What is Qigong?
Have you heard of Qigong? Many people haven’t, but you may be surprised to learn that over eighty million people not only have heard of it, but actively practice it each day!
Originally from China, but now practiced the world over, Qigong helps its practitioners improve their ... Views: 2838
As we are increasingly exposed to pollutants in the air that we breathe and the water that we bathe in, it makes sense that respiratory and skin problems are on the rise. These health issues take the form of asthma, seasonal allergies, breathing difficulties, skin rashes, and countless other ... Views: 4257
We are only as healthy as our cells. Having healthy cells is not a passive process. We can help our cells become and stay healthier. Cells can be fine-tuned daily in only minutes using bioelectromagnetic medicine (BEM).
Bioelectromagnetic Medicine (BEM): What Is It and How Does It Work?
The ... Views: 4018
To meet everything and everyone through stillness instead of mental noise is the greatest gift you can offer to the universe.
—Eckhart Tolle
As contrary as the title may sound, the Buteyko breathing method is actually a very simple set of tools and techniques used to correct chronic patterns of ... Views: 4283
Would you describe yourself as bursting with vitality, energy, love, joy, enthusiasm, passion and excitement? Or would you describe yourself as tired, anxious, stressed, confused, worried, sad, depressed, angry, bitter, disappointed, frustrated, and overwhelmed? Most of us hold on to old hurts ... Views: 1043
How much energy do you have by the end of the day? Do you usually feel vital, alive, ready to interact warmly with family or friends? Or do you feel stressed, weary, ready to eat and just watch TV?
If you feel low energy after a typical day, you’re not alone. It’s common in our hurried society ... Views: 1867
Energy healing is a practice that promotes positive change. It involves an exchange of subtle energy that enables change toward greater peace, harmony, health, and vibrancy. Energy healing is practiced in many forms; some are modern, while some are drawn from ancient practices reaching back to ... Views: 1279
Thousands of years ago, physicians in China mapped the body’s electrical system. They charted fourteen energy paths, or meridians, and documented how stimulating specific points along those paths released energy blocks, restored the normal flow of Chi, or healing energy, and improved ... Views: 4351
New Discovery Takes Chinese Medicine to a New Level
Thousands of years ago, physicians in China mapped the body’s electrical system. They charted fourteen energy paths, or meridians, and documented how stimulating specific points along those paths released energy blocks, restored the normal ... Views: 1075
Do you ever feel uncoordinated and out of balance? Or do you find it hard to focus and comprehend new information? Are simple tasks, such as reading, writing, and listening, overwhelming? Is it impossible to lose weight? Are you unable to heal? Have you lost your motivation?
What’s going on? ... Views: 6899
Centuries ago, even ordinary families had something most people lack today: ways to relieve suffering and heal themselves without doctors, drugs, or surgery. Instead, when they fell ill, they used nature’s medicines: herbs, food, and other such remedies. Perhaps surprisingly, there are actually ... Views: 3420
Bowen is a multidimensional healing system that alleviates human pain and suffering. It was discovered and developed by the late Tom Bowen of Geelong, Australia. It is a natural health care solution that safely and gently awakens and revives the self-healing mechanisms of the body by applying ... Views: 1038
Part I—The Hormone Connection
It is time to bring the science of weight loss out of the Dark Ages and apply a new understanding of hormones and their impact on metabolism.
In 1995, a hormone called leptin was discovered. This hormone is the one that tells your brain to burn fat for energy. ... Views: 2887
Consider the fact that no one fingerprint is alike. It’s amazing to think that no one in the entire world will ever share your same fingerprint. Your fingerprint is your identification, your unique marking, your signature. Just as your fingerprint is one of a kind, so is the rest of you. No one ... Views: 5644
If you’re like me, you’d sooner write a nutrition book than follow one! If you’ve read at least one nutrition or diet book in your lifetime (or perhaps dozens), then you know what to eat. You may even have it down to a science: a cup of this, four ounces of that, two tablespoons of this, and so ... Views: 539
If you find yourself feeling unwell and can’t figure out why, you may be suffering from a food intolerance. Unexplained fatigue and tiredness as well as brain fogginess, which make it difficult to concentrate or remember, can be linked to eating a food that doesn’t agree with your body.
