Stressed? Finding it hard to cope? Unfortunately, this is becoming the norm.
In a recent survey conducted by ACQYR, almost four in five people felt inadequately trained to cope with stress. Respondents felt that their organizations weren’t providing sufficient training and tools to effectively ... Views: 5780
Dianne first entered my office three years ago, withdrawn and hopeless. Countless doctors, psychiatrists, and other specialists had offered her medications with no lasting relief. Her compulsion was to find a cure for depression, anxiety, and sleepless nights. She was consumed by various ... Views: 742
Beliefs, Payoffs, and Effects
As a society, we reward illness. Think back to when you were a child. When you were sick, you undoubtedly received special treatment from Mom and Dad. You got to lay in a warm bed while you should have been standing outside waiting for the bus on a cold morning. ... Views: 817
What’s the quickest way to improve your health and well-being? Create “happy practices.”
A happy practice is an activity done just for the sheer fun of it. It has no practical value at all, really. In the mighty scheme of life, it probably won’t lead to you becoming a millionaire, creating a ... Views: 762
Stress is a normal reaction to life. In fact, we all need a certain amount of stress to be healthy. What is not healthy for us is the small day in, day out stresses that accumulate over time. These cause our body to deplete the stores of vital chemicals and energy necessary for health. Stress ... Views: 1046
Imagine living in a future world where people are not taught how to breathe. What if, instead of teaching citizens about this vital subject, the government ignored the matter? What if there were no schools teaching breathing as part of their health instruction? What if there were no Say Yes to ... Views: 1571
What if there was a single cause of all health problems? What if there was something you could do about it daily?
Unresolved stress is the root cause of all health problems—it can kill you. However, stress itself is not harmful—it can be good for you, as long as you recover from it. For ... Views: 2773
The term energy psychology refers to a number of related energy therapies that are based on the Chinese meridian system of medicine. Energy psychology quickly and thoroughly relieves mental health problems by eliminating emotional traumas or blockages from the mind-body continuum by touching or ... Views: 1328
Hypnotherapy uses the techniques of suggestion and trance-like states to access the deepest levels of an individual’s mind to achieve positive changes in his or her physical and mental health. Furthermore, people have come to accept hypnotherapy’s value since its formal sanction by the American ... Views: 1684
Kathy Stevens, who has been training my dogs for the past three years, is a battle-scarred veteran of the war against chronic pain. Kathy injured her back when she fell from a ladder in 1996. As a result of her injury, she lost the feeling in her legs for four weeks. When sensation did return, ... Views: 1046
It is my belief that brain chemistry disorders come to be when a brain functions at different energetic frequencies than the so-called normal brain. The names assigned to each type of frequency—attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar, autism—are simply ... Views: 8668
The foundation of all good health lies within the function and operation of an individual’s lymphatic system. Those pesky nodes, when stressed out, will swell in your neck, especially behind the ear, and will make it impossible to swallow.
The lymphatic system, according to the Microbiology ... Views: 2185
The healing art of chiropractic was discovered in 1895 by D. D. Palmer and since that time has become the largest nondrug natural healing art in the United States. On average, each year, over two hundred million visits are made to the sixty thousand plus practicing chiropractors. By 2008, it is ... Views: 3606
Imagine not being able to see the face of a grandchild, watch television, or be able to tell what time it is. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness for Americans over the age of sixty-five and affects as many as fifteen million people in the United States ... Views: 1007
Depression affects many of us at various stages of our lives. If it hasn’t affected us personally, we know someone who has been affected by it. We can feel sad and depressed for a variety of reasons such as relationship difficulties or being rejected by a lover, losing a job, divorce, workplace ... Views: 1473
My patient Bob told me his story: “Look, Doc, all I did was bend over to pick up a paper clip. Wham! I was down on the floor, sucking wind. The pain in my lower back was so intense, it brought tears to my eyes. Just breathing caused excruciating pain. I don’t even want to remember what happened ... Views: 1624
The period surrounding the birth of a child is a joy, but for many families, it can also be a time of concern. Changing roles and physical changes can leave both mothers and fathers feeling irritable, depressed, or unable to cope.
