Each moment is a new beginning. The universe is endlessly creating new moments and new aspects. Each "now" of the universe, of the Great Goddess Mind, is an infinite expression of new beginnings.
The expression of moments is sometimes held within the focus of time. This leads ... Views: 1994
Personal Awakening is a process of unfolding and uncovering. To awaken is to come to know and be more of who you are. It is a deep personal process, and can show you what beauty lies within you and what clouds this beauty from your own eyes. It is called an ... Views: 2971
The quote “Less is More,” written by the poet Robert Browning in 1855, inspired architect Mies Van der Rohe one of the pioneering masters of modern architecture and Buckminster Fuller inventor, architect, engineer, mathematician, poet and cosmologist. They saw this quote as a ... Views: 2342
As you participate with the energies flowing through your world, remember that this is a time for change. Many dramas are being played for your benefit. Whether these dramas are in your personal life or within the global arena, you are working within these ... Views: 2264
Our environment is an elegant vital system of life. It is a source of inspiration. Imagine the first light of dawn glistening over the oceans. Imagine a sweeping panorama from the heights of mountains. Imagine the sweet scent of flowers or the deep fragrance of ... Views: 1688
The holiday season is a rich time of year. We celebrate with those we love, and we delight in the closeness of friends and family. Does your holiday business give you the same warm feeling, or has it become a chore? If so then, it’s time to revitalize your way throughout the ... Views: 2064
Recognize and acknowledge the people and circumstances that bring you joy, comfort, support and wisdom. Blessings are not wrapped up in money or material goods. Blessings are the flow of support and generosity that embrace your life. A kind word can be a ... Views: 1734
There is a so much upheaval on our world right now. Humanity is working through war, hunger, poverty and enslavement and working to remove those patterns from our world. The Aligning in Harmony meditation is created to change the focus and move energy ... Views: 1849
Why do we make New Year’s resolutions? Because we desire change for the better. But, for those dealing with divorce, resolutions may offer much-needed hope for the future.
Resolutions are meant to give us a boost and promote positive change. However, if you think back to your past resolutions, ... Views: 880
A number of things can shake up a person's life, but divorce is definitely one of the biggest. Whether you initiated it or not, dealing with the aftermath takes a great deal of emotional fortitude.
Most people start to identify themselves in conjunction with their spouse, especially after ... Views: 1586
The "holiday season" defines the time that extends from Thanksgiving to New Year's, where all we seem to do is eat, drink and be merry. Just what is it that makes the holiday season so special?
It's a combination of things, really. The concept of giving is but one reason. What other time of ... Views: 922
Life is full of changes and transitioning from one stage or position to another is a natural part of daily living. Unfortunately, some of those changes -- like divorce, job loss, or the death of someone close to you- are imposed on you most often by circumstances beyond your control. What more ... Views: 1050
When does your unemployment become long term? Some experts say after six months. I say that in this market after a year is more accurate. Here’s why?
In a good job market it can often take at least three months to find a management or professional job. Even if you find a job and interview ... Views: 1114
1. Get Your Groove Back. My client Jon was a talented executive who had been given some negative feedback on his performance. He was confused and his confidence had taken a bashing for the first time in his career. I worked with him to understand his strengths and his challenges. Then we ... Views: 596
This is key to a successful career change. There are two main areas for understanding yourself. One is through the outward appearance and actions, and the other is through your inward feelings and emotions. To understand your outward appearance you need to look in a mirror. This mirror ... Views: 1081
Dream Job Discovery Process
Be open in this process. Don’t stop yourself from dreaming. It is important to be honest in saying what you want and don’t want in a job. There are no right or wrong answers. Ask these following questions.
1. What will you be doing?
Describe what your average ... Views: 707
Don't write a resume
Instead of sending out a resume, talk about who you are. Don't post a resume online but do post to blogs and other websites in your field. When a friend promises to send your resume to a contact instead of agreeing ask to speak to the contact instead.
WHY not write a ... Views: 790
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***Dream Job - by David Couper, The Official Guide To Career Change
What is a dream job? The answer to that question depends on who you are. For some people a dream job is working in the outdoors with animals. For people with allergies to pollen and animal dander that may be a nightmare career. To understand how to get your dream job you need to understand ... Views: 848
Do you have dreams? Of course you do because you are human. But are you living those dreams? Are you making them happen? If you have answered no to the last two questions, it is time that you start living your dreams because you only live once. You get one chance to make things happen for ... Views: 677
Have you recently gotten out of high school and you feel like you have no direction or idea what you want your main career to be? Or maybe you are a victim of the recent recession and you have been laid off or lost your job altogether. Or perhaps you are just bored with your current career and ... Views: 943
While too many people seem to be trying to make a mountain out of a molehill when it comes to the recession and our current economy, more people are seeing this problem as an opportunity to make some much needed changes in their lives. Sure, news channels and politicians would have you believe ... Views: 670
Online job searches are now the most used strategy to obtain information and search for potential employers across the globe. They are also the major source of details on changing careers. This is being facilitated by various tools in making everything a success. Job sites, search engines, and ... Views: 745
If you have ever been without a job, then you probably already know just how difficult it can be to find another job. It seems like this is especially hard if you do not have some kind of college degree. It doesn’t make any difference in the kind of worker that you are, but if it comes down to ... Views: 701
There are many available sites on the Internet, available to people wishing to get career change advice. It has never been easy to find a job like the way social networking has made it be. This is because of the varieties in the provision of jobs on different websites from where you can make ... Views: 705
A resume is meant to be the link between you and the potential employer in a way that every party purposes to meet his or her objective; for you it is the job search and for the employer it is the employee search. As a result, writing a resume to be used in an effective career transition ... Views: 900