Food ... Views: 2229
For many years, I have seen the equation diet + exercise = weight loss. Let me explain the problem with this equation. Can you imagine trying to sit on a three-legged stool that had one leg missing? Missing one third of the parts will cause you to fall short of your intended outcome every time. ... Views: 747
This article is not about a new miracle pill that melts the fat off your body. The best strategy of fat loss is to earn it. Forget about any shortcuts and quick fixes—they do more damage than good.
The first step in earning a lean and tight body is to consume five to six small meals per day. ... Views: 757
Never, no never does nature say one thing and wisdom another.
—Johann Christolph
The influence of nutrition exceeded that of any other health measure, including medical intervention.
—Thomas McKeown
We all will agree that our health is the most important aspect of our success in all areas of ... Views: 712
Good health starts at the cellular level. For the body to be healthy, cells must be healthy, and to be healthy, cells need nourishment and protection. Nourishment is provided by nutrients, and protection is dependent on a variety of factors such as your immune system, the nutrients that make up ... Views: 779
It’s everywhere. Is this media frenzy funded by Hershey’s or Mars? Or could it be true? There is a type of chocolate that really is good for you! The headlines read, dark chocolate increases energy and reduces chronic fatigue; a natural way to enhance mood and mental clarity; reduces the risk of ... Views: 736
Most medical experts would agree that one of the best ways to improve your health is to reduce your sugar intake. Doing this can help decrease your chances of getting diabetes and being overweight or obese—both epidemics in this country with adults and children alike. Consider these facts:
* ... Views: 1263
Optimum health and vitality are what most people strive to achieve and yet seldom do. If our bodies are, as we read so many times, perfect organisms, then how can sickness and disease possibly affect us? Contrary to what you might read in most entertainment magazines, a perfect body is not ... Views: 776
How much does your food cost? Have you ever given it much thought? Does your food budget dictate what you can and cannot consume? Do the weekly newspaper coupons, along with the sale end caps in your local grocery store, choose for you? Why are other people dictating to you what’s going to be on ... Views: 2970
Are you weary of hearing about those bad, bad fats? “Don’t eat that junk. It’ll make you fat.” Many writers can’t resist the words artery clogging when they mention saturated fat.
I won’t distinguish between fats and fatty acids or other complications, but there are distinctions that will help ... Views: 628
The power of live foods for healing is being more and more supported by traditional research. On the basis of recent journal articles, a calorie-restricted diet and upgraded gene expression (which come automatically with live foods) have become keys to understanding the clinical effectiveness of ... Views: 878
Someone once said, “I don’t believe that paying extra for organic food will benefit anybody but those who sell it.”
There are a lot of people out there who are opposed to buying or eating organic food. I do not know why, but it is possible that the main reason is that it is hard to change; ... Views: 901
This may sound a bit odd coming from me, but I believe that regardless of what you eat, how many times each week you exercise, or what particular diet you decide to try, if you do not have your inner life in order, it will be difficult to be at peace with yourself and your body.
In discussing ... Views: 1030
The stress that accompanies our lives can, at times, overwhelm us. Sadly, we are coping with stress by becoming a nation of addicts. According to a 2002 survey conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, there are nineteen million drug users, sixteen million heavy ... Views: 2309
When was the last time you really laughed?
I am not referring to a giggle or a chuckle. What I am talking about is side-splitting, jaw-aching, tears-running-down-your-face, all-out, roll-on-the-floor laughing. If you are like most of us, it has been longer than you can remember.
The truth ... Views: 884
Be not lax in celebrating. Be not lazy in the festive service of God. Be ablaze with enthusiasm.
—Hildegarde von Bingen
When you embrace the connection of body, mind, and spirit as the foundation for creating optimal health, enthusiastic affirmations are a powerful way to take action.
Why ... Views: 1813
Where would you rate your aliveness this minute on a scale of one to ten (one being “I am surprised I still have a pulse” and ten being “I am so excited to be alive that I can hardly wait to take my next breath”)? Do you remember a time when most of your days were lived at a nine or ten? For ... Views: 780
Remember the old nursery rhyme?
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the King’s horses and all the King’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again.
