We kept getting tickets to nowhere. We had finished a mission trip to Jamaica and were trying to get home. However, our airline was having problems, and no matter what our tickets said, we couldn’t leave Montego Bay. Over and over we heard, “Your flight has been canceled.” Even though we had ... Views: 1073
I spent the night in Gothenberg, Sweden about two weeks ago and what I saw so impacted me that I could hardly sleep that night. It seemed as though the whole city was out frantically looking for some type of excitement or fulfillment. We were at a meeting in the Park Hotel until about 11:00. It ... Views: 1270
The Mystery of 5:37a.m.
What if you were awakened early one morning by the ringing of the telephone and to a voice in panic? It is your neighbor who claims his wife has mysteriously disappeared during the night. She was feeling fine when they went to bed and she had no history of emotional ... Views: 2107
I really do have a question for you, a very serious one. I would much prefer asking you this personally because I would really like to hear your answer. I would be very interested in hearing what you have to say. But, under the circumstances I just can’t do that. ... Views: 1291
Once upon a time there was a young man who was well known and very much respected throughout his community, as he was active in civic affairs and had done many good deeds. He went to church regularly and lived a good clean life. One night, at the early age of 42, he was stricken with a fatal ... Views: 1468
We had been married for ten years and had three little kids. I was busy as a professional person and my wife was an excellent homemaker. A few years prior we had moved from Minnesota to Seattle and we loved it out here. Yet, after ten years of a normal life, with no major ... Views: 1029