The odds are extremely high that if you watch TV, listen to the radio, or simply just converse with your peers, that by now you know that our country is currently in a recession. Unfortunately, the news of this recession has sent hundreds of thousands; perhaps even millions of people into a ... Views: 843
A cover letter is a brief letter that accompanies your resume. It should be targeted towards the company and essentially demonstrates that you have done the research, read the job ad carefully and interested in that job. A cover letter can add a little oomph to a resume and prove that you not ... Views: 716
There may be a possibility during our tough economical times that you may lose your job. While there are not many people that this will happen to, you need to realize that there is a possibility there. Whether you lose your job or not, you should know that there are many things that you will ... Views: 614
Resume samples have been developed for a long time all in the quest of helping people seeking a career transition in the ever dynamic business industry. With these developments various items in the resumes have been changed and formats of the same have been edited to suit the employer’s ... Views: 1077
We all know that searching for the perfect job can be pretty frustrating sometimes. It’s hard enough anyway, but there are circumstances out there that seem to make it even worse. One such circumstance is the elevated amount of people who are currently searching for a job. This is because our ... Views: 764
Are you a senior who is thinking about going back to work? If you are, then you are joining many others looking into entering the work world again. But how do you go about it? The first thing you need to do is deal with the different passages in your life. Not until you deal with those aspects ... Views: 892
You retired, but now you find that you don’t know what to do with yourself or you simply can’t take the financial impact that you have to endure. Many seniors go back to work for many reasons. They may feel lonely and wish to make new friends or they just can’t stand not working. The good news, ... Views: 1517
For those going through a career change, you know how stressful the entire situation can be. Finding a new job, making new resumes and going to several interviews may seem like an incredibly daunting process. However, the career transition doesn’t have to be a nightmare. There are small little ... Views: 13109
What you should be getting paid depends on several different criteria. First and foremost is your experience. Every year you are in a career, the more money should be coming your way. However, for those in a career change, this may not always work out in your favour. Education, certification and ... Views: 676
When you are considering changing careers, it is important to decide what you wish to do and what expectations you have. Are you seeking something that will provide personal satisfaction? Are you seeking a large salary? Or is a good benefits package your main priority? What will give you the ... Views: 1014
Any functional resume has to be enticing to the prospective employer. This is because there are very many resumes that such an employer receives and only a limited number of people are being sought and will eventually be enlisted for the particular position.
Things to avoid for a functional ... Views: 745
Social networking is the approach that is being used by people around the globe to convey their intents of career transition and find out the best way to do it through great career change advice that is brought forth during discussions.
Social networking can be said to be a grouping of ... Views: 694
Negotiating a deal and getting what you want can be very satisfying. Of course, it is also a lot of work. In order to be a successful negotiator, you will need to do your homework. Know what you are talking about and what you are asking for. Be sure you know the value of what you are ... Views: 695
If you are experiencing career transition, preparation can be the best tool in your arsenal. Potential employers are looking for employees who are confident. They expect you to step into your new job and be able to take control as quickly as possible. The more prepared you are for your ... Views: 689
Do you need a career change? Well, here is the best career change advice you are probably ever going to get: You need to follow your passions and your dreams. If you don’t, you will find yourself falling into the motions of another job that you hate. Before you know it, you will be looking to ... Views: 710
Everyone in the world knows that this isn’t the greatest that our nation’s economy has ever been, and that it might be a little bit harder to find a good job than it was maybe 10 years ago. You certainly don’t have to tell this to the people who are currently looking for jobs; they already know ... Views: 668
There are a very many links to resume samples that are available for people who want to venture into career testing. However, not all resumes fit every individual and there is a specific format of resume as per the individual’s intention and the kind of job being sought for. Online resume ... Views: 791
The odds are pretty high that you will have to go on a job hunt at least once in your life, but some people seem to be on job hunts every six months. Even people who were secure in their jobs before are feeling the chill of our frosty economy and hoping that they aren’t one of the unlucky few ... Views: 786
Career transitions are tough, especially when it comes to the interview process. There’s nothing worse than the nerves that accompany an interview. Sometimes you are so concerned with saying the right thing and preparing for the common interview questions that as soon as another question is ... Views: 745
A job interview may seem pretty standard- you go, you shake hands, you smile, you answer questions and you leave. However, there are so many different mistakes you can make in that short period of time that can cost you a second interview or a position. When you are going through a career ... Views: 856
When going through a career change, it’s important to know what you can expect every step of the way. This includes the interview process. Below we’ve outlined top of the most common interview questions and how to best answer them.
1. "Tell me about yourself..."
Although technically not a ... Views: 843
When you are going through a career change, it is often hard to determine how to handle the interview. It’s a good possibility that you haven’t been in a job interview for quite some time if you are undergoing a career change; this is why it’s more important than ever to know what to say and ... Views: 703
Ok, by now we all know that our country is in a recession. These tough economic times are certainly not the worst we have ever seen, but on the same token, they are not necessarily the best either. One thing we must trust in is our resolve as a nation to pull through and come out of the ... Views: 718
Have you ever found yourself wondering what kind of job or career you would be best suited for? If so, you are certainly not alone, as there are millions of people who will go through the very same thing each and every year. There are many reasons for this too. It may be because your job simply ... Views: 699
Searching for a good job can be one of the most stressful things that you will ever do. This is especially true if you have recently lost your job because, by that point, you are worried about how you will be able to take care of your family and yourself. You are wondering where the next ... Views: 857