Mood changes are the most common complications of pregnancy. ... Views: 3326
Your daughter rolls out of bed to the sound of a blaring alarm and heads for the shower. She brushes her teeth, washes her face, dresses herself with the outfit you left out the night before, and heads downstairs for a piping hot bowl of oatmeal that her father just prepared for her. After ... Views: 2669
At the tender age of seven years old, my daughter Cassandra was given the devastating news that she was suffering from a severe case of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. I was shocked and unaware that arthritis afflicts 300,000 American children.
Following more than a year of medical doctors, ... Views: 1837
Modern Living versus Human Physiology
We clean our clothes, skin, houses, and cars, but what about our insides? Natural physicians will tell you, “Old age starts in the colon.” And certainly, colon toxicity underlies many commonly reported health problems—not only constipation, diarrhea, gas, ... Views: 4095
Human Physiology versus Modern Living
Human bodies have not changed much in the past 10,000 years; however, during the last 150 years, we have greatly changed our lifestyles. Our bodies deal with new chemicals, sleep habits, physical tasks, indoor lighting, noise, and other unnatural ... Views: 3082
Oral Health Impacts General Health
Bacteria in plaque around teeth are related to the plaque in blood vessels that can cause high blood pressure, heart disease, and risk for stroke. Pregnant women with gum infections may be seven times more likely to have a baby born prematurely, and there is a ... Views: 2531
There is no denying that many of the chronic ailments people suffer from today are worsened by (or even directly caused by) stress. This has been demonstrated in doctors’ offices for decades as well as being discussed in the media and in medical conferences and confirmed by medical research. ... Views: 696
When the topic of natural health is brought up in conversation, some individuals have preconceived notions and associate it with what they know about modern medicine. Thus they consider it to be the taking of a supplement instead of a drug. Others immediately think of vegetarianism with hippie ... Views: 849
How Do I Catch a Cold?
The humble cold is the most common infectious disease in the United States. It accounts for more absences from school and work than any other illness. It is the leading cause of patient visits to physicians.
It is not easy to catch a cold. Your body’s natural defenses ... Views: 832
I believe proper digestion is vital to addressing the epidemic of autoimmune diseases in this country. Digestion is the ability to take what isn’t you and turn it into you by breaking it down, assimilating the useful components, and disposing of the rest. It’s a complicated sequence of ... Views: 11106
This article focuses on alternative medicine therapies: what they are, why they are, and what difference that should make to you and yours. There might be some who do not know much about naturopathy and the alternative medicine therapies it employs. Wisdom dictates that you contact your ... Views: 2813
Naturopathy is essentially an eclectic system of medicine using the most natural and least invasive methods of treating disease. Yet it is not so much a collection of treatment strategies as it is a philosophy of treating. Naturopathic physician Kenneth Proefrock, NMD, says, “What defines ... Views: 3045
Everyone knows the story of the man who goes up in a spacecraft and comes back to earth years later. His wife, who was in her prime when he left, is now old and decrepit. The space traveler, however, has only aged a few years. So goes aging in space. As speed of travel increases to the speed of ... Views: 4735
Do you want to have clear and comfortable vision for many years? Whether you are a student, a computer user, middle-aged, or a senior, the following information will help you maintain the good eyesight that you presently enjoy.
Healthy Body, Healthy Eyes
The most basic and easiest advice is ... Views: 936
Your skin is your largest organ and a part of your immune system, containing a variety of nerve endings, sensitive to your environment, providing an excellent barrier against viruses and pathogens, regulating body temperature (by dilating blood vessels for heat loss or constricting blood vessels ... Views: 1191
My childhood memories are filled with feelings of desperation as I listened to my mother’s screams, emergency doctors coming and going from our house. In fact, every day, the first thing I did when I came home from school was run to my mother’s room to check that she was still alive. She had ... Views: 1722
Some of you may have read a recent front-page article in The Wall Street Journal. It was titled “Medical Ignorance Contributes to Toll from Aortic Illness.” The reporters discussed how all too often, the medical community is incompetent when it comes to diagnosing aortic aneurysms; not enough ... Views: 5584
I have found myself standing at the bus stop listening to other moms talking about sickness, trips to the doctor, and which antibiotics their children are taking, and I realize that I don’t fit in. I have not taken my five children to the doctor in three years. I try to talk about nutrition, and ... Views: 746
As a lifelong student and advocate of natural healing and alternative medicine, I have read, studied, and tried almost every diet ever published. But the diet I found to have by far the most power to heal is called the yeast-free diet.
