and even strangers? You know that they are really talking about you, even though they are making general statements. Who do they think they’re kidding? Strangers even ... Views: 773
Understanding self-direction and taking responsibility for your life is vital to your personal success. How you handle adversity, face challenges, and make everyday decisions will shape the course of your future. In the absence of self-direction you may one day discover that you are on a ... Views: 3177
It’s not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable.
Too often, people strive to own things in a misguided effort to achieve inner peace and happiness. They believe that having a new wardrobe, a new car, a bigger home, or other such material ... Views: 5574
How do you get what you want, when you want it, from your life? The answer is shocking: force yourself to be uncomfortable.
Yes, that’s right—only by pushing yourself outside of situations where you feel completely comfortable can you ever achieve your true potential. Try the following ... Views: 960
We hear a lot today about being your best, taking care of business, achieving success, and performing at your peak. What we don’t always hear is what it takes to sustain peak performance.
Peak performance is a commitment to your physical, mental, and spiritual being and to your Personal ... Views: 4343
Passion: A strong, barely controllable emotion, a strong enthusiasm.
Many things will help you on the road to success, but nothing will make you put one foot ahead of the other more than passion.
Information does not guarantee success. If it did, everyone that grew up with a set of ... Views: 1703
The word “networking” elicits a picture in the minds of most people as a business event filled with stereotypical salespeople all “working the room”; fast-walkin’, slick-talkin’, aggressively sticking their business cards into the face of everyone they meet and saying clever things like, “Hey, ... Views: 699
If you don’t want fleas, don’t sleep with the dog! We’ve all been taught that if you want to reach your goals, you need to avoid negative people.
Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. There is poison everywhere, like a fog permeating our lives. We live in a world where everyone has an abundant ... Views: 5033
Do you want a life of greater ease, balance, happiness, and prosperity? Of course you do! So why does it seem to take so long for our dreams and desires to manifest? The answer lies within.
Deep within us are subconscious beliefs that contribute to our actions, our responses, and thus to the ... Views: 1006
You are your most important critic. There is no opinion so vitally important to your well-being as the opinion you have of yourself. As you read this, you’re talking to yourself right now. “Let’s see if I understand what he means by that . . . How does that compare with my experiences? I’ll make ... Views: 584
Katy nearly drags her husband, Jackson, to the therapist, though he readily admits that he has problems and frequently puts himself down. Married two years and with a baby on the way, the couple argue. At times, it gets nasty as Katy has a harsh tongue. She gets angry that Jackson won’t talk ... Views: 1003
Dianne, a long-term client of mine in her late 30s, recently celebrated her fifth
anniversary: the fifth anniversary of her own personal quest to find the man of her dreams.
According to Dianne’s personal calculations, she has thus far dated 12 military men, 9 police officers, 5 fireman, 3 ... Views: 693
The wealth of material and information available to the modern world has reached a level greater than at any other time in history. Now at the pinnacle of our ability to manipulate our environment and produce all the things we need, and many that we don’t, it’s entirely possibly that many of our ... Views: 597
One of the most common complaints I hear when I talk with potential clients is that they feel “stuck.” They may be in relationships that are no longer working, but they don’t know how to leave. They may have dreams of starting their own businesses, but they aren’t sure where to begin. They may ... Views: 577
Do you
* spend hours surfing the Web, answering e-mails, instant messaging, or blogging?
* take calls on your cell phone no matter where you are or who you’re with?
* listen to tunes or podcasts on your audio player from breakfast to bedtime?
If you answered yes to at least one of these ... Views: 1983
Knowledge is power.
How many times have we heard this one? It’s one of the battle cries of our
society. It’s an idea so obvious, so undeniable, that few ever give it a second thought. We don’t just seek knowledge, we worship it. Even Socrates, a wise man if ever there was one, said, “There is ... Views: 3696
As I walked out of a convenience store with my cup of coffee one late October evening, I noticed an older woman standing next to a pay phone. She was wearing a weathered hat, pink leg warmers that have been out of style for at least 10 years, a black miniskirt with gray stockings, what used to ... Views: 763
We live in a glorious time.