If you are old enough to recall this childhood rhyme, you are old enough to have had a few great falls of your own. ... Views: 4552
A tool that helps bring awareness to all the areas of our lives that contribute to wellness are the Seven Dimensions of Health™. The premise is that every area of our lives contributes to our health and needs to be given the same amount of energy.
What Are the Seven Dimensions of Health and ... Views: 7948
What kind of question is that anyway? Why would I even suggest that disease could be a teacher? This may seem strange, and yet, as I see it, this is the most important distinction that I draw between the current holistic and allopathic approaches to medicine.
The allopathic mind-set is one of ... Views: 1130
How do you spend your precious first waking hour? If you find yourself checking your e-mail, gulping your coffee, reading the paper, or watching the news, you are not alone—this has become standard for many harried workers today. We believe that your first waking hour of each day is your Golden ... Views: 2197
Most of us become anxious when we are not feeling well. Our stability and security are threatened, and we become fearful. “What if I have to take off from work again?” or “How will I manage if I get sick?” are questions we may ask ourselves while feeling our anxiety build. Whether we are dealing ... Views: 866
To forgive or not forgive?
Your decision could affect your health and the quality of your life. Studies prove that people who choose not to forgive have more stress-related illnesses, lower-functioning immune systems, and increased likelihood of heart disease than people who forgive.
A ... Views: 1352
When we focus on improving our lives, our first thoughts tend to center around what we can do for ourselves. We create a vision, set goals, read books, and take classes. We take action by implementing what we have learned to fulfill our goals and make our vision a reality. These steps are ... Views: 655
Have you ever wondered why some people just have it all? They’re well liked by everyone they meet, financially set, and attractive, but what stands out most is their beaming sense of self-confidence when they enter a room. It’s almost as if they have a certain “presence” that gives off positive ... Views: 746
Is something disturbing, bothering, irritating, or annoying you? If so, what is troubling you? Is it a boss that is too demanding, a coworker that is too careless, or your children that are too noisy? Does the lack of civility, the increase in crime, or the apathy of young people upset you? ... Views: 1013
Gracias. Danke. Merci. Thanks.
Simple words with the power to bind, to build, and to behold. If you’ve ever gotten thanked or given thanks, then you know its power. Just the fact that you say it can be enough to make a difference, just as not saying it can make a difference in a negative ... Views: 799
The snow was still falling, but for the most part the storm was over. It would take many days, however, before life in our small community would return to normal. Blizzards weren’t something that happened in Ohio, but there it was, a thick blanket of snow that had been whipped into incredible ... Views: 871
I truly believe that your thoughts create your life, but I don’t think that your thoughts are easy to change, at least, not by your own will. What you truly think about yourself, you perceive nonverbally before you are three years old. Trying, as an adult, to think positively when your gut feels ... Views: 862
I’ve been wondering why so many of us are so busy; after all, we’re not being forced to labor against our will. What gives?
I hate to put the blame directly on the busy person, but I believe that we are too busy because we choose to be. We like to think that it’s the boss who is piling on all ... Views: 840
In today’s fast-paced society, more than just professionals and those of us with management jobs fall victim to the pain and suffering of life’s stresses. Today’s never-ending rat race can cause us to develop such fast-moving, impulsive, stress-filled lives that we often fail to achieve the ... Views: 618
In this world, where technology has eclipsed our humanity, many of us are looking for a way to operate in our lives that fulfills our spiritual nature. People have tried different religions or disciplines with varying degrees of success or failure. They have taken motivational workshops to try ... Views: 730
Spiritual consciousness means that when the intellect affirms the Divine Presence the whole consciousness feels the meaning of what the intellect has affirmed.
–Ernest Holmes
Spiritual consciousness often sits on the sidelines of our lives, waiting for us to come to it in our moments of ... Views: 824
One simple question: would you be willing to invest a few minutes right now to save an hour a day for the rest of your life? To read a book twice as fast as you can now? To get through the morning paper in minutes? To absorb those reports, Web pages, e-mails, journals, and magazines with less ... Views: 3066
In a world where shoulds, coulds, and expectations have become the norm, life can become a complicated juggling game. “Simplify your life” is a catch phrase many coaches use with clients who are wound too tight—they have tremendous personal and professional responsibilities and stressors (some ... Views: 535