This is the diet that cleans, renews, and restores the ... Views: 5973
As youngsters, we were taught strategies to prevent illness such as washing our hands, not sharing drinks with friends who have the flu, and wearing a coat when it’s cold outside. These habits have served us well; however, they are not the whole story. They don’t tell us why we get sick. In this ... Views: 6140
Acid blockers or proton inhibitors range from the mild antacids, which neutralize stomach acid, to the powerful proton pump inhibitors that prevent stomach cells from producing stomach acid. We know them as the little purple pill, Nexium®, Pepcid®, Aciphex®, Protonix®, or as calcium supplements, ... Views: 1952
Are you fatigued, depressed, or constantly sick? Negative ions may be of benefit. Sounding like Orwellian doublespeak, the statement “positive is bad, negative is good” is scientifically backed. Hundreds of research articles over the past thirty years have shown evidence that negatively charged ... Views: 7316
The ideal body has a framework of curves and arches that, with the joints, support and balance the body’s weight. When spinal curves or foot arches flatten or are exaggerated, our center of gravity is shifted. The result? Pain!
The more self-imposed problems often come from poor ergonomics ... Views: 1202
Blood testing has been traditionally used for diagnosing diseases; however, some health professionals now realize its vital importance in optimizing health, instead of just in diagnosing disease. I have been counseling clients on how to improve their health for almost thirty years, and I ... Views: 1503
Nutrition is a vital part of good health, and with the current epidemics of obesity and heart disease being experienced in the United States, Americans need to begin “thinking outside the coffin” to prolong life and avoid early disease or death. The following are some quick tips on how to ... Views: 1116
After dissolving into tears of frustration, pain, and perplexity, I went to a local emergency room (ER) in March 2002. Approximately six months prior to my ER visit, I had begun feeling slowly progressing lower leg pain and discomfort that grew to searing pain on standing still for more than a ... Views: 888
Forget about the so-called exercise experts who all say that everyone should run, or everyone should walk, or do aerobics, or lift weights, or whatever the fad exercise du jour is.
Each of us has a unique mind and body, and we should pick exercises that fit our mental and physical ... Views: 745
The Chinese have studied ways of creating and maintaining healthful longevity for thousands of years. One of the jewels coming out of this quest for everlasting youth is the gentle, life-enhancing exercise practice of Qigong (pronounced chee-GUNG). Commonly known as Chinese yoga and Feng Shui ... Views: 1639
My intention in writing this article is to pass along the most fundamental, but equally most important information I can about resistance training using weights. While there are a great many authors on this subject, my purpose is to guide you in this theater in accomplishing a strong, flexible, ... Views: 4487
I have been rail thin, and I have carried more fat than I like to admit. As a collegiate wrestler, I was 4 percent body fat. As time passed into my late twenties, I ballooned to a whopping 30 percent body fat. I felt weak, tired, edgy, depressed, and was haunted by a constant craving for ... Views: 11046
Tai Chi chuan, or simply Tai Chi (because there are two translations of the Chinese language, it is also written Taijiquan, or Taiji), was developed centuries ago by martial arts experts to advance their self-defense skills. Most commonly practiced today for its amazing health benefits, this ... Views: 3281
The world of fitness and weight loss can be extremely confusing and frustrating. Who are you to believe? Low fat. Low carb. High protein. High fat. Zone, Atkins, South Beach. The list seems to go on and on. Then there are the workouts: Pilates, Curves, Cuts, cross-training, cardio, weight ... Views: 962
A fallacy is being perpetuated that attainable health and fitness is complicated, impossible, frustrating, or just plain out of one’s reach. Individuals are often conditioned to believe that health and fitness require an all-or-nothing approach. You are either super fit or sedentary. Period! You ... Views: 775
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
In the field of health and fitness, there are many effective techniques to help us achieve our optimal weight, appearance, and fitness level. When used in isolation, however, many such techniques provide only short-term results and often produce a ... Views: 2186