The world’s entire body of knowledge is easily accessible and readily available to anyone who cares. A mere 100 years ago, the information now available at your fingertips was reserved only for kings and scholars, for the rich and the titled. One generation ago, ... Views: 552
Integrity is a value, like persistence, courage, and industriousness. Even more than that, it is the value that guarantees all the other values. You are a good person to the degree to which you live your life consistently with the highest values that you espouse. Integrity is the quality that ... Views: 7881
In your ever-busy, “on demand” life, have you ever wondered how it would feel to be able to learn twice as much in half the time? Life changes in an instant, so here is a proven, Instant Learning® formula that will give you the learning edge you need.
Whether you are a CEO, an employee in job ... Views: 3096
Much has been said about ways to improve your life; you’re reading some in this book. Perhaps you’ve already tried different approaches, some that helped and others that didn’t. One thing that is irrevocably true is this: anything utilized to improve your life must have its origin in love ... Views: 703
Give up.
Yes, give up trying to be something streamlined, tucked, professional, more of something, less of something. It’s over. It’s done. It’s so last year.
Be yourself. All of yourself. The world needs more of you.
Under the layers we all speak different languages. We see, feel, and ... Views: 764
What makes you different? It’s a good bet you’ve been asked this question before.
Prospects, hiring managers, and people with influence frequently ask this question when making a buying or hiring decision. Each day, we are bombarded with opportunities, advertisements, messages, and people ... Views: 1066
Congratulations! You are the president of your own nation, and it’s called Imagination. This particular nation is the driving force behind your life and is the underlying factor of your future. You have an enormous responsibility as President of this nation. You must always focus on the future, ... Views: 1164
You can recreate your life through making simple physical changes in your home or office that can enhance your execution in expanding your personal and business purpose. You can literally live in your intentions. Look around you. What do you see, and more importantly, what is it saying to you? ... Views: 699
For many, the actor who epitomized the character “Superman” is Christopher Reeve, and as millions know, at the height of his career he suffered a tragic accident that left him totally paralyzed, unable to care for himself or, initially, even to breathe unassisted.
With the support of his wife, ... Views: 4883
Is there a secret to happiness? You probably are expecting me to say that no, there is no secret. While it is true that there are many factors that affect our happiness, I believe that there is one secret that determines whether those factors will work for you, and that is the secret to ... Views: 624
Did you know that habits are incredibly powerful tools for Personal Development and success?
Think about the habits you have now and how they affect virtually every aspect of your life. Your weight and health are determined by your eating habits. Your relationships with people are determined ... Views: 990
My first conscious and vivid encounter with guilt was when I was about 13 years old. It was the day of my parents’ official divorce. We were in the courthouse and, because of my age, I was assigned my own attorney. I had no idea why I had an attorney or even what was going on. My attorney was ... Views: 965
What is the difference between having a dream and having a goal? A dream is a goal without legs. It is a wonderful thing to have and can be the guiding passion of your life, but unless you give it the legs to move, getting there is going to be very much a matter of luck.
To transform a dream ... Views: 626
The ability to set and reach our goals and to inspire others is not an elusive one. You have within you everything you need to realize your goals, while at the same time inspiring others to follow your example. Even if you do not intentionally set out to inspire someone else, it happens ... Views: 2779
You can get anything you want out of life if you see that enough other people get what they want.
–Zig Ziglar
In the 30 years I’ve been studying self-improvement I’ve seen this principle proven time and time again. I’ve been most successful myself when I find out what other people want and then ... Views: 639
At 8 a.m. the phone rings, right on schedule. The call is not an appointment I’ve made, but I’m expecting it all the same.
Owing to being known as the Millionaire Mentor, I receive calls daily from people around the world, all with the same question: “What is the one thing I could do right ... Views: 932